Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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172<br />

in part through the stimulation of sophisticated, less energy wasting branches of the<br />

Hungari£in economy.<br />

Several studies have confirmed the various opportunities for energy savings. An<br />

assessment of the district heating network in Budapest suggest network energy<br />

losses between 30 percent and 40 percent. Such losses could be offset by upgrading<br />

heat distribution networks and developing small-scale cogeneration units in powerplants.'''<br />

A 1990 study by Thomas Jaszay for Pacific Northwest Laboratory demonstrates<br />

that Hungary can develop 700 MW of cogeneration capacity in the near<br />

term, with 600 additional MW available by 2005. Since the Paks stations have an<br />

effective capacity of 1425 MW,'^ over the long-term,''^ this represents a replacement<br />

of 49 percent in the short-term, and 91.2 percent in the long-term. A 1988 EEC<br />

study corroborates Jaszay's analysis, by arguing that "efficiency could provide the<br />

same net increase in energy as a new nuclear power reactor, but do so far more<br />

quickly and at about one-fifth the cost." *° Considering that new nuclear power reactors<br />

produce 2 to 3 times more power than Hungary's older, smaller capacity stations,<br />

this claim seems particularly dramatic.<br />

Jaszay's study further argues that final energy demand in Hungary will actually<br />

decrease in the coming years, from 1355 PJ in 1990, to 1269 PJ in 2005, and finally<br />

to 1117 PJ in 2030. Therefore, after the installation of cogeneration through 2005,<br />

the remaining 125 MW (3.94 PJ)®^ would be solved for by a decrease in energy<br />

demand, which will total 152 PJ, fully 148 PJ more than necessary. In fact, since<br />

Hungary's nuclear output in a year comes to just under 41 PJ, conservation alone<br />

could solve for the energy crunch well before 2005. To further bolster the case for<br />

efficiency, Jaszay now believes his estimates to be too conservative.*^<br />

b. Trends in Supply<br />

Although demand will continue to fall, supply likely will follow suit. Production<br />

throughout Hungary's energy industries has been falling over the past few years, as<br />

Hungary has become increasingly dependent on energy imports.®'' Although nuclear<br />

power would seem then to be an effective solution, it turns out to lack economic<br />

viability.<br />

Since Hungary is prepared to integrate itself into the international economy, in<br />

order to preserve a reasonable balance of trade, it must maximize the efficient utilization<br />

of goods which it imports, while maximizing domestic production. A strategy<br />

of energy conservation matches the first objective, and will minimize the outflow of<br />

hard currency for energy imports. <strong>Nuclear</strong> power, however, does not match the<br />

second objective. First, much capital must be imported in general to maintain the<br />

Paks nuclear pleint, and much more will obviously have to be imported to upgrade it<br />

to acceptable safety standards. Any capital expenditure associated with these loans<br />

is capital which cannot be spent as part of a larger national conservation strategy.®*<br />

Second, since Hungary is a net energy importer, it is unlikely to be able to export<br />

nuclear-generated electricity for foreign exchange. Therefore, if it costs more to<br />

produce nuclear energy than it costs to import energy, then economic resources,<br />

which could be spent upgrading Hungary's ancient and wasteful energy infrastructure,<br />

are being wasted.<br />

Because investments in efficiency have been found to be one-fifth to one-seventh<br />

the cost of nuclear electricity in Hungary,®^ both precious hard currency and scarce<br />

domestic capital could be far better spent on efficiency than on nuclear power, particularly<br />

in the next decade, when efficiency improvements are likely to be easiest<br />

and have the highest payback (when energy efficiency approaches international<br />

norms, investment will have a lower return). For the long-run, as efficiency improves<br />

over time, so does conservation technology. For example, in the long-term,<br />

Hungary may increase its cogeneration capacity even more;®® in addition, its economy<br />

will certainly become less energy intensive, as it switches away from heavy industry,<br />

which will necessarily become less profitable if Hungary needs to import<br />

energy by using valuable foreign exchange. Finally, in the long-term, Hungary's existing<br />

nuclear reactors (the already outdated WER 440/21 3s) will also cease to be<br />

able to function. Therefore, it will not be difficult to fill in the short- to mediumterm<br />

void left by the closure of these reactors.<br />

4. Particular Opportunities in Bulgaria<br />

In 1991, nuclear plants in Bulgaria accounted for 34 percent of electricity produced.®'<br />

This figure includes the 2025 MW of effective generating capacity (out of<br />

2722 MW of net generating capacity).®® However, Bulgaria poses a more extreme<br />

form of Hungary's problem, because Bulgaria is "the most energy import-dependent<br />

country in Eastern Europe. . . It imports almost 60 percent of its energy needs, including<br />

virtually all of its oil and natural gas. Most of the country's domestic energy

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