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M-"' H- 11-<br />

,':WUWR UillY BiAUIWiJi!1&R " Billy Sl!li,H<br />

1<br />

1m<br />

!!PP --"1'-:'hCOOraI'nS"o-rfi. orliInai :plan ~WER,<br />

l'1own r e 'achool a. DEUP8EY, w<br />

.. t.o lead tbe th1rd<br />

group to the UBA. ae w .. oalled awa,. at tbe beginning ot<br />

the course to c OCloh a bodna ohamp10n, I'Jua" BEBBELkANN.<br />

•<br />

BRAUBo\ENDER 11Yld In-.tbl USA trom about 1912 to<br />

1922, durl1lC 1bloh t.1me bl 1_ lald to baYe boxed and to<br />

haYe worked 1n oot6. Until JuDe 1941 be .a. em:plO1ld at<br />

the 8onder41enat ee.haua Ind bad IlreaCb' done the Quents<br />

Lake cour .. in Auau-,; or eeptemblz""1'M in prepara Uon tor<br />

• mUalon to thl USA. He U •• 14 to haYI aot .1 hr ••<br />

LorUut bet ore the m.slon we. abandonld. The r"SOM tor<br />

the mis.lon belna abandoned ar. not known. At the i1_ or<br />

the departure ot the paatorlou. undert&tlna, lt .. a belllYe4<br />

that BRAUMENDD "crul4 lead another upe41tlon to the DBA,<br />

:probab17 ln alptember or Ootoblr 19112, and a tentaU',.. •<br />

arranaemant ... s _d. to me.' hi. a Hbe-1.ttll"llOa. Bot.l 8t.<br />

LOuie, on Labour Da,. 4th Sapttab.r, o~ 1',W-'I1I thU on the<br />

18t and thl 1.5th ot ..... 17 aoa.th. • f.<br />

lohool<br />

01'81' bJ'<br />

.li4 to<br />

Imown.<br />

as pb¥sloal Instructor at the<br />

... ,., ttben. th18 dut,. ... a taken<br />

not a member of the HBDAP, but 11<br />

llonl,04' to the Buntin. 8001lt,., wblob 11 not<br />

•<br />

The ADlricln luthori tie. han experienoed 41tt'-<br />

10ultU' in obta1n1na arq reoor~ ~ BRAUBA.DDIJl wbil. h •<br />

... 11.,.il\8 ln thl USA.<br />

11.ed In the DBA<br />

on .coront ot hiA<br />

Before aolna to<br />

Rue.bn front<br />

ot<br />

•<br />

. M . -"<br />

ac~. ThU cnanla real n.tJIe ... s Dot known to any ot the<br />

aaoeura end ... nner used.t tho .cbool. He looked an4<br />

"aated'i 11ke a Baohman and 0 ..... !r01ll Bambul"a, where be .a.<br />

employed a. a book-kee~er. Be 1a •• 14 to ba",. lo.t hil mone,.<br />

thore throuah women. BOar'l'X' 18 bel1 • .,.e4 to ba.,.a returned ln<br />

1938 or 1939 !raa th. USA, Where be .a. eta:pl07e4 a •• -<br />

tro.,.eller in neoktie., probab17 aom.-bol"o 1n tbe .14dle W.at.<br />

No one, tru8tad him and ba woe Mnt "'7 !rem the aobool. at tho<br />

beginning ot tho oour .... be1us en~lr.l" unaU1t&ble.<br />

In addition to the twelva men ~aini trained aa<br />

a.boteura, there were tour ottiolale at Abw. II attendina the<br />

• courae , ln order that they r.Ught glva similar instruotions at<br />

80hoo18 in Qennan-ooouplcd territorr.' Tonrda tho end of the

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