Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives


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SdMcu r« GAL<br />

For the fil'$l time since the Antiterrorist Liberation Group CG!\lJ appaared in<br />

1983. two of its members have been sentenced 10 jail terms. The men were arrested<br />

in September 1984. convicted of carryine weapons. and sentenced by ia Bayonne<br />

court to five·ycar terms. In ~i.ris. three other GAL lnCIU,~re arrested on<br />

13 April and charecd ·... ith the 30 March murder of a Spanis" Basque journalist .<br />

. judicial hcarinp onthcsc three beean in Bayonne on 11 April. while Spain has - ~<br />

be,un extradition proccedincs....<br />

b.-J<br />

Extradited ET A M~ Rdcucd<br />

On 19 April a Spanish criminal court released two of the thrcc ETA terrorists<br />

extradited from France in September. ne third was convicted and sentenced to S4<br />

yean in prisoa. • , g , ad.'<br />

The Spanish press is specula tin, that Madrid will noc request fuither extraditions<br />

but will henceforth rely on French expulsions of alleaed terrorists to third<br />

coUjtria. The acquittals 4 ZI I .. I n tJ't,..i"<br />

,. ti appear to be a Ktback to French-Spanish<br />

counterterrorist coopention. We believe. however. that Paris may view them as<br />

proof of the fairness of the Sp;lnish judicial system aiid: therefore. they could<br />

encourI,e additional cltnditi"n~ ..".<br />

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ETA ...... Hit Mediten'U1C811 Raoc1s<br />

On J May ETA be,an • bambini campaian .,ainst Spanish resorts. So far II<br />

bombs have been detonated in the resort towns of Alicante:. JavC3. Villajoyosa.<br />

Dcmesa de: Campoamor. Bcnidorm. Valenc:a, and Sidi San Juan. The bombltimed<br />

for the: start of the resort season-have caused no injuries and little dama,e.<br />

ETA h2S not attacked tourist tarltets since: 1919.~<br />

b3<br />

Wife al KiUaped lounalist Recdycs Vidcatape<br />

On 9 May, the wife of Alec Collett received a videotape of her husband from an<br />

anonymous source. Collett. a British journalist who works for the UN Relief and<br />

Works Acency for Palestinian rcfulccs. was abducted south of Beirut on<br />

2S March. The little-known ~CY9lutionary Ora:anization of Socialist Muslims<br />

(ROSM) claimed responsibility fofthc kidnapiillif: On the tape. Collett appeared<br />

healthy and said that he has been hcld in Beirut sin~ the 25th and that he bas<br />

been receivine medication for his diabetes. The tape: contained no demands for his b.3<br />

release. •• ., .'<br />

II<br />

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