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- 32 -<br />

I<br />


Jua't betore tbo Quents oourae na C oocluded,<br />

the saboteurs were oalled into ~ '. ottica on. b7<br />

one and queationed at llnath" &b~tb'lr lnoome., the<br />

nam •• and .d4r ••••• ot their near.lt rllet!",. and ¥<br />

their incomes, and how muoh 1I01lO7 •• oh ot them UPeGte4<br />

to be paid tor the ,expe4l.UOIl_: rr '"': •<br />

•<br />

The amount and method. ot PI3IDea.t "&rile! aocord1q<br />

to the ata tua ot •• ob .. boteur betore l"eoru1 tmant. Jtu~ l<br />

they were all' prom1.ad 1004 poe1tlO1'l.1i in OarmaD7 when \1187<br />

returned attar tbo war and thOle .bo bad Wi·<br />

.... in Q.~IQ"<br />

wero prClll1 .. 4 that the7 woaJ.4 bl •• 11 looked aner. If'<br />

hOffover a "-thl allwanol -P87abb'"to<br />

•<br />

h18 wite it aaboteur were 1 ....<br />

prUone4 or 0. ... : the wit"<br />

belng paid •<br />

recol"ed<br />

told<br />

•<br />

anD¥ pa:y<br />

KAPJ'E proml .. 4<br />

undortook tba t<br />

held ••• 1na' him<br />

tinuod to r 1011T8<br />

per montb, While hI<br />

deposited. t a bank<br />

'aa tn. raSUlIll" •• 1117'<br />

KEm.IN(lt. aooount in<br />

the Propaganda Kln1atr7.<br />

•<br />

orr ice Pl¥~ •• roprd.l<br />

ll.\QQJ!. ..... 0111 r.:~:~fl~~::ib.~' ;:~~!!::<br />

pension eto. 'tbh beltl1 · 'Cb •. --"jj""l .<br />

called up tor the al"mT.<br />

Tbe rest or the •• boteura irere enrolled •• -amen<br />

end reeelved .alariea Tar)'1na: trem 2.50 to 500 mara •<br />

month, to be paid to their tUl11Ua in Oel'lDllQ' 01' .ore41te4<br />

to their aoex)\mta 111. tb.1n Oel'lMlll'.<br />

Betore leaving. eaob .. boteur ft. r.~lre4 tp<br />

sign a oontract wherab)" the aerman plrnmtlllt. would oredS. t<br />

h'm or hie relative.' aocount With an 8,1'.,4 tum, 1n<br />

consideration ot the .aboteur aar,.ins to portera oertain<br />

duties. It 1e °bel1ne4 that .n the contraots and<br />

81gnaturea or the aaboteura .. ere witten OIl the aame pieae<br />

of paper. At the aame time, eaoh or them alanol1 • p1.e4aa<br />

that he would do hi. be.t tOl" the Fatherland and that \ln<br />

L<br />

no clrc~.tano e8 would he divulse information p.rt.~n1na<br />

to hie assignment to .~on. . Violation ot tble pled&:a<br />

would be punUhed b)t the death penal t1. Furthermore, 8D7<br />

person t? Whom 1nt'onnat1on .... d1YUlaed would aleo b.<br />


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