1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

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0-i INDEX ,<br />


AssErIBLY<br />

JOINT<br />


VOL . I PAGE . I VOL. I PAGE .<br />

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MEMBERS (continued) :-<br />


R6iii~ved Cliamber by S'drjeant-at-Arms, by direction Of Air. Deputy-Speaker, 146.<br />

AttZniioii calud (Mr : llolnz~n) to, when leaving Chamber, and use <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fensive words to Deputy-<br />

Speak6r'said it was a case that could be dealt with ; lie would . consult<br />

Jr~ansard", and report to the House, 146 ; statement by Air.<br />

down pr6eedure to be followed in future, 147-8 .<br />

Spea ke' y co ' ii~6rnin 9 , aii cl Iaylng<br />

i<br />


R.eiii6ved froin' Chamber by Serjeant-at-Arins, 21t ; statcmen~, by Mr. Speaker th6t after being<br />

""r.emov&I f 11~ 6ounnitonorable I the H -) 1\1,ember had returned to the Chamber and taken pairt in' busin6s<br />

0<br />

tee, 217 ; Honorable Member " named " by Mr . Speaker, on motion <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr .*<br />

Aledowen Honorable Member adjudged guil'y <strong>of</strong> contempt, and motion made (,31r.<br />

MlcGoi~en~) for suipeusi6n .froAi service <strong>of</strong> the Housp for one week, and debate adjourned,<br />

~0' ;'deb~t'~ resuined . Pob*it <strong>of</strong> Orler,-That the Honorable Member had bad no opportunity<br />

<strong>of</strong> I makii;g an explanation b~ for e anyy<br />

motion ~jas moved-Mr . Speaker said that<br />

after the Prenne*r had moved the motion an opportunity had been given to the Honorable<br />

Member <strong>of</strong> speaking in explanation, which was not accepted ; by leave <strong>of</strong> House, Mr. Perryl<br />

heard inle.xplanation ; debate continued, amendment moved (Mr . Cccnn~, to alter period<br />

<strong>of</strong> suspension t6 one day's' sitting agreed to, motion as amended carried, Mr . .Spqaker<br />

direcieii the Serjeant-at-Arnis to'request A r."Perr y ~o attend in . h is place to hear decision<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hojiisc,1219-26.<br />

CONDUOT OF,riu.-,lHo~xo~ADmi' MEA1BFR FOR BEGA (111r . TV60d) :-<br />

Named" by'Mr . Speaker for usingw6rds'to which exceptionwas taken byMr. Speaker,218 ;<br />

heard in his place, motion made ( .3& . Flolvian), that the Honorable Member i~ imputing<br />

p9tulaiice to the ċhair is disorderly and worthy <strong>of</strong> ceDsure, al;d that he* be called upon to<br />

withdrawland ap6logise ; amendinent (01r. Fell), to call upon him, to disclaim the intention<br />

<strong>of</strong> being o~'ensivc, agreed to ; Air. Wood informed, and disclaimed having usqd'tbe words<br />

<strong>of</strong>fensivply,, 221-2 .<br />

CONDft!r~ OF Tlll~ HONORABLF MIUNTIBER, FOi,. NEWCASTLE (3f?-. Gardiner)<br />

I'Nainedl'byMr .Speaker,218 ; heard in his place in explanation, motion made (Mr.31cGolven),<br />

that explanation be considered satisfactory, agreed to, 222.<br />


Named " by Mr . Speaker for having used certain words, 218 -, heard in his place in explanation,<br />

and bayin' Iej.i\iised certain words, motion made~ (Mr. McGowen), that the conduct <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lionorab l6nber in imputing unfairness to the Chair is disorderly and -,vortby <strong>of</strong><br />

consure, and that lie be called upon to withdraw and apologise, Serjeant-at-Arms<br />

instrue.ted-1 to convey censure <strong>of</strong> House, entered Chamber and resolution read to him by<br />

Mr . Speaker, withdrew and apologised, removed from Chamber by Serjeant-at-Arms,<br />

223 ; introduce(l by Serjeant-at-Arms am informed <strong>of</strong> resolution, i~itlidrew words complained<br />

