1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

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q<br />

INDEX .<br />

ii7iltENCES TO lr. AND 'PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 1-22ND rARLIAMENT-SESSION 1911-1912.<br />


VOLUMES-<br />

JOINT<br />

VOLUMES.<br />

VOL. PAO VOL. PACE .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

MARRIAGES :-<br />

]Fi<br />

'Celobrati611j <strong>of</strong>, by RP-verend F. B . Cowling (Session 1911). . Printed by Assembly,<br />

Y J1 Session~ 1911-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485<br />

Mc iA , A1%lES1 (See "RAILWAYS") .<br />


LIC WORKS 11) .<br />


Appointed Chairman <strong>of</strong> 6~mmittees, 24 .<br />


Motion ma7e 01'r llotmav.) for leave to bring in, presented, and read 1', 317 . .<br />

MEM13ERS<br />

Atten ~<strong>of</strong>, in * Divisions and Counts-out (Sessional papi~r) ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.15<br />

Sworn, 6 (2), 115, 119, 155 .<br />

Ordered to Do removea from the Chamber by the Serjeant-at-Arms, uses disorderly<br />

words, ~Serjeant-at-Arins directed to bring back into Chamber, Acting Clerk<br />

i<br />

takes down words ; Motion made (Mr . McGowen) that words are disorderly, and<br />

"ought to be withdrawn and apology made to the House ; Member explains,<br />

withdraws, and apologises ; l1dotion aropped, 83 . '<br />

Brought back into Chaffiber by Serjeant-at-Aiiiis (the Honorable John Perry, The<br />

Richm~nd~ 7 ; (31'r . _11oxhu,m), 83 .<br />

Called to order, leaves Chamber in disorderly manner, refuses to return to Chamber,<br />

.<br />

nanied by Al r . Speaker, adjudged guilty <strong>of</strong> contempt, and slaspendect from service<br />

<strong>of</strong> tlio House till lie apologises, 87 ; enters B-ouse, desires to,ask a question,<br />

refuses to withdraw, r0aloved by the Serjeant-at-Ai-ins, assisted by poll(;,<br />

Speaker explains course .to bo followed, 151, 156)- apologises without reservation,<br />

1.199 .<br />

Makes explanation in reference to newspaper article,* 124 .<br />

Guilty <strong>of</strong> Disorder, removed from Chamber by Sorjeaiit-at-Arms :-<br />

The Honorable Member for The Richniond (Mr. 1'erry), 34,<br />

Do do Bega ( .11r . fFood) 7 26, 33 . 45 87 . 151 21 .5 285<br />

Do<br />

Ordered to<br />

Police<br />

Of Electiol<br />

Motion, "<br />

?95, 3!<br />

Motion, , "<br />

That Main<br />

Directed t<br />

Words tak<br />

Declines t,<br />

Closure mc<br />


Papers in<br />

do Orange (31r . J . C . L . Fitzp'at,r ;.c1c),'8, 34, 4.1, 157 .<br />

do Petersham (31r . Cohen), 34, 151, 241, 269 .<br />

do G11micester (AIr . 34, 157 .<br />

do Parramatta (31r.' .3Jox1iaTa), 34, 83, 151 .<br />

do Darlinghurst (Mr . Levy), 34, 124.<br />

do Deniliquin *(31r . Petersj, 148 .<br />

do '~Vaverley'(Colovel 0,iislou;), 124, 1 .51 .<br />

do The Clyde (31r . Ili . .31illard), 151 .<br />

do Middle Harbour (Dr . Arthit.,r), 1'51, 241 .<br />

do Darling Harbour (Mr . CdchTan), 226 .<br />

do Annandale (31r . Bruntnell), 216<br />

do Armidale (31-r . Lonsdale), 216 .<br />

be removed, and other members interpose to prevent execution <strong>of</strong> order .<br />

Zers ordered to -assist Serjeant-at-Arms ; Members again interpose, and<br />

balled in to assist Serjeant-at-Arnis, 33 .<br />

s and Qualifications Committee, sworn~ 19 (3), 20 (1,)<br />

'hat Member be not further heard," 9, 21, 22, 94, 207, 220, 243, 248,<br />

'hat member be now heard," 49 .<br />

er be further heard, 64 65 94 246 . 1<br />

discuoti-nue his spe6eh '19 '38 '58, 64 . 94 136, 140, 156, 159, 246 .<br />

i down by direction oi Mi . S~eake'r, 83 .<br />

move motion, a~ amended by Mr . Speaker, 201 .<br />

od~ lViember speaking in reply, 295 .<br />

Y PASSES :-<br />

onnection with issue <strong>of</strong> 'to, who have represented constituencies<br />

ents, 267 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i- . . : . three<br />

. . . . . . .<br />


MESSAGES ' .<br />

Fito-al COTf.-,AT SIONFUS US,<br />

Delivered by s ier o in Black Rod, 2, 5 .<br />

Fitom 1*1iFU1r%ANT-GOVFRNOR :- I .<br />

1 .<br />

Assenti g to Consolidated Revenue Fund and Public Works Fund Bill, 6 .<br />

2 . Recommending Mnswellbrook to Merriwa Railway Bill, 30 .<br />

W Forbes to Stookinbiligal Railway bill 30 .<br />

D~l 117agga Wagga to Tumbcrumba'Railw'ay Bill, 30 .<br />

5 . D~ Parkes to Peak Hilt Railway Bill_ 30 .<br />

6 . Ttillainore to Tottenham Railway Bill . 31 .<br />

7 . D Dunedoo to Coonabarabran Railway Bill, 31,<br />

8 D~ Vaucluse Sewerago Bill, 31 .<br />

9 . D lylanuipg Rivor Barboiir Works Bill, 31 .<br />

10 . DO 'Son 0) CDast Pailway Deviation (Waterfall and Otford) Bill,<br />

IL Do<br />

31 .<br />

Vote <strong>of</strong> Credit, 49 .<br />

12 . Assenting to Consolidated Revenue Fund and Public Works Fund Bill, 59 .<br />

13 Do <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Mections (Amendment) Bill . 59 .<br />

14 . Do 'VIlarwick Farni Railway Act Extension Bill, 59 .<br />

.15 . Recomi~cnding Tramways (Carriage <strong>of</strong> Goods) Bill, 69 .<br />

16 Do Water and Dr9inage (Aniondment) Bill, 69 .<br />

17 . 1) Crown Lands (Declarator.y) Bill, 76 .<br />

18 . D~ le.-toliers' College Bill, 79 .<br />

19 . D Public TlistructiAm (Ame-ndinent) Bill, 80 .<br />

20 . Assenting to Methodist Church Bill, 104 .<br />

21 . Rcewri,tending Estinlatoo, for 1911-12, 109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

22 . D<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Criminal Appeal Bill . 110 .<br />

23 . '. D~- Suprcnie Court and Circuit Courts (Amendment) Bill, 110 .<br />

24 . Ass~~rti g to Dimocloo'to C-Goliaharabran . Itailway Bill, 111 .<br />

~5- Do Mnswellbrook to 'Merriw .q Rnilwpiy Bill .<br />

')6 .<br />

1,12 .<br />

Do~ Forbes tO Stockinbingal Railway Bill, _119 .<br />

3<br />

3<br />

C61<br />

51"3 .

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