Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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221<br />

nuclear plants of the current generation, no matter how many nuclear<br />

licensing bills are passed. The only long-term hope for the industry is<br />

in raeltdown-free designs. But the industry no longer has the political<br />

muscle to gain the federal funds that will be needed to develop such<br />

designs. The industry needs new political allies and a new source of<br />

funds.<br />

Why should environmentalists and solar electricity advocates support<br />

a tax whose revenues would be shared with nuclear researchers? Because<br />

there is no other way to develop a political consensus that will give<br />

solar electricity the edge it needs to compete with electricity from<br />

coal. If current trends continue, the nuclear option will certainly die,<br />

but the victorious survivor will not be solar cells or solar collectors.<br />

It will be polluting coal plants that cause respiratpry illness, acid<br />

rain, and increased global<br />

-5<br />

temperatures.<br />

Global warming from fossil fuel carbon dioxide is such a serious<br />

environmental problem that environmentalists cannot afford to turn their<br />

backs on any possible option that might prove preferable. If nuclear<br />

researchers can develop the raeltdown-free designs that many scientists<br />

believe are possible, and if solar electricity fails to live up to its<br />

promise, then environmentalists of the next century will no doubt change<br />

their opinion of<br />

nuclear power.<br />


Hopefully, the preceding remarks will spark discussion of positive responses<br />

that can be made to the <strong>Chernobyl</strong> accident. The National Audubon Society is<br />

ready to work cooperatively with a wide range of groups to help our country<br />

break out of the dead end in energy policy in which we now seem to be<br />

trapped. It is time to find consensus on energy policy.<br />

63-756 0-86-8

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