Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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A Chronology 01 the Recorery FJforlllt tilt:<br />

Chanohyl' <strong>Nuclear</strong> Po,,'u Planr<br />

19&6 19Se,"I'IIIbu Unit I rmanN; unit 1 restart<br />

promised hi 11\'0 'h·nks.<br />

16 April Reactor unit 4 e:cplodes. callsint<br />

fires in that tmlt and sOllie dOli/ate 10 Oclober Plans/or uniLS J. S.lUItI 6 anto<br />

adJolnlnt knit J. Radioactil'C con-<br />

nounrttl-lUllt J restart scheduled<br />

tam[natlon/orees sll11ldo,,'" Q{ un-<br />

:or mid·1987: conslrllC't[on on UIUIS<br />

damaged unIts I Dnd 2 and susptm·<br />

j and 6 10 usume oIter unit J<br />

slon or conslruct[an on units S alld 6.<br />

broughl on line..<br />

28 April SOI'leLS publicI)' acknol"ledgc the IJ October· Un[1 I shut dtFfl'n/ar -DdJustmtllLS."<br />

accldrnl.<br />

8 "'ol'tmbrr<br />

L "I 8 NOI'embtr Unit 2 rtactor reslarled; trial opcrll-<br />

---<br />

tioll 01101\' f'OW'Cr.<br />

U May Gorbachev appears on· TV, destrlb- IS NOl'wrbtr Pravda reports cntombmeill oIuf!it 4<br />

IlIg the accident Dlld ollllormcing<br />

compltlt.<br />

goals/or recovu)'.<br />

5 Deccmbtr TASS anfUJunces that unils I and 2<br />

15 Ma), Tunnel/or accus to the DreD undtr are on linc and readJ'/or normal<br />

the unit 4 reador slarted: construe·<br />

stn'iet,<br />

tion all entom[;menl/or utllt "<br />

begun. 1987<br />

lZ Ma)' First recovery lIlI/etablt annoullctd, 1/·16 Jallll'<br />

proposing to complele enlolllbmclIl or), IAEA dirwar Hans Dlix inspects<br />

and ''prcpare" unIts I, 2. (Jlld j for<br />

tntombment and "Wri/ics" ils<br />

operation by 15 June.<br />

In/tgrll.r,<br />

L I<br />

} lune Rulart afunlts I and 1 schcdullif<br />

for OClobu: rularl af unll J put on<br />

hold, ----<br />

1- J<br />

4 Jill), Tuntld 10 unll -I compleud.<br />

/J March SOlitl press reports that units I Dnd<br />

19 Jul)' Special CPSU Politburo mutlllg } art operating at full potI'tr.<br />

discusses Chtrl/obJ'/' [III'tsrigJtion<br />

usults. Dm/ounces reorganization 01 15 April The chairmQJI·af the USSR's Stau<br />

nuc1tar pOltlU indllstr)'.<br />

COII/mll/u/or UtilizatiIJn of Atomic<br />

£ntro. Andronik PelrosJ'lJnlS, Dn-<br />

}5-19 Augllsl IA£A speciallllee(il/g 01/ Olemobyl' nOIIll((S Iltal unilS j and 6 will nol<br />

Ittld in Vitl/na.<br />

br C'olllPleled_<br />


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