Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...

Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...

Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...


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2 Statement <strong>of</strong> Significant<br />

Accounting Policies<br />

continued<br />

(u) Leases<br />

Leases where the lessor retains<br />

substantially all the risks and<br />

benefits <strong>of</strong> ownership <strong>of</strong> the asset<br />

are classified as operating leases.<br />

Operating lease payments are<br />

recognised as an expense in the<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Comprehensive<br />

Income on a straight line basis<br />

over the lease term, except where<br />

another systematic basis is more<br />

representative <strong>of</strong> the time pattern in<br />

which the economic benefits from<br />

lease assets are consumed.<br />

(v) Finance costs<br />

Borrowing costs include interest,<br />

amortisation <strong>of</strong> discounts or<br />

premiums relating to borrowings,<br />

amortisation <strong>of</strong> ancillary costs<br />

incurred in connection with<br />

arrangement <strong>of</strong> borrowings and<br />

Government guarantee fee costs.<br />

The amount excludes borrowing<br />

costs relating to qualifying<br />

assets that have been capitalised<br />

in accordance with AASB 123<br />

Borrowing Costs. Borrowing costs<br />

are recognised in pr<strong>of</strong>it or loss in the<br />

period in which they are incurred.<br />

(w) Income tax<br />

Income tax expense comprises<br />

current and deferred tax. Current<br />

and deferred tax are recognised<br />

in pr<strong>of</strong>it or loss except to the<br />

extent that it relates to a business<br />

combination, or items recognised<br />

directly in equity or in other<br />

comprehensive income.<br />

Current tax is the expected tax<br />

payable or receivable on the taxable<br />

income or loss for the year, using<br />

tax rates enacted or substantively<br />

enacted at the reporting date, and<br />

any adjustment to tax payable in<br />

respect <strong>of</strong> previous years.<br />

Deferred tax is recognised in respect<br />

<strong>of</strong> temporary differences between<br />

the carrying amounts <strong>of</strong> assets and<br />

liabilities for financial reporting<br />

purposes and the amounts used<br />

for taxation purposes. Deferred tax<br />

is not recognised for the following<br />

temporary differences: the initial<br />

recognition <strong>of</strong> assets or liabilities in<br />

a transaction that is not a business<br />

combination and that affects neither<br />

accounting nor taxable pr<strong>of</strong>it or loss.<br />

Deferred tax is measured at the tax<br />

rates that are expected to be applied<br />

to temporary differences when they<br />

reverse, based on the laws that<br />

have been enacted or substantively<br />

enacted by the reporting date.<br />

Deferred tax assets and liabilities<br />

have been <strong>of</strong>fset as there is a legally<br />

enforceable right to <strong>of</strong>fset current<br />

tax liabilities and assets, and they<br />

relate to income taxes levied by<br />

the same tax authority on the same<br />

taxable entity.<br />

A deferred tax asset is recognised<br />

for unused tax losses, tax credits and<br />

deductible temporary differences,<br />

to the extent that it is probable that<br />

future taxable pr<strong>of</strong>its will be available<br />

against which they can be utilised.<br />

Deferred tax assets are reviewed at<br />

each reporting date and are reduced<br />

to the extent that it is no longer<br />

probable that the related tax benefit<br />

will be realised.<br />

<strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> is subject to<br />

the National Taxation Equivalent<br />

Regime (NTER) based on the Income<br />

Tax Assessment Act 1936 and the<br />

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.<br />

Tax equivalents are payable to the<br />

Office <strong>of</strong> State Revenue.<br />

(x) Other taxes<br />

FBT, payroll tax and land tax are<br />

recognised in accordance with<br />

relevant legislation. In relation to<br />

GST, revenues, expenses and assets<br />

are recognised net <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong><br />

GST except:<br />

• where the GST incurred on a<br />

purchase <strong>of</strong> goods and services<br />

is not recoverable from the<br />

taxation authority, in which case<br />

the GST is recognised as part <strong>of</strong><br />

the cost <strong>of</strong> acquisition <strong>of</strong> the asset<br />

or as part <strong>of</strong> the expense item<br />

as applicable; and<br />

• receivables and payables are<br />

stated with the amount <strong>of</strong><br />

GSt included.<br />

Cash flows are included in the<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Cash Flows on a gross<br />

basis and the GST component <strong>of</strong><br />

cash flows arising from investing<br />

and financing activities, which is<br />

recoverable from, or payable to, the<br />

taxation authority are classified as<br />

operating cash flows.<br />

Contingencies are disclosed net <strong>of</strong><br />

the amount <strong>of</strong> GST recoverable from,<br />

or payable to, the taxation authority.<br />

A detailed assessment <strong>of</strong><br />

greenhouse gas emissions indicates<br />

<strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> will not be liable<br />

under the proposed carbon tax, as<br />

the Corporation’s direct emissions<br />

do not currently exceed the<br />

defined threshold.<br />

(y) Workers compensation<br />

insurance<br />

<strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> is a self-insurer<br />

through its insurance provision for<br />

workers compensation and meets<br />

all liabilities under the Workers<br />

Compensation Act 1987.<br />

An external actuary is engaged to<br />

provide an annual investigation<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong>’s estimated<br />

liability for workers compensation<br />

as at the reporting date. The liability<br />

is measured as the present value <strong>of</strong><br />

expected future payments at the<br />

reporting date.<br />

(z) Dividend<br />

Ordinary dividend is calculated in<br />

accordance with TPP 09-6 Financial<br />

Distribution Policy for Government<br />

Businesses based on a base payout<br />

ratio <strong>of</strong> 70% applied to post-tax<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>it adjusted for non-cash fair value<br />

movements on financial instruments<br />

classified or designated “at fair<br />

value through pr<strong>of</strong>it or loss” under<br />

AASB 139 Financial Instruments:<br />

Recognition and Measurement, and<br />

other adjustments as agreed with<br />

NSW Treasury. Dividend payable<br />

for the 2010/11 financial year is<br />

$156.8m (2010: $142.6m).<br />

<strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2010–11<br />


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