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- J;c -<br />

. unineulated loop atretchecl aoroe. the top ot the oan, OaDplatina<br />

an electrical oircuit. The 40lay 18 oontrolled by<br />

the amount at ",ater in the oan, the lin at the holo in the<br />

bottom and tho lenath ot l~ul.t.d wlra attaohed to the oork<br />

(aee tlg.l~). Tho .... rbal. -d .. orlptlon ~ thi. 4ell, 18 Aomewhat<br />

oomplicated but thl"chanl .. -!. "ail1 unduatOOCl tra;<br />

tla.I ••<br />

. .<br />

Ce) A ke,. rlna 1. plrtl,117 Immer •• d in •• tar,<br />

the two hel .... a ot tho rina beine kept apart b~ • 'lump ot<br />

.a1t or aular below t~ wat •• l~.l. Onl and ot thl ka, rlna<br />

18 41root17 conneoted to an ,110tr10 1 •• 4 While thl other<br />

end hae • plo01 ot Inaulate4 tape round 1t, and round the<br />

ouhldo ot thil, another e1eotr1o lea4 h .wound. Thu8 thi.<br />

•<br />

latter aleotr1.o lead 1. not Sou ,leotr10a1 oontact. W1tf'.l.b.<br />

k., rlna. The •• It O. lUll!' 41'.01 ..... in the watar, ftbue<br />

parmi t.t1q the two en48 ot tbe ke:r n:lla to ocxae tosethe!"<br />

normall7. When. thil bappena, the en4 of the key rina·wbleb<br />

h in direot eleotrioal oontaot w1th OM eleotrical lead,<br />

touch •• the other lead an4 an el,otrical oircuit 18 _de.<br />

Thie doee not ee. to "be aT'.,. e1mple urena_nt a. tbe<br />

•<br />

.. ,<br />

kef r1na muat 'be lNepm4e4 in ·.uch a ..,. that onl7 the l.ower<br />

halt ot it 11 illlDeraed in wat..r ( ... fil.5). . ..<br />

, (f) An orcUnal"1 'r"~ 'bl4.41 18 plaoe4 o~otIlW1"<br />

1n a ama11 box wob a •• _"toh "boz. A ba1"d .tick of rubb.r<br />

prllviCN817 .oake4 for about .WelTe heNr. 1n patrol (Whiob<br />

makea tbe rubber expand) 18 ~dIDI4 'P.iMt the ruor blade<br />

in sucb a wa, .. to keep l' 1n • oone ... pOI1 \1on •. ~. OM ~.<br />

eleotrio lead 11 attaobed to lthl ruol' blade .hile th. otb.r<br />

11 .. neal' U.. Ae the rub"Mpl'ooutraot., " hrouQtl, thl napora1l on<br />

ot the petrol. the l'Uor bla4. ~ .t.ra1&htlM O\l1o an4 oou. into<br />

contaot wUh the .1re lT1D.11oOl.· .. 1D .th. ~, OOIIIPliUna the<br />

•<br />

oll'Q\Ut. Th. 4el&7 1. aont.I'OUad.·1t1' the 41iune. ot:tb. 100.,<br />

rlre fram th. ruor bla4.'t( ... ti,.6) Th •• abotlUrl ......<br />

to14 tha~ In aot.ual praotlo,lt.b1. 41"1'101 .a. no\ .. ,at.lataoto1'7<br />

.. tho •• praTiouelT 4I1or1be4. . 'tfWI<br />

• ftl<br />

lWi t.ab \0 111 Ule4 UDder<br />

ooul at. ot • nftC ot<br />

.hiob ue t.o .,ta1<br />

platn. An onUn&r7 lna14, tb,<br />

plate.. An ~~:'~~;~5g:~a:~;:'i;g~~:ar5 tbe ..<br />

rubber 1'1111', reat1na on When prd.ure<br />

111 appUd to the top tbe'~i~i~~f.~ the ru.bblr aDd.<br />

eacplete. the o1rcuit (,.,<br />

•<br />

. l l . I t.:! "(.<br />

(b) A turth.r dIT10. 4epan4ant on prelwrl aM<br />

tor us. on ra11ft7 11n ..... 4"01'111,4.. It oonal.t. ot a<br />

double strand ot eleotne lea4, &h • . In4e of -.b1oh U'I<br />

un.1naula t.d. One 1"a4 11 longer and 18 twlate4 round. the other<br />

1n a ap1ral eo that. th.re 11 no ·.UotrlOal oonnaotlon b.twec<br />

them. The ull1n.tulate4 en4A ot th' Ueetr10 ]a.de are kept apart<br />

eea11ng "ax Wh11e the ep1r81 »-rt 11 41ppe4 in • m1xture ot relll n<br />

and paraff1n wax, Which eneure. In.ulat1oa. Th1a deY10e 1.<br />

place4 on a ra11way line and when a tr.1n p..... over the par~<br />

of the track eono~rn.d, tha .n.ela grind a".f the ooat ot<br />

res1n and paraftin! oausing .11l0t-r10al oontaot bet •• en the r .. 1n<br />

and wire ( ee. t1g.C).<br />

Chemical Delllt: A emall medioine bot.tle 18 halt fill.d Wi th<br />

sulphurio 8cl A u,..r at cr41nary paper 11 placed OTer<br />

L<br />

Jd ~ "

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