Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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43<br />

The "Sarcophagus" facility was the most complicated technical<br />

construction at that time. It reduced radioactive releases from the<br />

reactor to the minimum; improved, in principle, the radiation situation<br />

at the industrial site of the nuclear power plant, lessened<br />

psychological tension of the population.<br />

At the construction of the of the Shelter 10,000 workers were<br />

employed. 360 thousand tons of concrete were used, about 500,000<br />

metal constructions were erected.<br />

For the population evacuated from<br />

the ?one about 21,000 houses were built and 15,000 new apartments<br />

provided. In 1989 the construction of a new city for <strong>Chernobyl</strong> NPP<br />

personnel was initiated, and the city's population now is 26,000<br />

people.<br />

In order to provide efficient help to the victims, almost 2,500<br />

doctors, 5,000 medical workers and 1,200 students of Ukrainian<br />

colleges and universities were engaged in the works at the end of April<br />

- beginning of May 1986. All of them were united into 230 urgently<br />

organized dosimetry laboratories aiid over 400 special medical teams.<br />

Soon there was established a sanitarj- epidemic service which was<br />

reinforced with expert teams from other Ukrainian regions.<br />

Network of radiation control sj'stem includes almost 2,200<br />

laboratories, points and posts equipped with corresponding facilities<br />

and Instruments, fint of all<br />

spectrometers, radiometers, dosimeters etc.<br />

Almost 3.300,000 samples of soil, atmospheric aerosols and releases,<br />

water, foodstuffs, grass and forestry products are analyied annually.

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