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19h2, and on the .. me da)' lunched with b1Jn.. RIT'l'J::R add tlw, to<br />

he had returned tram Spain on the prevloue dky knd claimed<br />

the t he was one of the lead1 nS men in the German eabd: age<br />

orgenia.tt in Spain. Alae that hie prInoipal work was to<br />

aabo .hipping in Mediterranean porta, thla beln&<br />

done Zolrne bomb. to the e14ce at the veuel. wi th<br />

0814 hi. headquarter •• 8~. at v~lencla or<br />

t he had men working at ),Ialaaa and Viae.<br />

.brut the Inab1l1 t)' ot the German Gcwerment<br />

obljgoUona with Spatn and remarked that the<br />

the OYer because they able to<br />

ot to the Spaniarde the<br />

•<br />

•<br />

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.ao aOma<br />

RISCH that<br />

..ce4 tooo.-operate.<br />

the Moroooan. .a. 11"011. up,<br />

oaalp ".. tor YUloala.,. plr- and JlJROIR 1I'U atatlone4 thaN<br />

for a ahort per10d ... auard.. ' HI .. 14 that the Moequa •••<br />

nothing but • ahell and " •• built purelJ to take photoll"ipba<br />

whioh could be exhibited in 1101"0000 and !forth Atrloa tor<br />

propngande purpoaee •. _ .<br />

r:<br />

M"ehr Agents 1n ,ear leet One ot thl A'tnr. II<br />

officlalB etten nl thl cour.. • uInta lake 0814 ~ha' •<br />

number of .aboteura were beln, lent to BUPt, lnolu41na:. Oal!'O •<br />

and Buez, and Turkey. Ha aleo •• 1d that a lIr,a number •• re<br />

already operating ln 8)"rla and In all. parte ot the lfau saat.<br />

In the reading roca..at the Quenta 8cbool,Jthlre<br />

were Arabic mag.'inea nod ne.'papara whicb IUllelte tbat<br />

LPrOViOUI o18 .. ee had bien hald. tor Arab~.<br />

Ab .... II oUioial Who took tb •<br />

COurl. at the , to14 tbe .abotaura, aa an<br />

illustration ex;ped1 tiOD8 mint be k.ept, th. ItOrJ'<br />

ot 8 .8botage group beias aef\t tram Athana to tha Bi7PUan<br />

coast b)" aubmarlne. RQSZINBJa aaid t1'a t beter. their deputur.,<br />

tho crew ot the eubmarlne bad been toM. about tha trip to land<br />

theee aaboteura, and dlaouaaed 1t in varioue place a 1n Atb~,<br />

wi th the reaul. t that J,ngl1ah allanh .... 1'. b.l1 eYed to lw.vI<br />

obtalned knowledge ot the plan. 'I'be reault ..... that tbl<br />

saboteure .era captured on. landing. It ia eat18t80to17' tbat.<br />

Ab". II ahould think. tbla, baoauee in reI1U,., the mecabere<br />

of the elq)edi tion to "hich R08ZIllSXY r.terr.d "er. causht b7<br />

occident, and although prior intormation wae available tram<br />

Most Secret eourees, it "a. not .ln a form which enablad ue to<br />

understand It. slgnificance.<br />

BURO~R, who ••• at the z.b.V. Boo reSiDent oamp<br />

tit lIooerltz ln the Spr1ng of 19112, 8a14 th.nt fermer membtsra of<br />

the Gernan Dlplomatlc Corpe 1n Iron were receiving .abotage<br />

tra1n1nc at thJ.a Car.lp, preaul:'Iably wl th a ... lew to returnlng to<br />

Irun.<br />

.<br />

L<br />

L<br />


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