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Rtgistcr No . Minute Sheet No.<br />

1<br />

I think lOU may be Intereated to road :parte<br />

of my report on tho blS USA sabot_se ca •• about Whioh you<br />

allowed me to So to Amerioa. I haU ta te to sand 7au. 80<br />

volwn1noua a document knOwing how muCh ruMna: 7/lU )\&78,<br />

but teel you would wl.h to sea the result. at DQ' Amerioan<br />

trill. I luggeat that 110 would hardly ba worth your while<br />

reading the appendicea, which ara technioal, both tram<br />

the polnt ot view at .abotage equipment, and trom the<br />

poln t or view at Geman 8eoret 88"108 Focadure, paraonnal,<br />

addressee, etc.<br />

•<br />

-.<br />

If' the information (I) nta1nad 1n .1ob1. report<br />

18 cCID})a.rad wi th that prO'Y1404 by BIS .arllol: on, the reuOM<br />

the t I waG an:doua to ao to the USA will ~e aelt-avlden.t ..<br />

. Thore ara ma'.l¥ loa_ona to be learnt from thi_<br />

0 ••• , not onll fran the pOlnt ot view ot .abot.,., but alao<br />

1n ragard to Oarman 8eoret SerTie. communioation matb048-J<br />

pseudonyms, .dares.ea, and ao on. It 1 •• matte~ tOi'<br />

thoae porta ot the<br />

otticsrs and I hava<br />

d1ocusoion with the,~~FB~"[:.i.;::~h~ ..<br />

Thurston. 9I9'a rsl",88<br />

~'BI will do euen to snsure<br />

be used and not p •• 'd in m .:,~4:~.~.:'~;~~<br />

neces.ary seoreoy r.striotio~,<br />

Hoover gavo mo this- information on<br />

that it ... not ahotm eTan to 818.<br />

~~t~.~r~~.~;.~~~~~:~'~n~~~~;::~::<br />

A "'1'7 larao par' at the .Ol'~ 1D.Y01Y14~1lI~o;~~~<br />

pJleparing thi. report baa baen oa1"ne4 out :t:<br />

i/1thout her excellent ertort, the report<br />

almost indefinitely delayad owina to the prsalUra 0,"0,;,"''';1,:<br />

business.<br />

A COP1 haa been .ent indepandent17 to D.B •<br />

•<br />

2.<br />

I have rea~ allot the report an~ most at the<br />

barring the ~el~ technical portions. The report<br />

interesting an~ valuable an~ it more than justitie.<br />

con.i~erable pains an~ troUble IOU took to .eCure<br />

not hitherto 8uppl1e~ to us.<br />

L<br />

---<br />

L<br />


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