<strong>of</strong>,jsliown out <strong>of</strong> Chamber b~agerjcant-at-Arnis ; motion made ( .31r. McGowen),<br />

that explanation be considered satisfactory, and MrApeaker left 'Chair,' resumed, and<br />

made statcoient desiring the Honorable _Tkieniber to put apology in writing, 225-6 ; Serjeantat-Arnis<br />

directed to inforin 'Mr. INfoxhain that lie was required in the House, and reported<br />

that the 116norable TNI.cnibei~ refused to attend, motion made ( .41r. _McGoiven), to dissent<br />

from r' lin 1' <strong>of</strong> Mr . Speaker on the motion that the apology and witlid' rawal <strong>of</strong>, be con -<br />

sideredu<br />

salifactory, statement by Mr . 81~eaker concerning, motion agree4 to, 227-9 ;<br />

iii0iiOn ln*acic (31~ : McGoweny, that the withdrawal -and apology be co'nsidered satisfactory,<br />

itnd agreed to, 229 .<br />

CONDUCT OF TaE HoNoRABIX MFZIBER, Fop. Gi,oum,riR (M`r . Price) :-<br />

8 I ~ Named " by Mr . Speaker,' 2`2 i ;'heard in explanatioii ; and'<br />

withdrew word, motion<br />

(A6 . 11obn at h), that ~xpjanation be con'sideredsatisfadory', '<br />

q2LE<br />

KES AGES ,:-<br />


Delivered by tli~ Usher <strong>of</strong> tlib Black Rod, 2.<br />

I Assentifig to'Barchan towards Mirool Railway Bill 4.<br />

2 11. Do F nley to Tocuinwal. Raili~ay Bill, C'<br />

3 . 'long to Burrown Railway Bill, 4.<br />

4 . Do Srown , i tlai~<br />

da~<br />

ds Ospftnondment) Bill, 4.<br />

5 . ]be<br />

tal (Infectious Wards) Enabling Bill, 5 .<br />

6. . Do ~ St . Yincent's Hospital- Bill, 5 .<br />

7 . Do<br />

I .Bursz~ry EndowinentBill, 5 .<br />

8 . Do IStatq Brickworks Amplification <strong>of</strong> Plant Bill, 5 .<br />

9 . Do ILoan Bill (No. 2), 5 .<br />

10. Do Public Instruction Offices Bill, 5 .<br />

Il . . Do 'Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 6,<br />

12. Do I do (Managem'ent) Bill ; 6 . -<br />

13 . Do Sydn6y Corporation (Dwelling Houses) Bill, 6 .<br />

14 . Do Housing Bill (No . 2), 6 .<br />

15 . Do Supreme Court and Circuit Courts (Amendment) I Bill, I 1 ~ 6 -.<br />

16 . Do Criminal Appeal Bill,<br />

j ~ .<br />

6 . -<br />

17 . Do Induftrial Arbitration Bill,, 7 .<br />

18 . RecominendiAg Vote <strong>of</strong> Credit, 10 .<br />

19 . Do Volerinary Vill" and Surgeons Bill, 10 .<br />

20 . Do<br />

Ve rtatiOD Diseases (Amending) B 11 .<br />

21 . Do Fr S. t<br />

22 . Do .ek uit Case Brands (Amendment) Bill, 11 .<br />

23. Do 'acinth Bill 11 .<br />

24 . Do " F T , ~ rtil to rM<br />

i Anendinent ! Bill, 11 .<br />

25 .<br />

26 .<br />

Do<br />

Do<br />

Pastures .t tary rotection (Amendment) Bill, 11 .<br />

Powers and Privileges Bill, 19 .<br />

27.<br />

28 .<br />

Do<br />

Do<br />

111 P. 6, ,rii a~ _re rBi us I t<br />

" e, ' Bill, 9 . 19,<br />

29 . Do Su Pa,, %,cme Court Procedure Bill, 19 .<br />

30 . Do<br />

,nontary Representatives Allowance Bil),, 1.9 .<br />

31. Do Mt~inteiiance Orders Bill, 20,<br />

32. Do Gas Bill, 20;<br />

33. Do I University (Anwriditi.<br />

ent),13ill, 20.<br />

8C Assenting to Consolidated Rovenuo Fund and Public Works Fund,Bill,'29

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