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- 31 -<br />

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The .aboteur. signed reoeipts tor t hea. uniform. on wbicb<br />

• • ra the worda "If ..... 1 Motorllod.; Oompe lV'. OOl"'lDU. H1 a:b<br />

Cotrmand No.3". Tbi. un11'om .... noi , worn until t her<br />

lett tho hotel at Lor1.~' to. board u., aubru.r1na. '!'be<br />

.aboteurs .era In.truot.~ to 'wear ,th ••• unitorms when<br />

landins 111. the OBA 80 that it aauaht at thia m.c:aent thaT<br />

would b, treated aa prlaonera.at.war and not a. apl, ••<br />

Bet ore thoT lott in the 8ubmarine all the membara or tbo<br />

axpod1 tiOD bad been ••• 1KJ1ed to Tar1ans un1 ta ot the aarman<br />

arrq .. oover 1n 0 .... ~ capture. .Group 1 landed in<br />

f a tigue unitorm but without oape, two ot them • •• rlna<br />

oivilian bate and two ot them hatl.... Group 2: appeared<br />

to think that tbe oap. alone would bo aut'1'lc1ent ' to eneura<br />

prl80Der-ot· ... r tr.aiment and therotore landod dr •• aed<br />

only in ~.tb1D8 trunka and ~ tarasa loape. 4It<br />

,<br />

Betor, leninl tha wlaarlna .,eh II.botew:: ...<br />

mad, to '0 ft.<br />

throuab th. po~keta ot hie un1to1"lll and o1Yll1an<br />

olothee. ~ make .url ~ha.~ there uoth1na: ot German<br />

orlgin ltt11n them. imP ho'tr ..... l', . lIloceede4.in taklna:<br />

ashore a balt' 1'111e4 ~ I 'd Bo.pp. anq. ,& pIcket ot<br />

German oiaar.ett... . .' ._..:. I ') I ,.: 1. " _<br />

J " • 't .r'..I V ••• :<br />

'the O1T11.1m olathe. taktn)to the USA •• rt .tho ..<br />

• bousht in / the USA bJ 'the •• boteurl_ who bad rtcentl,y<br />

returned. All JUm'b.ra of tb • . exp.dition had been 1110-<br />

.'truoted b7 WlJl· to 1II&k • • • lS.' ot, tb. -olothe. lOt<br />

Amer10an Oriifil!,hld; th'7 po •••••• d and Ule •••• r. :.<br />

aharod out ImOna the pt.rtT. ,,"'14 I ~.j<br />

. , ..<br />

. At .h1'il/&r,t7<br />

a paok.t i o~ manuLlotur ••<br />

"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

'.--. -<br />

•<br />

, t<br />

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