Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives


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SWt ao.w.c c ..... 1p Lnta 85 Dead<br />

A (lOOrdinated bombina: campaicn cond'ucted by Sikh extremists durin, 10-12 May<br />

lefl 85 penons ip Delhi and other citid dead and morc than I SO wounded. Marc<br />

than a dozen bombs exploded in buses. bus stations. and other crowded .rcas: some<br />

of the unelploded devices found and defused were boobytrappcd portable radi05.<br />

This was the hiaM.st thri:C-day death tJlI yet attnbUrJOrSikh terrorism and the<br />

first coordinated bombina campeian since 37 train st.tions wcre bombed on,<br />

15 April 1984. ThC$C attacks came on the eve of the tri.1 of three Sikhs accused of<br />

ususinatinaPrime Minister Indira G.iMihi and prior to the 6 June annivcrsary of<br />

the Itomlin, of the Sikhs' Golden Temple by the Indian Army. Indian police have<br />

arrested 1.000 suspects so far and beliC"c they have identified three persons<br />

responsible for the bombrncs.tiII( >. b.3<br />

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CCC RCRIMS Bolllbbt& Campaip AfCu Fou-M_U. Ld<br />

On I May the Belaian terrorist eroup Combatant Communist Cells (CCC)<br />

resumed its bombina camp.i,n with an attack that caused the first fatalities<br />

attributable to the ,roup. A bomb pla~ a car outside the Employers'<br />

federation of Belaium exploded and killed two firemen who had been tryina to<br />

defuse it. Group members had distributed pamphlets at the scene warnin, of the<br />

bOmb and phoned police I S minutes prior to the explosion. In addition to the<br />

fatalities, several other aspects of this attack wue new for the CCC-the<br />

distri~ut~n o~ leaflets at the scene, the warnine call, and publication of a l<br />

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communique an both French and Dutch . ." ~<br />

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