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hia Mme, addroll and tbl) nature ot htl .ork, ln tha Oh1caSO<br />

Da~ Tribuna on tho 1at and 15th ot OTer, mont~ ~ An<br />

would baTI to b. lott tor t b. l •• el.rl to 1raprO'fU. on .rri .... l.<br />

-<br />

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1<br />

p~ a 0I O,E RATt~ PI W. UBA. The s aboteurs . ere told<br />

84uen shitolr tnt dUty on arrival in t he USA,<br />

lIOuld be t o b Ulld up a 0\11 table cOYer tor the expedition,<br />

t h1 a be1nS dependent on the oocupation and ab1l1 t1 ot<br />

each man.<br />

Group 1 .. a to p~oeed to Ohicago and ~!n!OSR,<br />

1I'ho had pravioua17 .orked &s & oOUlDereld artier. .. a-to<br />

eatabl18h II studio there and insert an adT8%'t18ement pviq<br />

alternative plan .... put torward bJ' 1CAE21 who know1na that<br />

BURaXR 1(f(ftfl4 p1&7 the Tlo11n, augsoam-that ba ahou14<br />

oatabl1ah him.elt ••• Tiolin teaoher, aga1n in.orting •<br />

similar a4TutUoment in ib. OhicaSO Dai17 Tribuna. Thia<br />

•<br />

adnrUeemeut wOUld aarY .... method at eltabU.hint: • •<br />

plaoo 01' contaot, not onl.J' tor th, .. alrol4T In tho USA,<br />

but .lso tor turthor PI'l"Uoe arrlTlna f'r

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