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- 38 -<br />

tho potaBoiue chlorate and aUBar. The reaultlng t 1re ignite.<br />

tbo petrol and the cork 1e blown out, a stream ot burnins petrol<br />

being ~ltted·trom tbo bottle.<br />

1<br />

e alze 0 • brick, at tbe QUlnTZ 'chOQ]=_ They were to14<br />

~~lOe1 ... e.l The "'boteur.~er. abown blqcu ot TnT, about<br />

that thi ••••• .table lUbe ano. whioh ooUld be dropped, eaR<br />

or driUed without allT untoward:otteoh. and that it would onl7<br />

explode When detonatadwltb . "detonator. Thay .era alao ahown<br />

blook. ot ~T oamoutll,ad a. ooal and a nucbar of thoao lump_<br />

ot "ooal" were taken to' the 0&.' The, were to14 that the<br />

blooka ot tftT witb whloh tba, .ou14 be aupplied on their axpad1tlOG<br />

could bo uae4 tor blDw1na up patrol and oil tanka.<br />

A rail •• , line ••• blown up in the irOUnda ot tbe QUINTZ •• tat •<br />

•<br />

.. • dem.onatraUon, 'two lIounda ot TNT being tied on tbe. 114a ot<br />

•• eotion ot tho line W1\b.4etonator and tuJo .ttaobed. ,1eo ••<br />

ot woo4 .er. attacbed to the out.1de ot the ~loot. or !NT,<br />

preeumeb17' W1tb a Tle. 'tO a.b-.OUnl tbe toro. ot th' .xPlo.lon<br />

aaainat tbo l1ne lteelt. Th', •• bohure .ere told tbat 2 lbl.<br />

ot 'l'l'f'r ... ilUtt'lo1ent to blOlr Up ' . rallwQ' 11n. and thlt tMe<br />

ehould be uaed .. a .w,4. tor tbe 4.eltruoU01'l ot other." o'bjeatlTe..<br />

•<br />

•<br />

It. tormu1a.\1~~:~~J~~::M malte a eubaUtuh tor<br />

TNT _hert auppl1el ran ~ tO~lotten 1'101 Ingredient'<br />

and non. ot the labot.url '1'10' 4urtna lntlrrol~tloD.<br />

detonatorl wblob .. ere to be ua.d 1n th. DBA<br />

i'nCt.'t. and to Ibow how pcnrert'ul. 'lObe .... re~ on.<br />

" ... exploded 1n • metal about .. It In d1ameh~. ' Tb. ~<br />

plollon bl!" the plp. . ~%! ot plIO... .<br />

•<br />

004<br />

load<br />

tho<br />

•<br />

{*.e. iAiP~'~'~'1;ltr~~o~m~i~~~~~,~~~!i;i~i~~~:~'~j;'~<br />

ey we~e to take wl 'lOb \,~,'i:r.;:<br />

manufaoture Of \:<br />

bOWOTer that<br />

ln the USA •<br />

• nece.elr7 a •• l.otri,;",~ • ..,'LO." ." •• '" ',<br />

•• ito ..<br />

Dore time to eecape. 8low bu.rn1q 00\.]..<br />

'out ot paper 1n 0111n41'10al torm, the paper hanna tirat been<br />

impregnated w1th ... te~ala... The o111n4er .. a. tben tille4 wlth<br />

• mix.ture ot 50 parte ot pot .. alUIL permanganate and !iO part. ot<br />

pluter ot Pari_. BlNQI, a&14 that & 11ttle 011 "u mixed with<br />

thi_ mixture. t<br />

L<br />

The .aboteura Were proTlded with olookwo~<br />

pa;e58) tor their expedition; but tbe7<br />


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