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- 35 -<br />


TlfEUSA<br />

•<br />

Betoro they .er. arra.ted, f'wr ot the elght<br />

sllboteurll eetab11ahed oontaot Wi tb thOir relatiTes<br />

and former trlonds, allot Gorman or1s1n. Theae<br />

people, 8.1 though knOWing tha t tho men wore German<br />

agente reoently arrived in tho oount17 by aubmarlno,<br />

not only tal1ed to warn the author1tlel but helped<br />

them and took oharge of' the1r baaa Oonta1ning the<br />

•<br />

money. In at least on. ooe8, an otter WI.. made to<br />

help the Undertaklng 1n 1 til mieelon. There .80II1II<br />

11tt1e doubt thorotore that it the m~ bad boen obl.<br />

to prooeed wlth their a •• 1gnmont, they would have<br />

received matorial o.aiotanoo trom the Oerman-Amerioan<br />

clrclos in whioh tho7 bad mOYod bef'ore roturnlna to<br />

Germany.<br />

,<br />

athl' al'r1val.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

They had in taot sone ouh1de their lnatruotlona<br />

1n contaoting and lnforming thelr ~rlenda 10 loon<br />

Although one ot their u'l&nmenh<br />

had been to oanteot tr1en4e in the USA. 'l'ho would help<br />

1n thelr sabotago plana, nono ot tbe •• poopl ••• re to<br />

bo approaohed until diloua.ion had taken plaoe UlOng.t<br />

the Group and approval given by tho leader. Von<br />

LA}()USBN himself'r at the Arnoll diMer 1n Berlin,<br />

~ld: 9"" that ho oould prom1eo aD,7 Oerman 01 tlUD<br />

who VI help a reward 1n honour. money 0:' • aOO4<br />

p081 t10n after the W&I'. ~ did not prOVide tho<br />

eaboteure w1 th 118te at ,tt,kiiry-pereona to oontaot,<br />

apa I't fl'an ~ I a unol~ LFflo e H 1-1 fJaJX,<br />


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