Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives


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TIle (nqi M ...... (TlIe Iraqi Sc,WllildcnJ<br />

The Mujahidin appears to be SAIRl's primary<br />

military wine. It was established in 1979 and is led by<br />

Abel al-Aziz ai-Hakim. youneer brother or SAIRI<br />

Muhammad al-<br />

TIle ...... Ac:tJo. Orp.izadcMa<br />

The Iranians also appear to have considerable control<br />

over the Islamic Action Oreanization (lAO). The<br />

croup is also known as the Islamic Work Oreanization<br />

or <strong>Am</strong>al but is distinct from the terrorist <strong>Am</strong>al &rouP<br />

in Lebanon. The lAO, an offshoot and rival of Dawa,<br />

is'heaCled by Mubammad Taqi al-Modarasi. an<br />

Iranian who ha..~ close ties to Ayatollah Khomcini.<br />

The lAO has conducted terrorist openllions insi.sfe<br />

and outside Iraq. but none is known 10 have been<br />

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We ICC little ebancc of an effective Shia Gw<br />

movement emcrcinc rrom the badly splintered rebels.<br />

The chasms between them appear too numerous and<br />

too wide to be easily brideed. The emcrlcnoe of a<br />

native Iraqi Shi. leader with widespread popular<br />

support amonl Iraq's Shias w~ld improve the rebels'<br />

prospects, but Iran probably would view him as a<br />

ch&lIence 10 its authority and uooetinine his<br />

inftuenc L ;,..•.<br />

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Iraqi Shia dissidents racc a dilemma. Without Iranian<br />

backine and a presence in Iran. indcpc:ndent croups<br />

would be too wcalc and too distant to build an<br />

effective movement inside Iraq. The acceptancc of<br />

Iranian backinc and control. however. antaconius<br />

many Iraqi Shia leaders and taints the lroup5, in the<br />

eyes or Iraq's Arab Sbias who hold a dccp-~cd<br />

animositY.lainst Ihe Persians . .,.. b..::><br />

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