Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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The So\"ict <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

Program After (he<br />

<strong>Chernobyl</strong>' Accident<br />

Short-Term Consequences of the Accident<br />

The accident that destroyed reactor unit 4 of the<br />

<strong>Chernobyl</strong>' nuclear power plant in late April 1986 had<br />

many and \~ried consequences-from the tra~ie human<br />

costs (sec inset) to marginally greater fossil-fuel<br />

consumption, safety upgrades on <strong>Chernobyl</strong>'-t)'pe rcactors,<br />

and some reexamination of the commercial<br />

nuclear program in the USSR_<br />

The Acdden!: Prescription for Oluster<br />

The So\"ie! acciden! repor! filed with the International<br />

Atomic Energ)' Agency (IAEA) indicates thall~e<br />

errors that doomed unit 4 began on 25 April when<br />

technicians started a poorly executed experimcnt 10<br />

lest the emergency electricily supply to the reactor.<br />

Major violations of the proccdures for reactor opcralions<br />

were commi!tcd, such as switching off the<br />

emergency shutdown system and operating the reactor<br />

with too many control rods withdrawn. These<br />

human errors, coupled with a design flaw that allowed<br />

reactor power to surge when uncontrolled steam<br />

generation beean in thc core, set up the conditions for<br />

t he accident.<br />

The final moments of the accident occurred in a<br />

period of about 40 seconds at 0123 l(\cal time on­<br />

S~turday, 26 April. Opcrator errors had put the<br />

reactor in an unstable condition, so rcactor power<br />

incrcascd rapidly whcn the er.pcriment be~an" Subsequent<br />

analysis of the SOl'iet data by US expcrts<br />

suggests the power surge may ha\'e accelerated when<br />

the operators tried an emeriency shutdown of the<br />

reactor.' According to SOl'iet data, the energ), re­<br />

Icased was, for a fraction of a second, 350 times the<br />

ra ted capacity of the reactor. This burst of energ,<br />

rC5ultcd in an instantaneous and violent sur£c of heat<br />

and pressure, rupturing fuel channels and releasing<br />

I An u[lCrt IUm ,uscmblcd br Iht Dcplflmcnt or Encrn bJ.s<br />

c'-.:lIeJ.lcd the firul hours of unit". fot dCI3i1S sec DOE/NE-0016.<br />

NO\'cmocr 1986. Rcpo/'l Q/lhc US. DqQI"/ft1CNI 0/ 1:'n('rf.Y",' Trunr<br />

Ana/po ,if '''~ Chanob)"l"-l Atumic £nutJ" Statioll .-ia,-dcn(<br />

Sl'qUC'f1(,(<br />

Th~ Ilumun Costs tJ/llre Clrcrnoby/'Accitienl<br />

The 3/ initial casualties rt:Sltlling/rom rhe ~.Tploslol/<br />

rhal d~stroy~d ulllr 4 ... iIl ullimald)' ace-ounl/or 011/.1'<br />

a lIIillor pari tJ/lh~ hUll/lUI ,oll o/th~ Chunob)'1'<br />

disaJlu. Tk'O PVIt'U plane ,,'orkus "-cr~ killtd immetiialdy,<br />

alld burns and hlgll radIation 'xpo!urc!<br />

~.'cnlually claimed rhe Ii.·~s 0/ aMlhu 29 ptop/~n:asl<br />

0/ Ilrml fircmrJ/ and sile ~I/Itrgtn()' pasonnc/.<br />

SOI'i~1 doclors nporred Illal n~arl)' 300 p~oplt u­<br />

cd"cd ~nough radiation /0 uquirc hospitalizalion.<br />

These illdil-iduals ",ill apcrltnet subslaneial addllional<br />

risk 0/ cancu. (<br />

Longer (UIII heallh conseQlul/cts in th~ USSR ... i11<br />

fewll/rom radivaclive conralllina(i~n spr~ad b)' tire<br />

accidenl over an area 0/ aboul 1,000 sQuau kilometers"<br />

Many Ihousands 0/ persons .. ·tre exposed ro lhis<br />

,adlatloll (or wtll b~ apoStd 10 uSldual amOll/llS 0/"<br />

radialion as dailyroulints are fetstablishtd), increasing<br />

Ihdr 10llg-term risk 0/ canur. Tlris eanar<br />

threat pO us uniqlle mtdical and psychological prob-<br />


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