Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Congressional Hearings Transcript


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140<br />

are 25 BWR units with Mark I containments in operation in the U.S., according to a<br />

1984 study done for NRC.<br />

Questions concerning whether the Mark I containment would withstand a severe<br />

accident have taken on new importance following the <strong>Chernobyl</strong> disaster, Denton<br />

said. And in response to the political climate following the accident, industry and<br />

the NRC should focus on the integrity of Mark I containment rather than continuing<br />

to debate the probability of severe accidents.<br />

"We can argue about the probability of severe core damage for a long time,"<br />

Denton said. "I think the political climate is such that p)eople are willing to concede<br />

that maybe they (severe accidents) vvrill happen now and then at U.S. plants, despite<br />

the best efforts of everyone. But they want to know it won't turn into the <strong>Chernobyl</strong>-type<br />

event."<br />

For that reason, Denton said, NRC will give "a lot of attention" to industry efforts<br />

concerning the integrity of Mark I containment. He said Idcor (Industry Degraded<br />

Core Rulemaking Program) studies on ways to "be sure these containments<br />

don't fail early due to overpressurization ... should really be top priority." To protect<br />

containments from the overpressurization "would require positive ways to<br />

Mark I<br />

vent and filter before you get a high pressure buildup," Denton added.<br />

Denton said in an interview following his address that the message he was trying<br />

to convey to industry was: "If you want to find something to go look at that has a<br />

high payoff, that (Mark I containments) is not so bad."<br />

The notion that a Mark I containment might fail in the event of a severe accident<br />

wEis strongly disputed in an earlier address to the conference by an official from<br />

Philadelphia Electric Co., who said that that perception has resulted from computer<br />

models "driven by silly little assumptions."<br />

"The perception of the Mark I problem is totally unwarranted," said Richard Diederich,<br />

who is in charge of probabilistic risk assessments for Philadelphia Electric.<br />

Inaccurate assumptions used for the sake of conveninece by both the NRC and Idcor<br />

in modeling accident sequences and the risk of containment failure led to the perception,<br />

Diederich said. But '<br />

it's not true."<br />

GE, in a statement released after questions were raised concerning its containments<br />

following the <strong>Chernobyl</strong> accident, said: "Attacks on the safety of the containment<br />

system used with GE reactors represent a rehash and exploitation of items<br />

that were raised and then resolved eight years ago ... GE reactors are safe." -Brian<br />

Jordan, Brookhaven National Library.<br />

The Chairman. If there would be no further questions for this<br />

panel, I wish to thank each of you, and I wish to thank the members<br />

of the second panel for their patience. The committee will<br />

stand in recess and will return in just a few minutes.<br />

[The committee was recessed.]<br />

The Chairman. The committee will come to order.<br />

Our second panel in the hearing today. Dr. Schulten, director. Institute<br />

for Reactor Development, <strong>Nuclear</strong> Research Center, Julich,<br />

Germany; Mr. John Taylor, vice president, nuclear power division,<br />

EPRI; Mr. Zack Pate, president. Institute of <strong>Nuclear</strong> Power Operations;<br />

Dr. Richard Dean, senior vice president, GA Technologies,<br />

Inc.; and Mr. Jan Beyea, senior staff scientist. National Audubon<br />

Society.<br />

We will start with Dr. Schulten, and as I said to the other panel,<br />

your entire prepared statements will be placed in the record. You<br />

are invited to summarize the statements in whatever manner you<br />

wish. Dr. Schulten? We do thank you very much for your willingness<br />

to appear here.<br />



Dr. Schulten. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, may I introduce<br />

myself. My name is Schulten. I work in the <strong>Nuclear</strong> Research<br />

Center, Julich, which is located near Cologne, in Germany, and<br />

which is one of the two big nuclear centers in my country.

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