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use as appond to "bird Durnin; IIl1xiur •• " whioh need aD. Ineen41al'7<br />

m.1xtur. lntel'poae4 b.twew"th_ and the orlpnal<br />

an incendia17 fii1xture between thea. and the lui U. t.1 ng de'Yioe.<br />

In other WO'l'cle, tbe temperature ot a burtdng match or tuae i_<br />

1nau.t1'lcient to set them aUght. The following mixture •• ere<br />

- ~c -<br />



,<br />

I<br />

)tOXRIQ and,.D?WVTZ gan the .. boteura<br />

about 55 boun'" teOiWioal trdning at the QUKHTZ Sohool.<br />

Apart trcm tbie, one or two leotur .. an hrseta in the UBA<br />

•<br />

were given b,. wm. and 'be .aboteur. ~ent tour<br />

daye ~i.it1na ~r1ea installationa to .a1n<br />

praotical experienoe.<br />

Tho<br />

leotures d.li~ered bl<br />

in the laboratol7 and<br />

being aupel"'Yhe4 bl Dr •<br />

J, I<br />

llAJ&ZI and WlQU wrote down the 1'ol"'lll1lal ter<br />

making inoendiary and Mah explodTe bomb. aiTen. b,. IODIO<br />

but u the aaboteure had been. rorb14den. to keep their not e.,<br />

DASCH deatrOJ'ed hi. berore lenine Oel"lDaU7. EUHOD. .. 181.&14<br />

hie notee on tbe beaoh at Amapnaett. 'l'he 1 lectur. •• are ••<br />

tollowe:-<br />

•<br />

General Chemtam.. Thi. Ya. an introduotol'7' l.oture ,"<br />

neeouary tor £b.er tra1n1ng.<br />

.. ~..<br />

~ J<br />

"t.lght Burning M1xturee", "l'hl" oan be lU with. matoh or<br />

•<br />

eouree ot initiation. The I.boteure .Ire a1Ten. tbe proportlOD1<br />

in whioh the inarodiente ot the .. IIllxt6r .. ,.hould 'bl oClllbln.t4<br />

together.. Th.,. .ere allo li.an tbalr oammOD namOlan4 Dormal<br />

uae eo that thll could ba boua;bt In oli.u.t _bop. 1I'1tbOQ' ,"',.-1""<br />

arousing luap1oion. Tb. tollowlnl m.1xtura •• are raocaDln4e41<br />

aaltpatre. · .... .. ' SIOparb. - J I·~<br />

Sulphur 20" It J<br />

~<br />

:rlour . 10· ""<br />

Chile aal tpetre·· JOe) •<br />

SUlphur 90 ' •<br />

•<br />

Ohile •• ltpetre 1200 • I<br />

• •<br />

Sawduet JOe) •• • •<br />

Water<br />

, ,<br />

Saltpetre<br />

SaWduat<br />

W.ter<br />

T heae III1xtUl'e. are heb1 tuallT reca=mended by Abw.II.<br />

"Hard Burning lUxttree". The .. reqUire thl intarpodUon of<br />

"<br />

+ potae81um nitrate<br />

~. sod1um nitrate<br />


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