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Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives

Pan Am Flight 103 CIA Files.pdf - Paperless Archives


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Libya: Revie~ng Terrorist<br />

Capabilities (..... . . ~<br />

- ':B;f<br />

Terrorism has been a key clement of Libyan leader<br />

Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi's foreign policy since he carne<br />

to power in 1969. He has formed an internal organizatio'n<br />

to direct, support, and encourage terrorist operations<br />

by Libyan agents and clients.' gather intelligence.<br />

and enlist the support of radicals worldwide.<br />

Over the years the ties that Qadhafi has developed to<br />

terrorist groups have extended his reach and increased<br />

his fircpower_ He may have achieved sufficient con­<br />

1985 Qadhafi apparently decided to back more destructive,<br />

indiscriminate attacks by clients. Tripoli<br />

provided passports to Abu Nidal organiz3tion(ANO)<br />

terrorists who attacked the EI AI ticket counter at the<br />

Vienna,uirport in December 1985. In the spring.Qf 63-<br />

1986.@i Iii . ,it( .lljJTr!poli to the-at~!T<br />

the La Belle dtsco In Berlm, (eadlng to the US_ ~<br />

airstrikes on Tripoli and Bangha;z.i on 15 APfil.~ .133<br />

trol over a few of his clients to allow him to make the The airstrikes stunned Qadhafi and resulted in a- .<br />

choice of target and timing of an attack. His influence spasm of retaliatory violence followed by a period of<br />

over others has probably resulted in several terrorist quiescenceA~he 10 days arter the strikes, Qadkafi ...<br />

operations that have accorded with his goals. ~:ed was linked to a number of1eh~rist attacks:<br />

Background<br />

Qadhafi's co~mitmcnt to terrorism as an instrument<br />

of policy spans most of his 19-year rule. In 1972<br />

Qadhafi publicly oITcred to help any anti-Western<br />

revolutionary organization-as well as the Provisional<br />

Irish Rep~bl~can Army (PIRA) and the Black Power<br />

movement In the United States-and to equip any<br />

Arab willing to strike Israel. Later the same year he<br />

delivered on some of his promiscs by giving sanctuary<br />

to the Palestinian terrorists who massacred II Israeli<br />

athletes during the M'unich Ol)'mpic Games. Qadhafi<br />

dispatched his own agents to strike Israeli targets as<br />

early as 1973, when five Libyans were arrested at the<br />

international airport in Rome. where they planned to<br />

shoot down an El Al jet with a shoulder-fired missile.<br />

In 1977 Qadhafi plolted to kill the US <strong>Am</strong>bassador to<br />

Egypt-his first known attempt on a US targct-evcn<br />

after assuring the new President. Jimmy Carter. lhat<br />

he wante~mprovc relations with Wa~hington.<br />

Qadhafi-s~perativeS began to stalk Libyan dissidents<br />

in the mid-I 970s-following a n unsuccessful attempt<br />

to overthrow the4-ibyan.leade'F=-'::'and have focused<br />

primarily on exiie~-sinee then, killing ~t least 20. (n<br />

· Dr.O •• I.·,IE rr.n ....<br />

)Libyan involvement<br />

in the shooting of a US Embassy communicator<br />

in Khartoum on 16 April.<br />

• British Foreign Secretary 1·lowe publicIy linked<br />

Libya to the murder of two Brilish lcachers and onc<br />

US hostage~~~":1911 oIJ19~il:-<br />

• Two Libyans were apprehended on 18 April as they<br />

attempted to attack the US officers club in Ank'lra<br />

with handgrenades obtained from the Libyan People's<br />

Bureau (LPP) there:-Thc Libyans said they had<br />

been inslrucled t

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