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At the open1na leoture by ltAl'fI. at tbe<br />

April "3th, the e.boteu.re ~told that<br />

: ~~f:~~::;~~~~:.~r;':la~'~Ofha~ra~~o~.:o~r~'~n4~~b~'~'~ur;~tioientto<br />

_ to<br />

One 'o~ the •• botwr. •<br />

inT.nUns pt-,..;;;;h;;'; ~~~~~~~~~l;~ii~~~¥~'~;:~<br />

wr1 tton I' epon ou the ~"\D.d<br />

In moet 0 .... , the ~.lae name, 'benn with the<br />

of tho ... ,,'. roal nama. ~ 1lI.IlC~' nom ..... ]),\,yrl n<br />

is not neoe"U7 to exaia.1ne thiTiUlla ot an if1ii~<br />

009'01' atori ••• but it 1. inter •• una that ltAPPl .. anted<br />

BURQXR to po .. a. a retu.ce. trca. Oaeoho.lonlth Who had<br />

.rrtYid a. a .100. .... 7 CJ4 • Spaniah abip. BURGD. pereu.d.d<br />

XAPPJ: to allow h1a t.o ., undtr. 111_ own name and .. hU real<br />

.. Tie .. to 1mprOYina their •• etlled idlnt1tie •• nd lit,<br />

eelf'. XAPP3 We. ocmtimal17 qu •• t1OD.1na tha .aboteurl witb<br />

hietori... Aooord1nc to JUIOBR, XAPPI ITIn tried to aMnII<br />

hie It,orr .. late •• dI,a-~ \hl .aboteur.' .ta7 .10 Lorient.<br />

g~~;~·8:.~0 ..<br />

bore an :'lIIUIUd<br />

tilled. out in hi.<br />

ohe, • lIl1.takew<br />

HAUPT .aid that thl<br />

~1~·~J[;i!:.~~~jl~;<br />

blank and one tilled<br />

giTen to them, tbl7<br />

--'~':~~;~::::~~l:;::i:~~:~j~<br />

tbe other member' ot ,::~~P::!~t~i<br />

USA. b7 real' oarda •• loon ••<br />

it .... lett to DASCH ~o tind out.<br />

real·tor un4er ' 8eleot1TeJ~~~:i'~~1~~i~~~~~~i~~::t;::~<br />

identitioation pa~er ••<br />

eeMice in OMoago on JUne<br />

arr .. t), and on I' ece1pt ot •<br />

deatroyed hi. tal', oard.<br />

The saboteure .er. doubttu.l •• to wheth.r thel'<br />

carda .. ere torged or actual epeoim.n. obtained traa the USA.<br />

The FBI •• 1d' that the7 were excellent toraerUI aid .woul4<br />

have deoe1ved an,rone except a paper expert. It ftl not<br />

oonvenUnt tor the writer to eDmine th ... to 0 capel'l tbem<br />

wi th 8ill111ar toraeriel obtained in lna:land, but there oan<br />

be l1ttle doubt that the7 .. ere ~ • IINoh hiahlr ola •• than<br />

the i dentity oarda .. i tb .. 111ob German .amta Oaa.il'l8'""tO thl<br />

UK have b .en ~rOTldod.<br />

l7ben BUROXR dooi4.0d to retum to the USA und.r hi.<br />

own name, the rubber stamp impr8."ion on hi. natural1"tion<br />

certif10ate wh1 ch ahowed that be had lett the USA., •••<br />

r emoved 1n Berlin.<br />

..J<br />

L<br />


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