1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

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INDEX .<br />

o<br />

213YERUNCES TO TfiH #Otid A*b PROCHHDING9, YOi : i~2ift PAM,1AMHNT-8H881O5 1 §69 .<br />

Ass9NIBly<br />

VOLUMES.<br />

JOI14T<br />

VGLUMES .<br />

VOL. PAGP. VOL. PAGE .<br />


Motion made ( ;Vr. Pa'rke~),Withbut. . .<br />

Notice, for Select Cotninittee aiid~n'egatived, 292 .<br />


WORKS'-).<br />


Motion rmide (31r. O'Sallivan) for a feturn showing cost-<strong>of</strong><br />

origin.~l 6opy published by thb Lifids . Department, 104 ;<br />

com-lil'ationian'd<br />

116tu~n to ail<br />

pfeppL~&tion<br />

Order, 126<br />

bf th, -<br />

2 97<br />

MATHEWS, .MR.,W J . 0, H . (See " PUBLIC SERVICE<br />

at <strong>New</strong>caitlci~omthe~3rdjuly to ~Sbh August<br />

1909, inclusive, 173 i ; I . . . . . . . . . ;- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

2 891<br />

Rdpoyt <strong>of</strong> Roval Commiis ion .<strong>of</strong> Inquiry, regard ing, also remarks <strong>of</strong> the Chief Commissian~i<br />

for Rd'ilway's" on the findings <strong>of</strong> the Ournmission, 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q . . . . . .<br />

3 771<br />

Mc.NIYLEk HOIST (See alsb<br />

Return sh6wing thearuount<br />

"COAL ") :-<br />

<strong>of</strong> coitishipipedby,<br />

ME,HBERS :- ;<br />

Attendances <strong>of</strong>, in Div . is ions afid Counts-out-Sessional Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~i . . . . . . . 425<br />

Leave <strong>of</strong> Abience Lo, 351 .<br />

Xloti6n,-That Membei be not further heard, 386.<br />

DisoMer rep<strong>of</strong>ted from Committee, .18S .<br />

MERRIWA (See " RAILWAYS ") .<br />


Fito',f THE GOVERNOR (Sir Harry Rawson)<br />

Delivered ~y the Ushbr <strong>of</strong> the Black Rod, 4<br />

Assenting to (Idst &ssion) Appropriation Bill, 1 .<br />

2 ' . Do Loan Bill, 2 .<br />

3 . Do Ilarris-street to Evans-street, Balmain, . Flectric'Pramway Bill, 2 .<br />

4. Do The Spit to Nlanly Electrid Tfamix-Ay Bill ; 2 .<br />

5 Do Coonia to Bombala, vid Nim'<br />

iOybelle~ Railway Billi 2 .<br />

6 . Do Industrial .Disputes Amendment Bill, .,2 .<br />

7 . Do Sydney Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2 .<br />

8 . Do i~ro,wu Lands (Amendment) Bill, X.<br />

9 . Do Local 4overri'ment (Amendini) Billi 3 .<br />

10 . Do Pure,Fo6d Bill, 3.,<br />

11 . Do Ahnimum Wage till, 3 .<br />

.12 . Do Sydney Bethel Union Extension Bill, 3 .<br />

13 . Do Roman Catlfolic Diocese <strong>of</strong> Lismore Church L%nds Bill, 4.<br />

14 . Do Coal Mines Regulation (Amending) Bill, 4 .<br />

15 . ~Do West6rfi Lands Act Amendment Bill, 4 .<br />

16. 1 Do gydne~ Harbour T~ust and Navigation Amendment Bill, 4 .<br />

(Lord Che1?nqf9 rd) :-<br />

1 . Appointment <strong>of</strong> the Right Honorable Frerlcri6 John Napi6r,,Baron Chelmsford, K .C.M .G .,<br />

a's Govelrnor <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Wales</strong>, 4 .<br />

