1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

1904 - 1913 - Parliament of New South Wales

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.<br />

INDEX .<br />


SESSION 1907 .<br />


V0 LUMES .<br />

JOINT<br />

VOLUMES .'s<br />

)L I PAGE .<br />

N<br />

D1<br />

AlANLY, (See " TRMNIAVAYS .") .<br />


Motion made Q,11,1% Meagher) for * Committee <strong>of</strong> the Whole ; 111 .<br />

McCOURT, TFIE _H.0N0R,ABf.,E WILLIAN.1, N.f . P . .(See . also ." SPEAKER<br />

. U'lbeted SpeakC]' 5'-Pr0801ited to Governor 7 .<br />

AUGOAVAN, 111-1t . E . 13., (,Sco," PUBLIC SERVICE<br />

MEMBEIIS :<br />

Attendance,s <strong>of</strong>, in Divisimis and Comits-out---Sessional Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

C6nunission to administer Oath <strong>of</strong> Alle-,iance to, read by Clerk, 3 .<br />

S%vorn, 4 (65), 8 (,2), 15, 17 .<br />

Al6tion, 'That IN16mber be not further heard, 22-3, 24 .<br />

List <strong>of</strong> elected, c , ortificd by Governor, L<br />

MESSAGES :<br />

Delivered by Usher <strong>of</strong> the Black Rod, 3 .<br />

FRO'NI THE GOVEMN4011 :'-<br />

Delivered by Usher <strong>of</strong> the -Black Rod, . 8 .<br />

J . Assent to L~ocal Goverii nent (Loans) Bill Wrevious Farliwinent), 8 .<br />

2 . Do Gaining and Betting I (Amendment) Bill (Previous Farliantent), 8.<br />

3 Do T~'cwcastle Wharfage Bill (Previous Farliameut), 8 . ,<br />

Do<br />

Consolidated Revenue Fu tid 'and Public- Works Fund Bill Wreviow<br />

Vartiavic,ilt) S .<br />

5 . Recommending 'Voto c;f Credit, 27 .<br />

6 . Do Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill, 28 .<br />

.7 . Do Poor Prisoners Defence Bill, 4.0 .<br />

:8 . Do Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultuke Bill, 41 .<br />

9 . Estimates,<strong>of</strong> Expeinliture for 1907-8 60 .<br />

10 . Assent to ~Cousolidatcd Reveime Fund Bill 71<br />

.11 . Iteco in nicn d ing : St,amp .,Dutics (Amendmont~ 13i'll 71 .<br />

12 . Do .1 iicome Tax Dedtictimil3ill, 71 .<br />

13 . Do . Invalidity and Accidents Pensions Bill, 83 .<br />

1 .4 . Do BrOkCIL Hill and Umh6runiberka, Water Supply (Amendment:<br />

Bill, - 87 .<br />

1.5 . Assent to,Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultiire Bill, 11.3 .<br />

1.6 . Recommeiiditig Ministers' Salaries Bill 121 .<br />

17 . Do Pilre Food Bill 121 .<br />

1.8 . Do Advance by flic'Government to William Sandford, Limited, 12<br />

1.9 . Do Crown Lands .1<br />

Acts (Amendment) Bill, 132 .<br />

20 . Do Locklia~rt to Clear Hills, via Boree Creek, Railway Bill,,,137 . .<br />

21 . Do Narrominc to Peak Hill Railway Bill, 137 .<br />

22 . Do Driumnoyno to Ryde Electric T'ramway Bill, 137 .<br />

23 Do Wallseiid to West Wallsend Tramway Bill, 138 .<br />

24 Do A-'.Iiy ing Amendmetit Bill, 144 .<br />

25' DO Coo'nia to Bonibala, via Nimitybelle, Railway Bill, .165 .<br />

26 Do Additional Estimates, . 173 .<br />

27 ' . Assent to Darliiig .Harbour Land Titles Bill, 179 .<br />

28 . Do Stafii4) Duties (Amoiidniciit) Bill 179 . .<br />

29 . Do J iiconie Tax Deduction Bill, 179 .'<br />

Do Companies (Artiendinciit) .Bill, 179,<br />

31 . Do Broken flill and Umberumberka Water Supply (Amendment) Bill<br />

183 .<br />

32 . Recommending Liquor (Amendment), Bill, 183,<br />


Transmitting Consolidated Revetipe Fund Bill, 62 .<br />

Do Do Repiartment a <strong>of</strong> Agriculture Bill, 80 .<br />

Do<br />

Property (Certificates <strong>of</strong> Title) Bill,<br />

Do<br />

86 .-<br />

Closer *Settleiiietit (Ainciulment) Bill, 112 .<br />

Db Poor Prisoijers Defeiice Bill 119,<br />

Do .1,11C0111C. Tax Ded(iction Bill' 124-5 .<br />

Do Stamp Duties Gkmctidinent5 Bill, .126 .<br />

Do Compaiiies (Amendment.) Bill, 126 .<br />

Do Broken Hill,aiid Umberumborka Water Supply (Amendment) Bill<br />

126 .<br />

Do Invalidity ajid Accidents Pensions Bill, 144'.<br />

Do Lockhart to Clear Bills, wid Boree Creek, Railway -Bill, 156 .<br />

Do Narromine to Peak 'Hill iiailway Bill, 156 .<br />

Do Drunimoyne to Ryde Electric TIamway Bill,<br />

Do, Wa<br />

157 .<br />

sell(i to West Wallselid Tramway I . 3i I I . Do<br />

1, 157 .<br />

_Nliiihig (Arneiiellnent) Bill, 161 .<br />

Do Public Works, Interest-Bill, 162 .<br />

Do Alinisters' Salaries Bill 162 .<br />

Agreeing to Comicil's amendments in'Conipanies<br />

Do<br />

(Amendment.) Bill,<br />

t6 Council's<br />

163 .<br />

anien'dinents it, Darling Harbour Land<br />

h,0711<br />

Titles Bill, c7langei<br />

Real Property (Certificates<br />

Do a'nd ameiiding<br />

<strong>of</strong> Title) Bill, 163,<br />

Councii's amendments<br />

Bill,<br />

in Closer Settlerrient (Amendment<br />

1,64 .<br />

Returniiig :Parraiuatta Friendly Societies'<br />

amendhiont, 169 . Hall Site (Amendmenty Bill :withou<br />

Transmittiing Coollia, to 130 , ba la via Nimitybelle,<br />

Do Loan<br />

.Railivay Bill, 189.<br />

Bill, 182 111 .<br />

Do Appropriation Bill, 185 .<br />

Do Liquor (Aindndinent) Bill, 190 .<br />

Agreeit] 'g Council's amendments. in Invalidity and Accident,,4<br />

Do tU Council's 'ahichdinents Pensibnqiinill; 190 .<br />

in Poor Prisoners Defence Bill, 1*90 .<br />


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