1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

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1<br />

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- ~X-xyfii 'INDEX.<br />



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I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

VOL.<br />

PAGE .<br />

SPEAKER (con,<br />

Tur, HoNoi<br />

Motion ( .<br />

<strong>of</strong> or(<br />

Writ issu<br />

Pleas, &c<br />

DisSENT IPR(<br />

Decision I<br />

Gove<br />

That he c<br />

That the<br />

MoVe<br />

to all<br />

the 0<br />

That a Qt<br />

to Ila<br />

and i<br />

That the<br />

prov ;<br />

That it<br />

ThcHoi<br />

<strong>of</strong> his<br />

The refusi<br />

That a 11101<br />

,to alIj<br />

<strong>of</strong> free'<br />

negat<br />

That lie ca<br />

with 1-1<br />

That the cl<br />

;altlioul<br />

(111r . ,<br />

Dissm,111 FRO<br />

Removal 0~1<br />

!ruled ~<br />

Rumxcs or :<br />

That when<br />

House<br />

That a mill<br />

'Rulinj<br />

Thata mot<br />

Willis<br />

entere<br />

That the it<br />

.<br />

had bt<br />

That the n<br />

the co<br />

tor diE<br />

That a mo<br />

order,<br />

That the<br />

was it<br />

That inoti<br />

out o<br />

That it w<br />

LE TIENRY WlLLI-, :-<br />

'r . Levy), with reference to Aaec6mciit between the Government and, ruled out<br />

r, 12 .<br />

I against, by the '.Honorable John Perry, 15 .<br />

in case Perry v.,*219 . . . .<br />

. . . . . . .<br />

I RULING<br />

leave the Chair, without Quesfion put, after returning from hearing the Lieutenantor's<br />

Speoch delivered, and negativod (Mr. Cohf.-u), 9 .<br />

i oil h.is own authority postpone .a private Member's - motion duly set down oil the<br />

ss Paper, and negatived (Alr . Cohen), 13 .<br />

otion <strong>of</strong> urgency which the Honorable Member for T)arlinghursbwas proceeding to<br />

n reference to Notice <strong>of</strong> 116tion No . 32 oil the Notice Paper far thatday, in reieterice .<br />

greerrient between tho'Government and the Honorable IlenrY Willis in reference to<br />

cc <strong>of</strong> Speaker, was out <strong>of</strong> order, and negatived (jlfr . Levy), 17 .<br />

stion asked by the Hon,)rablc Afember for Darlinghurst, that certain remarks alleged<br />

heen inade :it Lithgow, its reported in the newspapers <strong>of</strong> that (lay, was out <strong>of</strong> order,<br />

c the Ronorable Ncleniber would not vouch for the correctness <strong>of</strong> the said reports,<br />

gati ved (31r. Levy), 20 .<br />

otion " That the Spealter's words accusing the Honorable Alember for Gordon <strong>of</strong><br />

cation be taken down,"-was out <strong>of</strong> order, and negatived (Dr . Arthur), 27 .<br />

its not in order to discuss i. motion dealing with the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Speaker," and<br />

red (Hr. 11'ood), 48 .<br />

Drable Nleml)cr is very much out<strong>of</strong> order in interrupting the Preirder in the delivery<br />

pooch ; he must not continue to do so," and negatived (Mr . Brivsley Hall), 58 .<br />

to place on Busin~3 .% Paper, <strong>of</strong> 28th September, it notice <strong>of</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> dissent front<br />

duly given b.~ the Honorable Member for Darlinghurst, oil 27th September, and<br />

negazi" ~ed (i)[r . Levy), 59-60 .<br />

ion moved as it matter <strong>of</strong> Privilege, referring to the action <strong>of</strong> Mr. Speaker in refusing<br />

v the Honorable Alember for Bega to address the House, depriving him <strong>of</strong> his right<br />

specch, wits out <strong>of</strong> order, not .being it matter <strong>of</strong> Privilege, but one <strong>of</strong> order, and<br />

