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... 12 -<br />

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the Quentz lAke aohool w1 th other member' at the<br />

oxpe41 tion.<br />

In J'lme 1941 HAUPT lett the UtiA tar ".xioo<br />

havlng lot Into troubla .itb e girl. In ... xioo 01ty<br />

•<br />

ha met a German., Hana BA88 • Paul mu'l'U. •.• ~DrI...BIICH&L,<br />

.bo au.aaeatod that hi iMm.4 1Ii"'e an into"1 .. wi tb VON<br />

WALLmnWRO, an ottiolal at tha aennan Ooneulate. \tllC<br />

WAl.LlIUMlG warnad RAUP'l' at the dlff10ulties 1n obta1nlnl<br />

lJOrk in "exioo and ottared hill a job 1n a German monuter7<br />

in Tokio or return. to Oerat.4nT via Japan. .lWJP'l' latt tor<br />

Japan in Jul7 1941 aM there, atter -two .aeka tra1n1na on<br />

a laid-up liner 1n lobe, returned to Bordeaux .. a .eaman<br />

on board a blocUI' runner. He ••••• arded tb. Iron Oro ..<br />

• eoon4 ola •• tor a1lbt1U1 • ataamer Wh1la on tha look-out<br />

poat. .<br />

•<br />

RAUP'l' returned to OermaJlT<br />

.1'!1It'~!,h1. relat1Ye. BtatUn.<br />

•<br />

~<br />

.a' • aember ~::'!::;~~~~~~4<br />

084 to re.ien -.hen amber.h1p ~.<br />

.~~~~t;':':~~i ae then became a member ot the Dautaohl<br />

. NSDAP.<br />

Oh10alo an4 In 1937 beoame a lIIember at the<br />

In Jul.y 1940 DUB.AlJER raturned to DermanT na<br />

Llebon cd Rome, 'Pert ot h1' p ..... ae belna: pa1d b7 the<br />

German Ooneul Ha. York Oit,..<br />

He arrlYed 1n OermaD7 In A.uguat 19110 am llYad<br />

with h18 parente In Hamburg until Harcmber 19].0, when be<br />

•• e drafted Into the ann;r. Ha reoe1Yed Intantr, tra1n1na<br />

.t M.gdeburg .nd earl¥ 1n June 19J-.1 ... mO'f'ed to the<br />

Rua.i.n tront. A tew daJ' attar "I' ... declared betw •• n<br />

-<br />

L<br />


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