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- 62 -<br />

reprOtl\1oe the "rH1ng, the 1Iapor waD 1I1$oe4 1n wutcr 1fhen the<br />

loattore showed up black. Th1a 1s (,..,)[IDonl)" lmO'fl'1l . a tho<br />

"Boy Scout" type ot aecret wrl t1ne.<br />

GLYCERnq-. TWo or tho eaboteura thou.zht that<br />

the)" had been given slYcerlne to bo ueed elther aa an Ingrediant<br />

ot on lnk or •• a develaper. It 1. almost oerta1n<br />

that the glyoer1ne wae to be ueed ••• developer tor a<br />

1IJ'l'amldon or ..:plr1n ink.<br />

.aboteur. wore 1n.truoted<br />

to.w1'i to with t~}) ot wbioh na to be oonrad<br />

with & })ieoe ootton wool. The, 1'om~berod<br />

be thin and on. a<br />

The IOcret<br />

wri ting wee to be<br />

" aida ot the pa})81'<br />

and an or41naI7 l!I<br />

• on the other.<br />

Theee<br />

a<br />

inatructione<br />

secret 1fritlng.<br />

and a<br />

g1rl. l&boratoI'7 The two aroup leader. and<br />

addro8aol :prffloua)Jr mentioned<br />

bUt<br />

_nothing about :~i:E~:~~:l~~~:i~~t;O~b~.~ua~i'~d;:,xoe:pt that it ahould<br />

~~~~.~f~~I~:~i~:l~~~~i~:din.<br />

DASCH sUd 1t ... Abw. IIt •• id·~"~;~;~:;~~:~;,~t'<br />

in<br />

to bo uaad<br />

that a.tter<br />

•<br />

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•<br />

•<br />

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