Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...

Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...

Endeavour Energy Annual Performance Report - Parliament of New ...


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2 Statement <strong>of</strong> Significant<br />

Accounting Policies<br />

continued<br />

Gains and losses on disposal <strong>of</strong><br />

an item <strong>of</strong> property, plant and<br />

equipment are determined by<br />

comparing the proceeds from<br />

disposal with the carrying amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> property, plant and equipment,<br />

and are recognised in pr<strong>of</strong>it or<br />

loss. When revalued assets are<br />

sold, the amounts included in the<br />

revaluation reserve are transferred<br />

to retained earnings.<br />

System assets<br />

In accordance with NSW Treasury<br />

Accounting Policy TPP07-1 Valuation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Physical Non-Current Assets at<br />

Fair Value system assets are carried<br />

at fair value less accumulated<br />

depreciation and impairment losses.<br />

System assets are considered to be<br />

<strong>of</strong> a specialised nature, and fair value<br />

is estimated using a depreciated<br />

replacement cost method in<br />

accordance with AASB 116 Property,<br />

Plant and Equipment.<br />

A revaluation <strong>of</strong> system assets was<br />

undertaken by an independent<br />

valuer and recognised as at<br />

30 June 2011. System assets were<br />

valued at Optimised Depreciation<br />

Replacement Cost (ODRC). The<br />

ODRC valuation was determined<br />

based on the following approach:<br />

• Establish the current replacement<br />

cost <strong>of</strong> the modern equivalent <strong>of</strong><br />

assets in service at the valuation<br />

date. The concept <strong>of</strong> modern<br />

equivalent assets refers to assets<br />

that would be employed if the<br />

network were to be rebuilt today.<br />

• Depreciate the adjusted<br />

replacement cost to reflect the<br />

remaining effective life <strong>of</strong> the<br />

assets in service; and<br />

• Adjust the current replacement<br />

cost for over-design, overcapacity<br />

and redundant<br />

assets (optimisation).<br />

System assets are revalued at least<br />

every five years, in accordance<br />

with NSW Treasury Accounting<br />

Policy TPP07-1 Valuation <strong>of</strong> Physical<br />

Non-Current Assets at Fair Value.<br />

The frequency <strong>of</strong> valuations is<br />

considered appropriate given the<br />

nature, size and geographical spread<br />

<strong>of</strong> system assets, and annual fair<br />

value assessments.<br />

Non-system land and buildings<br />

Following initial recognition at<br />

cost, non-system land and building<br />

assets are carried at fair value less<br />

accumulated depreciation and<br />

impairment losses, in accordance<br />

with NSW Treasury Accounting Policy<br />

TPP07-1 Valuation <strong>of</strong> Physical Non-<br />

Current Assets at Fair Value.<br />

Non-system land and buildings are<br />

subject to independent valuation<br />

on a cyclical basis over a three year<br />

period. The carrying amount <strong>of</strong><br />

non-system land and building assets<br />

is reviewed between independent<br />

valuations, to ensure the carrying<br />

amount does not differ materially<br />

from fair value.<br />

A revaluation <strong>of</strong> non-system land<br />

and buildings was undertaken by an<br />

independent valuer and recognised<br />

as at 30 June 2011. The valuations<br />

were based on market-based<br />

evidence in accordance with AASB<br />

116 Property, Plant and Equipment.<br />

Other plant and equipment<br />

In accordance with NSW Treasury<br />

Accounting Policy TPP07-1 Valuation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Physical Non-Current Assets at<br />

Fair Value depreciated historical<br />

cost with respect to non-specialised<br />

assets is considered an acceptable<br />

surrogate for fair value, with any<br />

difference unlikely to be material.<br />

Accordingly, other plant and<br />

equipment are carried at fair value<br />

less accumulated depreciation and<br />

any impairment in value.<br />

Property, plant and equipment in<br />

the course <strong>of</strong> construction<br />

Property, plant and equipment in the<br />

course <strong>of</strong> construction are carried at<br />

cost, less any recognised impairment<br />

loss. Depreciation <strong>of</strong> these assets<br />

commences when the assets are<br />

ready for their intended use.<br />

Depreciation<br />

Depreciation is recognised in pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

or loss on a straight-line basis over<br />

the estimated useful lives <strong>of</strong> each<br />

part <strong>of</strong> an item <strong>of</strong> property, plant and<br />

equipment, since this most closely<br />

reflects the expected pattern <strong>of</strong><br />

consumption <strong>of</strong> the future economic<br />

benefits embodied in the assets.<br />

Land is not depreciated.<br />

Estimated useful lives are as follows:<br />

Years<br />

System assets 7–60<br />

Buildings 40<br />

Plant and equipment 4–10<br />

Depreciation methods, useful lives<br />

and residual values are reviewed at<br />

each financial year-end and adjusted<br />

if appropriate.<br />

Capitalisation Policy<br />

Property, plant and equipment assets<br />

below $1,000 are expensed in the<br />

year <strong>of</strong> acquisition or construction.<br />

(l) Non-current assets<br />

held for sale<br />

Non-current assets and disposal<br />

groups are classified as held for<br />

sale and measured at the lower<br />

<strong>of</strong> their carrying amount and fair<br />

value less costs to sell, if their<br />

carrying amount will be recovered<br />

principally through a sale transaction<br />

as opposed to use. Once classified<br />

as held for sale, depreciation and<br />

amortisation ceases. For an asset<br />

or disposal group to be classified<br />

as held for sale, it must be available<br />

for immediate sale in its present<br />

condition and its sale must be<br />

highly probable.<br />

<strong>Endeavour</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2010–11<br />


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