RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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page 128 of 142 <strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051<br />

and regions and of the underlying causes. An important application will be to provide ad hoc VXSSRUW<br />

WR QDWLRQDO DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO SROLF\ SODQQLQJ, based upon conclusions drawn from the inventories<br />

and the monitoring of developments in anthropogenic emissions. On request of the 0LQLVWU\ RI<br />

(QYLURQPHQW'*0DQGRWKHUV,3&&)&&&, ad hoc advice or special assessment <strong>report</strong>s can be<br />

written based on data retrieved from the EDGAR system. Foreseen is the preparation of aggregated<br />

emission factors that can be used by IPCC Expert Groups to determine default factors for revised<br />

IPCC guidelines for national GHG inventories.<br />

Results from EDGAR will be provided to the ,0$*( PRGHO to improve and its emission<br />

calculation module. If prepared, updates of current inventories will be provided to *(,$.<br />

Furthermore, aiming at fixed, well calibrated datasets, SHULRGLF XSGDWHV of the EDGAR database -<br />

including gridded inventories - will be produced. Therefore, this will be done not too frequently, only<br />

if major changes of insights or base years can be incorporated, e.g. on the basis of:<br />

- changed activity levels and changed emission factors or spatial allocation functions;<br />

- national GHG emission inventories submitted to the FCCC;<br />

- GEIA inventories that replace or update EDGAR work or that are not represented in EDGAR;<br />

- relevant results of NRP 1 and 2 projects and comments from users of EDGAR inventories.<br />

To include NRP results, consultancy with key NRP participants will be organised to exchange<br />

information on specific topics. Also, standard HPLVVLRQ ILOHV will be made publicly available, in<br />

particular aiming at NRP participants, through anonymous FTP.<br />


This topic involves aspects and inventories that are not yet in EDGAR and that are not yet covered by<br />

the GEIA programme:<br />

- Time profiles on a monthly basis, supplementary to the annual gridded emissions files which are<br />

made available for the major sources. When possible, existing profiles of similar source<br />

categories will be used as preliminary profiles;<br />

- Extensions with new compounds:<br />

- Global inventory of NH 3 ; this will also be a contribution to GEIA;<br />

- Others, depending on data availability, e.g. emission of aerosols and precursors of aerosols<br />

(amongst others DMS), including effects of volcanic eruptions; if necessary preliminary<br />

inventories may be used;<br />

- Include other VOC profiles in the inventory of NM-VOC emissions; this will also be a<br />

contribution to GEIA.<br />

- Improvement for specific sources. Depending on data availability, updates of global emissions -<br />

such as from biofuel use, biomass burning, oceans, volcanoes - will be made available. This will<br />

be done through the periodic update of the inventories described under B.2.<br />

New inventories will be made available to other NRP projects and other users in a standardised form.<br />

This includes one or more emissions scenarios on 1 o x1 o grid, created by a soft-link between gridded<br />

emission files for 1990 from EDGAR and the IMAGE 2 User Support System. Key NRP modellers<br />

are: Janssen, Builtjes, Eggink, Kelder, Lelieveld, Vermeulen, using most or all compounds, present<br />

and new. To support policy development, for all inventories developed a short assessment <strong>report</strong> will<br />

be made of policy relevant issues.<br />

Foreseen contributions of this project to GEIA are:<br />

- advice on how GEIA inventories can meet the needs of policy makers;<br />

- advice on development of an integrated and consistent suite of emissions inventories;<br />

- advice on the construction of emission scenarios on grid;<br />

- updates of inventories of N 2 O (A+N) , VOC (A), and of NO x (N) and NH 3 (A+N), if any;<br />

- inventories of CH4 from fossil fuel production;<br />

- advice on data management and, possibly, act as Dutch data dissemination centre.<br />

In reverse, new GEIA inventories may improve the structured datasets currently used in EDGAR and<br />

co-operation with GEIA participants may supply supplementary information needed to advice the<br />

Dutch government or international environmental bodies such as IPCC or the FCCC secretariat.<br />

Modifications with respect to compounds and sources will also be subject of discussion with

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