,,ed ( .117% 11'ood), 60 .<br />

i post-pone it question <strong>of</strong> Privilege and allow other business to intervene in accordance<br />

tanding Order No . 159-afid ;House counted out (Mr. Price), 61 .<br />

,bate oil the motion <strong>of</strong> Mr. Lovien thould terminate by calling Mr . Levien in reply,<br />

,h Honorable Aletubers rose and wished to address the House, and negatived<br />

I'ade), 225 .<br />

a AMON :<br />

'ithe 11morable e ons'e, Member (13h% for Darling Harbour from the Chamber when in the act <strong>of</strong><br />

-addre<br />

Wood) Point q.f<br />

Order, -That the motion proposed to dissent<br />

~froni i ,n action not a ruling, Further Point qj 07-der,-That the conduct <strong>of</strong> 3\1r . Speaker<br />

Autd r~ contly been under review, and that-his action'could not be again discussed,-<br />

gainst, motion negatived, 0 231 .<br />

there was no Standing Order,<br />

.<br />

resort . was had to the Custom and Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong> CommoDs, 8, 13 . 1<br />

I<br />

;er <strong>of</strong> Privilege should take procedenne over the notice for Dissent from Speaker's<br />

, 8, 13 .<br />

on to discuss the agreenient between the Government and The Honorable Henry<br />

,in reference to the <strong>of</strong>fica <strong>of</strong> Speaker, was out <strong>of</strong> order as no agreement bad been<br />

I into, 12 .<br />

otion given notice <strong>of</strong> by the 11onorable Alember for Darliighurst (Mr . Levy), which<br />

cii ruled out <strong>of</strong> order, was still out <strong>of</strong> order, fo~ the reasons previously given, 17 .<br />

)tice <strong>of</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> the Honorable Member for Bega (Mr. lFood), which referred to<br />

itinued infraction <strong>of</strong> the law <strong>of</strong> <strong>Parliament</strong> . was out <strong>of</strong> order ; a course wasprovided<br />

ienting front the rulings <strong>of</strong> Mr . Speaker, 17 .<br />

ion " That the Speaker's words be taken down " was obsolete, and therefore out <strong>of</strong><br />

19 .<br />

fouse liad no cognisarice <strong>of</strong> what appeared in the Press, and therefore it motion<br />

Ang certain statement- by Mr. Speaker respecting the Honorable Member for Gordon<br />

t one <strong>of</strong> Privilpge, and was out <strong>of</strong> order, 19.<br />

n (Mr . Levy) in reference tD expunging notices ot motions from Business Paper was<br />

order, 29.<br />

3 not in orier to discuss a motion dealing with the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Speaker, and<br />

i was therefore out <strong>of</strong> order, 41 .<br />

Thata ion tinder Privilege referring to the action <strong>of</strong>Nlr. Speaker in refusing the Honorable<br />

3r for 13e(la ( All% I Praod) the. right to address the House oil a motion then before<br />

,the H ~usc, depriving him <strong>of</strong> his right <strong>of</strong> free speech, was oU <strong>of</strong> order, not being a matter<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pri rilege, 47-9 .<br />

That the 'I otalizator Bill di& not,constitute a tax on tile revenue, and therefore did note require<br />

. .a , .1A] es cage from the Governor, and was in order, S3.<br />

.T .11at it 1110 lion which iappeared oil tho Bus'incss Paper, and had lapsed, could not be moved on<br />

Ithe s, ~uie<br />

N\7ayS<br />

day as all amendment oil the reading <strong>of</strong> Order <strong>of</strong> the Day 'for Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

1,and A-leans, as it bad been dealt with, 121 .<br />

That it wii 4 for the House to~determine whether aparagraph ~whiclr appeared in thePressshould<br />

'be Pea<br />

Thd , 1, 123.<br />

t if til ~'Honori.tble Member 'for, Grq'rdow'(-NT r . 'W.ade)'had denied the statement made in the<br />

,Daily Telegraph,'headed"I Air. -Speaker's Ruling-,\Ar 'Wade's 'Comolaint,"Ithe editor <strong>of</strong><br />

j~might then have .been summoned, but the .-Honor~ble Member had 'own6d up t~<br />

; used'the words an'a ;wasvm*akiii-g,.i~is,de~fence; .~1-24.<br />

55<br />


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