Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant CIA Files - Paperless Archives


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Contents<br />

_____ Key Judgments<br />

Scope 1'\ole<br />

-------<br />

------5ho·rt:1-crm'ConscQucnces o( th~ Accident<br />

Pagr<br />

iii<br />

- .. ----.---------- -----<br />

------<br />

ilt<br />

._----- ----.-<br />

The Accid~nl: Prcscription for Disa~lcr<br />

I<br />

----------Ekctridl;·-Losscs-and Inerc::scd fucllJsc -------------2----<br />

--------_.. - '<br />

Relurning the Chcrnobyl" PI~nl i~ Sen'iec 2<br />

Short-Term Economic Costs 3<br />

Background<br />

C'h-oi~~ -~f 'R~ilclo'r "T):pcs ----.-<br />

------------.:----<br />

---------<br />

________ 7 __ _<br />

7<br />

____________ 9. __<br />

--~!ainlaining -the 'RBlI'!K -Rcaet~r Orlio~ 10<br />

O'~ilook-for A~hicv~ll1~nt of Nuclcar-Induw)'-Goals fOr 1990 12<br />

-----------A~suring·thc-Fulurc: VVE'R and ~\ST Rcaci~rs 14<br />

ImpaCl on S~'ict !'iuclcar Ene'rg)' Polic),<br />

---------- 16<br />

- --- .. . - --<br />

An Underlying Commitmcnt to Nuclcar Powcr -----------17<br />

T~ 'I~n~cnc~ ~f NuekJ~.fn·d~slr)' ·lnfras'i;.-u_C_l·U-_(_C________ 20<br />

-----A-nlinucfca·;V~iccs-in lhc-USSR 20<br />

---_._-_._-_._----_ ..- ---- ...<br />

Impact on Resource Allocation and Trade 21<br />

Soviet Purchases From thc West --------. 22 ---<br />

--------- ------ --------. ----<br />

Soviet <strong>Nuclear</strong> Salel_lI_br_o_J_d ______:--___ 22<br />

vii<br />


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