Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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The SOlie! <strong>Nuclear</strong> Program (0 the Yur 2000:<br />

OUllook Before Chcrnobyl'<br />

---------------_.<br />

C.lP'1ci~ :11 J.Omc ,..h,HC of coruUUctio4 0( rb.nnin~ I J" .. ~~ .. ____._<br />

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_ ~l icC! or di'lon.i (/1 ........ 10121 or pl.nu .. ilh 'eli,·ily<br />

in (he- C3.tclory. number on riJhl ,~'S pb.nu culusinly in the<br />

CllC~Qry.<br />

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We belie,"e the Soviels willtl)· to accommodate both<br />

old and nell' safety philosophies to minimize costs and<br />

delays. Existing plants and plants ill advanced Slagcs<br />

of construction would continue to bcjudied according<br />

to the current safety standards. The new safet)'<br />

philosophy would be phased in at plants on the<br />

drawin~ board and possibly at selected plants nOI\" in<br />

the earliest stages of conslruction. This approach to a<br />

more comprehensive safety philosophy would Ieal'e<br />

plans for new nuclear power plant capacity untouched<br />

in the 1986·90 period but could lead to delays in the<br />

19905. Support for this theory of Soviet reactions was<br />

c"idcnlC<br />

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--J<br />

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.Jin December 19R6.<br />

~truction 01 RBMKs would cease aCter the last two<br />

<strong>Chernobyl</strong>" reactors were completed (units 5 and 6.<br />

scheduled for thc early 19905). We belie'·e the So-·iet<br />

reference to a construction halt on RBMKs would 5lill<br />

allow for completion of many of the remaining IS<br />

reactors now al some phase of 2.Ssembly."<br />

The plans for power planu based on VVER reactors<br />

will probably 5urviYe the post·Chcrnobyl' scrutiny,<br />

altho~gh some additional safety requirements could<br />

be mandated. However, the slowini of the So,·iet<br />

,. ((~. s-a(cty masu{o lhal 10 be:-'Q.Qd' ,,-hal has a1rudy been<br />

r'OfCkc nCT RBMK ,uCI"" "",bibilittty ctp

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