Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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In Brief<br />

S~uth A.ia<br />

- Initial reoorting indicates low turnout for Pakistan opposition<br />

leader 8hutto's oationwlde demonstrations on Saturday ...<br />

ofticials in volatile Karachi had banne~or two weeks ...<br />

only one Incident of violence reported~ .:-.<br />

Middlcr Elllt<br />

arsaw Pact members<br />

help banon to mprove chance Poliah<br />

troops will replace a French unit ... UN s~placements<br />

tram current contributors, no success yet .....<br />

.' .<br />

.<br />

~ . .'<br />

Amerlcaa<br />

- Nicaragua to adopt conventional military ranks ... guerrilla<br />

commandants to become majors and colonels ... four grades of<br />

general authorized. President appointing top three ... gives<br />

officers chance to equal or outrank Soviet, Cuban adviser<br />

"<br />

, ..<br />

- Cuba suspended Interest payments to Paris Club members last<br />

Tuesday .. Havana retuslng import<br />

cuts. reforms to reduce $436 ml/llon financing n~hlS year ...<br />

strained talks probably will resume this month._<br />

Europe<br />

aat Germani rankled by Soviet<br />

push for more open media p ley ... disliked Gorbachev's<br />

mentioning Soviet shortcomings at E<br />

1<br />

a.s.t.G.e.r.m.a.n party congress<br />

... unhappy with Gorbachev's style.<br />

- EC court Invalidated 1986 EC budget •.. ruled budget violated<br />

EC spending restraint agreement .•• ruling will Increase financing<br />

gap from $3.9 billion to $4.5 billion •.. budget revisIons this<br />

autumn likely to cut nonagricultural spending. L a<br />

- EC members expected to approve Interim settlement of EC-US<br />

farm trade dispute this week .. , allows continued US corn exports<br />

to Spain this year. . . tends agreement too favorable to<br />

US but unlikely to block<br />

East Asia<br />

.'<br />

. '<br />

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" ..".<br />

.. .,

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