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- 19 -<br />

•<br />

An exploSion pi t Wi th reinforced O1dea.<br />

Qther a1milar pita tor incendiary work.<br />

A p111.to1 l'anse.<br />

A ~ort. t1eld.<br />

A ema11 tower tor aoJl4uotina experlcu1\ta.<br />

A .,.U prdon. '1<br />

There 1 •• small laka in i4d1ilon to QUInt, Lake<br />

w1 thin the groun4l ot the IUtI".' _ ,t<br />

• J. r<br />

The srounds ot tbe •• tat. ar. rented to • G.~<br />

family wi th o.hlldren, who live in • . n.arb7 houaa and keep<br />

ducks and chlokena. There are -XI'P.OUt· 'notioe' all round<br />

the ostato and at the maln Intrana'. IT .niaht the gro.mda<br />

are patrolled b7 the oaretaker .wbo t. PNY14ed nth. AWl<br />

and fohr,. pollo. .4oge. .,<br />

•<br />

on17 noted<br />

• Ilboratorr<br />

oloth •• ,bu.t<br />

Mr,_D.t •<br />

•<br />

at the z.<br />

SA. He had been ";~;~r~!:;:::r;f~:~:t!::!'~:~;:._<br />

preRont regime end 1. anxJ.oua17<br />

'ft"hloh he hopea to take p.rt.~hi:~::~::~"I~I~~;~,.~<br />

tormer job 8S an all expert<br />

a fanatical Nazi. and loyal to<br />

oestapo beoause he.!. emb1tloua that thO!' maT et."d<br />

in tho ny ot hia pr0il'0" in tba Ab.ahr. KODIG aaid that on<br />

the oocasion ot the boutl .ezploeion in the Ilun.i.oh Beer Hall on<br />

9th November 1939, the Gaatapo retuat4 to allOW him to examine<br />

the remaina ot the tim. bomb and nanr ,ro1'ided him with eDT<br />

details ot ita construction.<br />

SCHULTZ and KOENIG wera the onlJ two teohnioal in-<br />

8tructol'~ rruent throughout the cour •• , with the e%oeption<br />

of one other m.an who oams on the last day and pya instruotions<br />

in seorot writing.<br />

'J.<br />


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