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"I 11m going on a trip and you aball hear from me on rror<br />

return. Sincerely Joura, Hen Hitler:"<br />

Prom other statement. made. by IlA.SC1I 1 t<br />

soems that ~ was an Abw. I man. ~ was<br />

annoyed tha tiiAacH'iiiproached WUBB.E:L Indepen4.nt~, &.<br />

he naturolll oonsidered be had first cla1.Jrl on him and<br />

at the matel'1al time had _lrueST decided to UBe him 1n<br />

tho PABTORIOUB Undertaking.<br />

On the 27t;hh:h!o::;::~:~~~~tDASOH wa. raleaec4<br />

from hi. anploym.n~ at t Baehaua, oatenalb17<br />

t or.orvlce wi th tho t Maroh ha worked<br />

ei thor at tho Bare<br />

only<br />

One ot the<br />

another waa from<br />

nama. or either<br />

hie.8rY10 •• in<br />

Oarmtn<br />

English were<br />

,. .'<br />

,= ___ :~ _;:-. tho aI'1n1'. With th. ezooptlon ot PGJi,<br />

'ltAPt'I Or1&1nall7 1nton4e4 tho PAII'l'ORIOOB Slcoon.lat<br />

ot twd",. DID, IOU ot whcII "al'II _ to ba •<br />

hennr, lCAPPa .... unable :to lirtfii<br />

trcm tho 8l'!Q' and ,ooor4i~ bad to<br />

•<br />

~ r.rc\·<br />

~e6t peter ~ GER ... born 1n OarmaD¥ in 1906 and entered<br />

e uBX In Pa ?uary 1927, becoming natural1ud on 1lh2.33 •<br />

In Germany BUROBR bad been. member ot the JfSDAP<br />

since 1923 and had taken part in the Beerball PUtech in that<br />

year. Trouble with tho German &uthoritiea 1n 1927 ...<br />

responsible tor BURGBR le.ving Ge~U7. In June ot Jul1 1933<br />

BURGER returned ' to Ge1,'lll&ll)' .t the expenao of hie famll.J', Who<br />

knew that he w .. :r1nd1ns it diffloult to obtain work in the<br />

USA. .. , .. ~<br />

On raturning to QeI'm&t'17 BURGER ra~oined the<br />

Nui Party, atter .erv1ng • prob'U01\alT period ot two<br />

manthe , and was aea1gn.M tb tho Ohiet Adjutant1e Ottioe<br />

attaohed to'tho'Oh1et ot statt', Btonat ROIiHII. BURGER<br />

reported direot to ROEHW and to BERGMAnN, who waa ROBlDl'.<br />

r1ght hand man, and travolled with these otf!cera throughout<br />

Germany. Shortly before Juno 1931~ nURGER 11ao loaned<br />

to KET%.~R , head ot tbe Jr,tedical Dlv1aion ot the SA. It was<br />

because ot thia that he eaoaped the blood bath on Juno 30th.<br />


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