Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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108<br />

The information on the conditions in the sarcophagus was obtained in significant detaO as a result of<br />

much courageous and hard wor(( by dedicated workers at the reactor.<br />

The Cun-ent Risks<br />

WhPe radiatkNi release rates from the sarcophagus are now low, much of the fuel and remaining<br />

radknctive material is in a form that potentially could be dispersed under a number of conditions. Examples<br />

of release mechanisms are:<br />

• The over 2,000 ton reactor cover is tated on edge. Its stability Is unknown. If it falls it will create<br />

a big doud of radioactive material.<br />

• Birds, Insects, and animals live and feed in the sarcophagus. They cany radioactive material<br />

outskle of the buPding.<br />

• The sarcophagus is open to the environment. Releases increase under some weather<br />

conditkxis, sometimes by a significant amount.<br />

• The sarcophagus is deteriorating rapidly. Steel portions are rusting. Concrete is cracking and<br />

crumbling in places.<br />

• The immense structure of the sarcophagus Is settling unevenly. The area of the openings is<br />

about 13,000 square feet, and the number and size of the existing openings are increasing.<br />

In addition, there are large amounts of radioactive material buried In pits near the sites. This material<br />

is entering the water table and could move Into the food chain, creating health risks.<br />

It is known that there are hot spots outside the exclusion area. The limits and contents of these hot<br />

spots are Rl defined. The population in the area that received fallout are receiving increased ex(>osures over<br />

nomnal background, partk:uiar1y in the areas of the hot spots. The population in the areas that received<br />

fallout is at an increased risk over people in other areas. Due to uncertainties in understanding both the<br />

effects of low levels of radiattons, and detaPs of the exposures and distributkin, it is not possible to quantify<br />

the extent of this risk.<br />


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