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H.'IU"ch' Harm 1lIi"<br />

•<br />

, H'~ "'~ij .u born<br />

t(/. 11-7" fJ"/.<br />

in Germany 1n ~n e nYre4NrSAtl 26. In<br />

1 9 31~ HEIllClK be6ame a mecber or tho Ordnunged1enet ot the<br />

Gorman Amerioan BuM. He rOl1gnod in 1935, ..men membership<br />

wae roetribted to United atatea citizen.. Durin,<br />

t hlO time HEDICX knew Waltorw.e, ."ho vUlted hie house<br />

on kt Iea.t one occuii5"n. ;men e aignod t'rom the<br />

German Acorioan Bund, HBIJ~ . joined tho DAF, to whioh be<br />

continued to pay eUbaoriptione until he lott the USA in<br />

1939. When he arri,.ed in Getma~ h. joined the NBDAP ..<br />

•<br />

H&INCIt raturned to Germany in Karoh 1939<br />

under a echeme arre:ngod by the German Labour Front b7<br />

which GennaDIS could return to work in Genne:r13 on e tree<br />

or reduoed passeie~ On erri"el in BamburS HlINCIt and<br />

other returninG workera •• r. mat by meruber. at the llAJ'<br />

to whom thef pve their ute hiatoriea. Thoy were 1n-=- ..<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

•<br />

atruoted to call. at the D,,\)I o,tt10' 1n Ham'burl .ithin ~o<br />

daye. n.n the que.tien,0t: oqo~.'lon' oame up}. DINe.: "<br />

expres8ed a _Uh to work .in . :branob ot, tha YOlUftltn7"<br />

werko at BrauneohwaiS. .Be btoue nplo,.e4 in tJ1ia : .<br />

'taoto1"J •• e c1r11111lS Mobin.,operstor. ' . . ,'. t::<br />

. ",W ' "<br />

In Jaruarr 1942 JtAPPB oame to Breunaoh.ei,<br />

to apeak at a moetins ot the DeuUohe Ameribn1.ohe<br />

Kantaradschaft ot "'the AUal..mdM~Oraani.itiOn. Arrf/ll.a •• nt.<br />

tor thh meaUng were made bJ" -It fMRi who ftl d .. oribaa.<br />

aa balna 1n oherae ot tool. s r 0 wa,ab"arke. The<br />

objact or the meeUn; ... a to brins toSbther Oamana 'lbo<br />

had tol"ttlerl,y 11.,..d in Amariba .nd c.nada.' JCAPPI '<br />

•<br />

reo08n18ld HEINOX .t the me.Uns and apo1c, to. blml.t the<br />

end ot it. Richard QUIRIN', another member ot the D~ .<br />

sabot8ls expedition, allo worked .t tbU hetor1 and ....<br />

proeCll t .. t the meeUna. . "<br />

About • month I.tter t hi. nI. .. t1na xurt 'Ws<br />

approached JlEINCK and told him the t )tAPP1 hIlcl atlantad<br />

him tor a sabotage elOignment in the USA . HlDfCJt dUouesod<br />

thie aUSBe.tioD .ith QUIRIN , who had alao been ,<br />

approached by LAAB. To.erda tha and or Warch 1944!':'HlINOX<br />

raciavad a letter inotruotina him and QUIRII to 10 to the<br />

Quentz Out !'ann. The latter .. a t~ewrltten and Md tJ:o<br />

aignature nor letter h~e41DI, but HSINClt ba1i8T04 that.<br />

•<br />

under the date the "01'48 "Auslanda Ab.ehr" • ... er. tned.<br />

On April 7th HEINClt traTelled tl'om Braunaoh.ei; to Brandenburg<br />

by train and hom thore by trUl and bw. to Quentl<br />

Lake, lnCat1ng QURIN on the bu. and arri Tina a t the aobool<br />

wi th him.<br />

M'" If r~Nn~ u: y ,,,, ~l'l u., ~.o<br />

R!Ch'~ ~IIli It Qu&e .... born in 0."""" 'n 1908 and<br />

anteraBA Fn To er 1927. In 1933 QUIRnl baCkme I.<br />

member of the oranungad1enat ot thl J'rUnde of New Oarma~.<br />

Ho r08igned in 1934 when member.hip .1.' ra.trioted to<br />

united Btatea c itiuM. At thi. Uma he became a maraber<br />

or tha NBDAP and on obtain1ns employment in Germany jOined<br />

tho' DJ.P. •<br />

QUIRIN returned to Oenrany in JUl1 1939 'Under<br />

tho aamc loherne aa tIEINCPi, and h18 hiator:y frcm the time of<br />

hie a rrival in Garmany wka aim1Iar t o that 01' HEI UCf::. He<br />

WBe met by member. of the 'PAP and questioned rogardlna hie<br />

l ifo h1story and quali1'ioations. He ~hoao to work at tha<br />

L<br />


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