JBRH comp - Pathology Outlines

JBRH comp - Pathology Outlines

JBRH comp - Pathology Outlines


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R E G I S T R A T I O N<br />


The Weill Cornell NYC Course<br />

October 10-12, 201 3 • Thursday / Friday / Saturday<br />

Location<br />

The New York<br />

Academy of Sciences<br />

7 World Trade Center<br />

250 Greenwich St.-40th Floor<br />

New York, NY 10007-2157<br />

Course Description<br />

This 2.5 day course is designed to provide up-to-date problem-solving<br />

information for practicing surgical pathologists through the use of didactic<br />

sessions, case presentations and discussion periods. The presentations<br />

will be organized into organ-based sessions, and will primarily focus on<br />

resolution of the most common diagnostic problems facing anatomical<br />

pathologists in routine practice. Participants will learn current classifications<br />

and diagnostic criteria for a variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic<br />

diseases. It is expected that participants will develop an insight into<br />

evolving concepts regarding pathogenesis of various diseases.<br />

Differential diagnoses will be discussed at length, and a practical and<br />

pragmatic approach to case evaluation will be emphasized. The faculty<br />

will integrate morphology with newer diagnostic tests, including<br />

immunohistochemistry and various molecular assays. Participants<br />

will learn about clinical features of various tumor entities along<br />

with pathological prognostic and predictive factors. Adequate time<br />

will be allowed for questions and answers. CME and SAM credits will be<br />

available for course registrants. Each registrant will receive a syllabus<br />

containing <strong>comp</strong>rehensive course materials.<br />

Statement of Need<br />

The past few years have seen a tremendous increase in the variety<br />

and <strong>comp</strong>lexity of diseases encountered by surgical pathologists.<br />

Recent advances in molecular techniques have led to their widespread<br />

application to human disease, particularly with respect to the<br />

evaluation of malignancies. This course is designed to address problems<br />

that arise during pathologic evaluation of tissue samples, and provide<br />

pathologists with a framework for interpretation of both histologic<br />

patterns of disease and results of molecular analyses.<br />

Course Goals and Objectives<br />

It is intended that this Weill Cornell CME activity will lead to improved<br />

patient care. At the conclusion of this activity, participants should<br />

be able to:<br />

• Improve diagnostic skills in problematic aspects of anatomic<br />

pathology.<br />

• Identify, classify, and distinguish between benign, premalignant,<br />

and malignant lesions of different organs.<br />

• Apply ancillary tests to evaluation of non-neoplastic and<br />

neoplastic diseases.<br />

• Communicate results to clinicians effectively and learn to utilize<br />

clinical clues to diagnoses.<br />

Target Audience<br />

General surgical pathologists and pathologists-in-training.<br />

To Register/Information<br />

Ms. Jessica Pfeifer • tel: 212-746-6464 • fax: 212-746-8192<br />

email: jep2018@med.cornell.edu • www.cornellpathology.org<br />


The Weill Cornell NYC Course<br />

AGENDA<br />

Thursday, October 10, 2013<br />

7:00-7:45 am ......... Registration/Continental Breakfast<br />

7:45-8:00 am ........ Welcoming Remarks<br />

Daniel M. Knowles, MD<br />

Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD<br />

morning session<br />

G Breast <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Moderator: Sandra J. Shin, MD<br />

8:00-8:45 am ........ Diagnosis and Pitfalls in<br />

Needle Core Biopsies<br />

of the Breast<br />

Sandra J. Shin, MD<br />

8:45-9:30 am......... Practical Impact of<br />

Selected Advances in<br />

Diagnostic Breast <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Syed A. Hoda, MD<br />

9:30-9:45 am ........ Q&A<br />

9:45-10:00 am ...... Break<br />

10:00-10:30 am .... An Algorithmic Approach<br />

to Spindle Cell Lesions of the Breast<br />

Sandra J. Shin, MD<br />

10:30-11:00 am ..... Use (and Misuse) of Immunostains<br />

in Diagnostic Breast <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Syed A. Hoda, MD<br />

11:00-11:45 am....... Case Presentations<br />

Timothy M. D'Alfonso, MD<br />

11:45-12:00 pm ...... Q&A<br />

12:00-1:30 pm ....... Lunch<br />

afternoon session G Gynecologic <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Moderator: Lora Hedrick Ellenson, MD<br />