2 . Recommqfiding ~ Incbriateq (Amenddieni) Bill, 21 .<br />

3. Do Unive~gity and UriiVersit~ Colleges Amendment Bill, 21 .<br />

4 . Do Consolidated Revenue - Fund and Public Works Fund Bill, 21 .<br />

5 . Do Recommending Width <strong>of</strong> rii~es Bill, 33 .<br />

6. Assenting to Reserved Climses, ~ydfiey thibour Trust and Navigation Amendment Bill. 39 .<br />

7 . Rebormneuding Fire Brigades Bill, 4'1 .<br />

8 . D61 Old-Age Pension (Repeal) Billi 46.<br />

9 . bo~ Forestry Bill, 56 .<br />

10 . Assentindto Consolidated Revenue Fuhd and Public Works Fund Bill, 57.<br />

11 . Recommeridin- Closer Settlement and Private Sales Bill, 68 .<br />

12 . Do Factories and Shops (Amendment) Bill, 74 .<br />

13 . Do' Old-*ago Pension (Repeal) Bill (No . 2), 80 .<br />

14 . Do'l Improvein6ut Leb.3cs Cancellation (Declaritory) Bill, 126 .<br />

15 . DOI do do 131 .<br />

16 . As'ienting. to Inebriates (Ainendi6ent) Bill ; 165.<br />

17 . Do St. Jaffies'Phisonage Lands Affiending Bill, 181 .<br />

18 . Rc6omnier;ding Justices (Ainefid' ent) Bill, 205 .<br />

19. Do Cons~olidated- Revenue Fund hbd Public W&ks Fund Bill (No. 2)j 209 .<br />

20 . Re6oniniending estimates <strong>of</strong> cxpedditu~6 for th& bear 1906-10 ; statenl6lit bf ~ayinefiis f~<strong>of</strong>fi<br />

the Voeb " Advance to Treasurer," 1933-9, submitted .for <strong>Parliament</strong>ary appropriation in<br />

4djustifient <strong>of</strong> the Adv&n6e Vote, Niblic Works Fund ; esfiniate <strong>of</strong> expPilditifif6 f6i<br />

1909-16 ; and Clo~~er Settleniont .Fund, estimate bt exl3eilditkire f4 1909-10; 213;<br />

21 . Afibnting !to Improvement Leasfa Cancellation (Declaratory) Bill, .225 .<br />

22 . Do - Consolidated Revenue F4 und and Public Works Fund Bid (No. 2), 225 .<br />

23 . Re6ommeiiding Abo ines Protection Bill, 225.<br />

24 A4genting :to Motor rig, Traffic Bill, 237 .<br />

25 : Rebonimefirling Seat <strong>of</strong> Go%~errmient Surrender Bill, 243 .<br />

26 . Do Conimonw6~aflth Ediblingg Bill, 246 .<br />

27 . Do Interstate IndustHal 'I'Hbiiftal Bill, 246 .<br />

28 . Do Gold-marking Bill, 246 ' .<br />

29. Do Public Instruction (Amendment) Bill, 278 .<br />

30 . Do -Railways Crossings Bill, 292 .<br />

31 . Do Poisons Billi 292 .<br />

32 . Do Crown Lands (Improvement Pu~chase) Bill, 299. .<br />

33. Ag§bnting to Forestry Bill, 3M .<br />

34. . Do i Sydney Harbour Trust Land Titles Bill, 313.<br />

35. Re6onimefiaing Goulburn Sewerage Bill, 313 .<br />

36 . Do <strong>New</strong>castle Northern Breakwater Extension till, 314 .<br />

37 . Do Cre-fiorne Tramway Bill, 314 .<br />

38 . Do Moree to Mungindi Railway Bill, 314 .<br />

39 . Do Dentists (Anliefidment) Bill-, 317 .<br />

40. Do Fisheries (Arnendment) Bill, 332 .<br />

4 . As~entiug to dfown Lands (improvement P61~6hage) Bill, 341 .<br />

42 1 . Rebornmending ' Western Lhnds (Amendment) Bill, 317 .<br />

43 . Do Lithgow Se-werage Bill, 347 .<br />

44 . Assenting to Fire Wigarles Bill, 353.<br />

45 . Re~~&ommehding Additional Estimates, 1909-1910, Statement <strong>of</strong> - Pa~~imts Vitakh6fiised. in<br />

Suspenso " on wount <strong>of</strong>'Ser~ices <strong>of</strong> 190$-9, and Loan Estimates, 353,

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