Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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Citizen groups are going to intervene regardless of whether or not<br />

there is WRC funding for them. But without adequate technical help to<br />

direct criticisms toward the real weaknesses of license applications,<br />

interveners are going to continue to object to everything that seems the<br />

slightest bit suspicious, out of fear that someone is trying to pull the<br />

wool over their eyes. It is this fear by interveners of being tricked,<br />

in my opinion, that has slowed down the regulatory process unnecessarily<br />

in the past.<br />

Certainly, arming interveners with technical experts is going to<br />

lead to discoveries that will halt license applications in some cases.<br />

But that's as it should be. On average, I believe intervener funding<br />

will speed up the licensing process.<br />

Response # 4: Impose a 1-cent per kilowatt -hour tax en existing nuclear power<br />

plants, one that will be dedicated to the development of solar electricity<br />

(particularly pnotovoltaics) and development of a new generation of reactors<br />

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that will be "meltdown free."<br />

The billions of dollars per year generated by such a tax would<br />

represent the most exciting commitment ever made by this country to a<br />

rational energy future. It would salvage something positive out of the<br />

<strong>Chernobyl</strong> disaster.<br />

A joint program, aimed at developing both cost-effective solar electricity<br />

axvd meltdown-free reactors, offers the best hope, in my view, for<br />

both the solar and the nuclear industry.<br />

Why should the nuclear industry favor such a tax? Because the<br />

handwriting is on the wall. There are not going to be any new orders for

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