1:30-2:30 pm ......... What Every Surgical Pathologist<br />

Should Know about<br />

Placental <strong>Pathology</strong>: Part 1<br />

Rebecca Baergen, MD<br />

2:30-3:30 pm ......... What Every Surgical Pathologist<br />

Should Know about<br />

Placental <strong>Pathology</strong>: Part 2<br />

Rebecca Baergen, MD<br />

3:30-3:45 pm ......... Q&A<br />

3:45-4:00 pm ........ Break<br />

4:00-4:45 pm ........ Endometrial Hyperplasia:<br />

New (or Recycled?) Concepts<br />

in Diagnosis<br />

Lora Hedrick Ellenson, MD<br />

4:45-5:45 pm ......... Neoplasia of the Ovary<br />

and Fallopian Tube<br />

Christopher P. Crum, MD<br />

5:45-6:00 pm ........ Q&A<br />

6:15-7:15 pm ........... Cocktail Reception<br />

Meet the Faculty<br />

Friday, October 11, 2013<br />

morning session<br />

G Hematopathology<br />

Moderator: Attilio Orazi, MD<br />

7:15-8:00 am ........ Continental Breakfast<br />

8:00-9:00 am ...... Bone Marrow Biopsy in Myeloproliferative<br />

Neoplasms: Usefulness and Limitations<br />

Attilio Orazi, MD<br />

9:00-9:45 am ....... Low Grade Lymphomas and Plasma Cell Neoplasms<br />

Scott A. Ely, MD, MPH<br />

9:45-10:00 am ..... Q&A<br />

10:00-10:15 am .... Break<br />

10:15-11:00 am ...... Diagnostic Approach to Aggressive Lymphomas<br />

Wayne Tam, MD, PhD<br />

11:00-11:45 am ...... Case Presentations<br />

Julia T. Geyer, MD<br />

11:45-12:00 pm ..... Q&A<br />

12:00-1:30 pm ...... Lunch<br />

afternoon session G Genitourinary <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Moderator: Juan Miguel Mosquera, MD, MSc<br />

1:30-2:15 pm .......... Biopsy Interpretation of the Urinary Bladder:<br />

Diagnostic Dilemmas and Clinical Considerations<br />

Brian D. Robinson, MD<br />

2:15-3:00 pm ........ Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: Dilemmas,<br />

Reporting and Clinical Implications<br />

Juan Miguel Mosquera, MD, MSc<br />

3:00-3:15 pm ........ Q&A<br />

3:15-3:30 pm ......... Break<br />

3:30-4:30 pm ....... Case Presentations<br />

Juan Miguel Mosquera, MD, MSc<br />

Brian D. Robinson, MD<br />

4:30-4:45 pm ....... Q&A<br />

4:45-5:45 pm ........ Molecular Archeology of Prostate Cancer:<br />

Digging for Clinical Applications<br />

Mark A. Rubin, MD<br />

Saturday, October 12, 2013<br />

morning session<br />

G Gastrointestinal <strong>Pathology</strong><br />

Moderator: Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD<br />

7:15-8:00 am ........ Continental Breakfast<br />

8:00-9:00 am ..... The Flat Duodenal Biopsy:<br />

What to Do When It Isn't Sprue<br />

Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD<br />

9:00-9:45 am ...... The Acute Colitis Pattern: Clinical Implications<br />

and Differential Diagnosis<br />

Jose Jessurun, MD<br />

9:45-10:00 am ..... Q&A<br />

10:00-10:15 am .... Break<br />

10:15-11:00 am ..... Ancillary Testing in Colorectal Cancer<br />

Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD<br />

11:00-11:45 am ...... Case Presentations<br />

Nicole Panarelli, MD<br />

11:45-12:00 pm ..... Q&A<br />

12:00-12:15 pm ..... Closing Remarks<br />

Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD<br />

<br />


The Weill Cornell NYC Course<br />

October 10-12, 2013<br />

Thursday / Friday / Saturday<br />

Two Easy Ways to Register<br />

Register and pay online. We accept Visa, MasterCard<br />

and American Express. Follow links to the main page<br />

of the course website, located on the Weill Cornell<br />

Medical College Department of <strong>Pathology</strong> and Laboratory<br />

Medicine website:<br />

www.cornellpathology.org<br />

Register by mail using the registration form.<br />

To pay by mail:<br />

Checks must be in U.S. currency and drawn on a U.S. bank. Make check<br />

payable in U.S. currency to: WCMC/<strong>Pathology</strong> Dept. International<br />

participants can contact us directly for our wire transfer information.<br />

When registering, please be sure to use a <strong>comp</strong>lete mailing address.<br />

Return this form with payment to:<br />

Ms. Jessica Pfeifer<br />

Department of <strong>Pathology</strong> and Laboratory Medicine<br />

Weill Cornell Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, Room C-302<br />

New York, NY 10065 • Fax: 212-746-8192<br />

FEES<br />

All Pathologists<br />

Residents and Fellows<br />

$675<br />

$425<br />

The registration fee includes course materials, continental<br />

breakfast and coffee breaks. The fee does not include travel,<br />

housing or other meals.<br />

Complete all of the information below: (please print)<br />

Name<br />

E-mail<br />

Institution<br />

Tel. (Office)<br />

Department<br />

Address<br />

City/State/Zip Code<br />

(Home)<br />

Fax<br />

Design: <strong>JBRH</strong> 212.988.6752

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