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volkawagenwerke .. t BraunechwolS a8 .. tool maker. li};lNC K<br />

having gone there .. tew months bet .. re. Both HEIl;Clt""'na<br />

QUIRIN were exempted from m1l1t.ary seMice .. they were<br />

~hnploY8d in an ceunthl war lndu8try. QUIRIN wee at tho<br />

meeting in Januar7 191.2 wher-IAppg apoke, end although he<br />

d1d~t~.ak to KAPPE, be "ee later approached by HBINCX<br />

o LAAS sarcUng thet •• botapJ , edition to America, and<br />

8~ 804 intereet in t~o 14e •• ·~n Karob QUIRIN " ••• hewn<br />

the lettor nom JtAPPB In 1Ih1ob 'tho)".' were both told to<br />

report at Quonh OUt ]Parm. Qunnr returned heme, got _an.<br />

olothos and travelled to Brandenburs. moeting MlINCE on<br />

tho Quontz Out bUI. , ..<br />

~ ~~~~~~Gt;b~':-:l~<br />

- e.d.r ot tbe<br />

in 1909 and<br />

"C~~'~~~'"I .,. ... member ot,<br />

the NBllAP and .. PartT number below<br />

100,000, indioating or~a1nal Party<br />

members. '.a- .1. the eDt>lam:"h1ch<br />

~ he ••• aotl~e In<br />

8ignified that bl .18 '1~~:i~~:~~ig~:~i:E:~::~~~[ttc<br />

~ In the USA.' URLDfG<br />

Ueooiationa durina parb ot<br />

In Juno 191.0 XULrkO r.tu6.ct to 'O'lrmatl7 ~1.<br />

L1sbon and Rame and w •• attaohed a!moat at ono, to rhl<br />

Oo['!'Mn army, in ~ane ldnd. ot o1Tl11an oapao1t7. ne ....<br />

sent to DoalZ"Ule, Pranoe, nere M worked 1'1:1.' an .~<br />

l1etontna poet, treMl.Una reoorda ot Inal1eh broac1caU ••<br />

After three moutha, thia ... c11aooutlnuld and JClRLllfO Wtnt<br />

to the Wln1atr7 ot propa,andii 7Ihrblllinerplat • . 3, Berlin.<br />

In the Iprina ot 1942, URLXlIo ".111 'l'»roaohed bJ' JtAPPI w1 tb<br />

tho Idoa ot rlturn1b.8 to the tJU em .. au..'lon tor tbl IJD,<br />

and on AprU 8th he reportld to 6' Ranklltr .. u; t"rOZll thlre<br />

he travolled to the QUint • . Lake .oboel Witb othor cambera<br />

ot hie S roup. . :'<br />

\1(': ~ .<br />

Worq!r THIEL 0 B1ll ~'\8 .. I born 1n Olrmatll in 1907 and<br />

enterea1r.Oax in GMY',927. In Obtober}933 'tRDL ,01ued<br />

tho Friends at If .... GOnD&D7 1n Wow York 0'1t7, and f1len h.<br />

moved to HamOnd, Indiana In 19311-, ho totmded • looal' branch<br />

of the. OC1ot)" thore. 'In 1936 he lett the Gorman Amor.1oan<br />

Buhd u he ...... Oerman oUb.n, .04 ear11 1n 1939 b.cam ••<br />

member ot tho NSDAP •<br />

THIEL returned to Oarmanr In Waroh 1941 ' v1a Japan<br />

and the USSR, .t the Expense 01' tho Oerman OonaUl Na. York<br />

City. He arr1ved 1n Borlin 1n Way 1941 and haY1ng 'I1yen hi.<br />

~artioular8 to the Aualanda Ott1ee, vlalta4 hie paronta at<br />

Dortmund. He remained there tor two months and In J'U~ 1941<br />

obtained a job w1th Pel1era 7einmek&n1k. .<br />

About the middle or Maroh. 191,2 mIm. attendod a<br />

800101 moeting 01' the Au.lands Orkantaatien, Where he met<br />

KAPPE, whom he had previously 'mot In Ohicago in 1931... He<br />

a180 met DA80H, with whom ho had returned tran the UBA. THIEL<br />

me t DA80H agaln a woek later by arrangement at a bar 1n<br />

Ber11n, when he .ao asked by DASCH wbether he would return<br />

to the USA on an Abwehr miaalon. Followlng thla meetlng, he<br />

met' KAPPE and %lABOR at 6 Rank .. traa8e and aaroed to resign.<br />

trom hie job and become a member or the expe41 t10n. On April<br />

6th he reported at 6 RankestruBe and travelled fran thore to<br />

•<br />

• f<br />

..J<br />

L<br />


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