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- I., -<br />

•<br />

obtain extra men trom another grouF.<br />

Ru11w8la. On Wa;y 13th the saboteure spent the da;y at a<br />

railway ;yard in aerlin. ~h'7 were tirat taken to the repair<br />

yarde where th';y had explained to them how locomotive. work.<br />

and were .hown where abra_iTea should b. Inserted to do<br />

~mum damage. DriTer bearlnga and oil tiltera were apeoiallY<br />

mentioned. The;y were theu sbown tho moat vulnerable parte<br />

ot goode trains and it .a. atated tht.t theu oOo1ld be beet<br />

aabotlged b;y outtlng the pr •• aur. plpes oontrolllna the<br />

braking Iyet_ and b;y plaolnc abruiT •• ln 011 box .. and<br />

bearings.<br />

The vulnerable parte d polnta, a1gnala and<br />

aw1tohea were alao explained but the;y .era told that. it.<br />

.oul.d be dittlcult to reaoh the .. objeotl" .. with exploSlv<br />

88 and that 1 t would be ... ter to .. botaS' the track<br />

Ua';Lt. Tho;y were inatruoted to .. botl,o the track ln .<br />

tunnels, on brldgee, or 00 CurT •• such a. tbe Her.e aboe<br />

Curve, penn.,.lTan1a, as thne part. ot the trick .. er. "mOre<br />

diffioult to repair and derailment at suoh pOinta would do<br />

more damage. Explollv •• wore to b. plaoed on the lnner<br />

bond ot the CurTe.<br />

•<br />

BouAla d1agu.1aed •• l\.IDPs at ooal, wi tb whioh<br />

the saboteurs were prOTided •• ere to be plaoed in looomottn<br />

tenders to destrol ths looomoU" •• • boilalra.<br />

•<br />

ro1<br />

•<br />

Oanale. The aaboteura were oonduottd O'f'er<br />

.y.~om on Ma7 12th and .ert aborn .athOda ot<br />

Deatrue tlou ot a look waa to be atteotad b)­<br />

gatea ot two aon.eouttT. looka that the<br />

water would break down the ~~ ~~!;.;;<br />

An exploa1 .... obar,e ... to ~<br />

ot the lock b7 lar arina 1 t<br />

conneoting the Ohar,a to tbe<br />

to canal tratt10 w.a to be<br />

oachlnerr, chalne or oabl ••<br />

The poea1bllU7 at blockl01 .. •<br />

with oement ..... 1.0 dllouaa.4. on thi. tour,<br />

wero advised not to attempt to de.tr01 large dame, ,~::c~;~:rii<br />

heavy ooncrete struotureo, thi. being o.id to ba ~<br />

impoeeible tor a small sroup ot .eo.<br />

L<br />


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