Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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~(Ci ((<br />

Ajta slIIt!."ing till: ,,'slIlrs oIt/lf: Chrmub,"(' illn'sliga­<br />

(iol( in Ju[ .... th(' C/'SU folitburo b(gall a uurgmli:aliun<br />

of 111(' SOI'i('1 nllc/('ar iadllstr_I', li/iud Ih(' b('ad<br />

01 thl' Ali-Union StOlt CommiuC'(' jar ."'rlc/r(lr Safely<br />

Gnd Ih(' main d('signu jor ROMKs. as "'('/I as key<br />

I'('(sonn('[ in 11t(' Ministr)" of POK'a and E[l'clri!icalion<br />

and in Ihl' Mlnlsrry cV Ml'dillm }.fac/ritll' BuildbIg<br />

(probab[y/or its ro[(' as Ol'.:rs('('r of R.HMK<br />

d('slgn),' In addition. Ihe Polilburo S('/ up a n(,1I"<br />

Mil/istr)" oJ Alolllic £nulI..l' and ill('f('asl'd 111(' parly's<br />

;II/1u('na 011 Ihe operatioll of nucl('ar planlS by assignins:<br />

peop[e /rolll Ihc central crsu apparalus ill1/('ad<br />

of [ocalpart)' rCpftUlllatil'es to roch nuc/l'or POk'",<br />

slalion,<br />

Major qllnliollI ;emain on which organi:aliollI alld<br />

[1('01'1. ",ill wield aurhorily/or slich frlllelions as<br />

0l'crarioll oJ IIIlchar pO ... U plallrs. preparalion and<br />

disposal af nuc/l'ar Iud. cn/urccmelll of safrl}' rulrs,<br />


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