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- :JO -<br />

oppoaed this 14ea beeauas they themaelvee already had<br />

people equipped with tranl!llll1 tter. in the USA and teared<br />

that another aroup mi;ht callae interferenoe With thea,.<br />

UPP.! add that the next expedition to tlao USA "ould be<br />

~ro'la.d wlth ahort wayO tr.~iter8 and pO.81blJ tor<br />

thie relllon, ~~R .. a lnatl"Uohd not to use the caver<br />

sdAres. atter ~ n&xt expedition had arrived. ' The<br />

tranam1 tter .hi eb the next ezped1 t10n.u to bring would<br />

•<br />

•<br />

ba fitted w1 th 8D. utenalblt •• rial and nil to b. built<br />

1nto a CI.I' 80 that tran.mblioD. oould taka place fica<br />

d1ttU8D.t 100al1 U.... .. ". !:. • , •.<br />

• •<br />

The .. bo'hura .ere not allowed to M'Ye all7 direot<br />

oorrm.m1oat1on with theil" hm1l1aa, but 1t .a. arranae4<br />

betora their departure that KAPPI sbould .. nd blrth4a7 •<br />

gr •• tinge to tblllr parenta, .1',... and ohildren, .a71nl"<br />

that tho men .'1'8 •• 11 and on aotln • ,n108 in a plaoe<br />

the name at wb.1ob could 'DOt be ' 418010 .. 4 •<br />

question<br />

on<br />

e\1l)marine<br />

'"<br />

of<br />

•<br />

•<br />

OIDTKIl1G. The .aboteure WO;~~.:j.~i.~~i!~~~~~;~r~<br />

eioine. at the Quanti Scbool,<br />

who wa. ii"en .. au! t t'rca the<br />

Brandenburg. While empl07e4 on<br />

the aaboteur. wore 47ed Polieh or<br />

unitorm&.<br />

In Berlin between Mal' 12th and 22nd, _oh Iroup<br />

wee taken .epaute!,. to • Nanl SUPP17 8tat1ou where the,.<br />

were iuued with German na.,.al tat1sue unitonu a1m1lar to<br />

tho.e worn b,. submarine or...... Ttl.,. oon..iete4 ot ahoea,<br />

~e., woollen soou, • ~e., ooat, _:oJ. trouers+ and. black<br />

leather bolt. POI' aome reason they .ere gI..,.en regular<br />

army torage cape wi th the eaale and ewutUe. badge on the.<br />

+The trousers had written lna14e BRANDBNBUROER JCLEIDERFABRIX O.N.Q.H.,<br />

•• J.<br />

r<br />

L<br />


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