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- 78 -<br />

member of tho Expedition aent to the USA , but Jua t l,etore departure<br />

trom Lorlcnt he olai med to hKve contracted .yphilis and<br />

to be unkblo to travel. Canad!un Trac •••<br />

~Iod"".u. (Q ... Jp - ~,. .;<br />

BO~!lDT! Oberst. · l)eb-crlbed us' an officer ot<br />

the Abwohr at Bel' 1n heodquuftora. N.T.<br />

ot KOEI:{IG,<br />

ot Abw. II<br />

ths'QUEllTZ Lako Sohool.<br />

z.b.V. BoO Regiment, and<br />

ond of tho piatol B.A., praotioe. hal boon Ho in i.~~~~.~~~~~~!;:~~:~!~~<br />

ptleeent regime, and 18 onl7 w<br />

oan take port. He 18 a&14 to<br />

e~ert through tho Gootape.<br />

h.<br />

011<br />

•<br />

poeelb~ idontioal with Dr. SCHUmZ ot Abw. II<br />

who Ie Shortly gOing to Sllain, toawONrll¥ to .replaco Paco •<br />

zno.o:."IUI.ANN "ho".. rocont17 k111ed. proaumably idontioal with<br />

Dr. SCHULTZ I m 0 vi.i ted Ifonte. in October 1911 2 to toat ZIGZAG t.<br />

proficiency 1n a.botaao •<br />

.<br />

a.".,. hem tho QUKNTZ Lake<br />

-. .•• ilnr~.~ qt. ihe oaur.e aa be1na ant1re17<br />

s.M\;.. !f 1ttao ~ • . II. R .. ponal~l. tor<br />

Central A!J1~r1oa. ':'If ttPtna: XN. II brtloer that DA80H me.<br />

at T1rpitaurer in June 19h.2. Atter q.ueaUoning him 011 "'1'10&.<br />

he introduced him to ]maL. ,ro'ba'b17 1dent.1cal wi th the &PIS81<br />

known to KIBPBR and RISCH. whO Wi" f'o~ - .. tima in AU.· ~aela an4<br />

olIO 1n Brett. Later b80 ... BUro-ottla1er (Hauptmann). o~<br />

plo.1ned. trequentl¥ or h&v1nc all kinde ot th1t188 hn4e4 on h1a.<br />

8ald to MYe come trOll a HambUrg-Bremen III tD101aD twlJ and to<br />

be an.U-uas1. ~ t1rl~ DJaI. tlDD,lI ... plq.r. . .<br />

t:<br />

co<br />

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F-<br />

saboteurs Who !I.T.<br />

English W1 th an !EUh .'~~~.",!!<br />

thla t he spoke' wi<br />

One or the e18ht •<br />

eome time ln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~;fij~~;j~1:i~:::~<br />

a deoided. trace<br />

atitt leg lind.<br />

l n France • • _-C-. :<br />

eornmun1cat<br />

p/We ot Ir~:~.~;~"~.;~:l:;~<br />

the U.K.<br />

who viai Xl roe .<br />

Lore. Known Binee e.r17 19 /~ 1 to ha-.e<br />

Ui<br />

recrui tment ot Irlsh J?/Wa tor work. _saine<br />

aeen by WJ..TCUDOO at Berlin he,.dquartera in ~d';';i1c.i ;;i';i,or~" ••<br />

a apecialist ln Iaiah mattera, 1a probab17 1<br />

HOIEl:l . The deecrlptipna ot JUpP JI) Lt. VOGEL IpP17<br />

o the eaUIC individ.ual. A jlhotogrlph 0 pp ill being<br />

shown to DASCH and BUROlm ~or ident~c ... ti • I i(Ul, Uil~ BIH.<br />

H /'

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