Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives


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erne,: T,,'o Libyan studenu found murdered in their apartment in a crime<br />

reminiscent of Libyan killinas of anti-Qadh.afi Sludents in 1980;and 1981. The two<br />

were aaaaed. beaten. and stranaled before bcinl "hot t"'ice in the back.<br />

. :<br />

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GrHC': Anli-Qadhafi Lib)'an businessman killed by Iwo men on a motorbike wbo<br />

avoided arra!. Libya's Forci,'n Minister concluded a virino Glace the same day .<br />

Grn~': A Libyan-born Grcc:k citizen known to have distributed anti-Qadhafi<br />

literature at his store was wounded by a Libyan employc:c of Libyan Arab Airlines .<br />

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Li6yt1: JANA. the official Libyan news aaeney. announced "the Libyan masses<br />

have decided to (orm suicide commandos "to chase: traitors and stray does wherever<br />

they ;are and liquidate them physically."<br />

U.iutl Ki •• tloM: British policewoman killed and 11 anti-Qadhali demonstrators<br />

wounded by aunfire from Libyan People's Bu!cau in London. Afte~ • sieae, British<br />

authorities found WC8p.Jns and spent shell casinp in the vacated embassy.<br />

Li6yt1: Followina the annual Libyan General People's Conaress. the Libyan<br />

Revolutionary Committcc:s announce that all Libyan exiles must return to Libya<br />

or face "the death penalty." -<br />

1911<br />

JS,pu""kr<br />

19Fd....".<br />

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It.'y: Four·Libya~claimina.to be. seamen arrested in Rome while followinathc:<br />

US <strong>Am</strong>bassador's motorcade.<br />

Li6y.t1: Libyan General People's Congress wams all Libyans in exile to return<br />

home or face "the anler c( the Libyan people."<br />

1912<br />

No attempts known.<br />

1911<br />

10 OctolHr<br />

Slit/ • .: Planned assassination of visiting Chadian President Hisscin Habre failed<br />

when those sent to conduct the operation surrendered.<br />

Judy: Scv~ral Libyan aunmen open lire on passengers arrivina at Rome airport<br />

(rom Aleiers. The head oflhe .major anti-Qadhafi exile eroup was the target. b.3<br />

3<br />

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