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I. . to • .,"".<br />

returned to the ~lrpltiuter wbore he wee Introduc~d to<br />

Walter KAPPE and turther cro ••-examined on hie/ lite and<br />

baokground in the USA by KAPPlIi and '\!lane RI'1"TEIf\ XAPPE<br />

arranged that DABCH would work .... monitor 16" the 8onder-<br />

• 41enat 8eebaua, 24 I;touen " .. un ..., .& JDon.1torlna atl-tion<br />

i io~r~;~~~~b:rO~~'~do~'fj.~t:~'iUDder<br />

the Juriad1aUon ot the<br />

Ottice and at the the direotion Bonderd1anat of Dr Beehaue, PXRRA.<br />

he<br />

he JD&y have bad about the N .. l<br />

make an attempt to return to the<br />

..... tormer~ emplo1e4 b7 Abw.<br />

the eond.rd1~nlt 8eebaua and ahe<br />

''';:~"i::d.,~~:r~::c~"~L~t~'-'Pi!~HLl~oOft Abw. III, who ••<br />

I aua:&V!-aiaa •• 2J~. Berlin.<br />

tb1 ......:Y.18. a4dre.l.<br />

At tbo .. d of ~o~r .. '.~r<br />

• meaaage tran hie ooual11<br />

Room 1025 ~lrplt.ut.r,<br />

to14 him that _cae ~0I\~1dora~'1.<br />

that DA.BOH ahould.lead I a.crlt ~~~;~"~l~~l:'u~~;:~~~~i."<br />

patmjallon had not Ylt been ' sr'n~ed tor<br />

8. the Foreign Otfice w •• oppoI.4.to the<br />

known tran other louran that the Oerman '~~:1:n.t~;i;~:.<br />

wat Oppoeed to the .A.bwehr' e intended labotage<br />

in the USA W'l.tll the outbreak. ot Wlr b.tw.en OermaDT<br />

the USA). A tew day, later XWL.madl IlABCR aign a<br />

100reoy deol,r,tion and then. itGOiOlOd hi. plan top,<br />

eabot,se undertaking to th. USA.; HI ,aked MOOH to write<br />

down ,ny idea' he misht baTe •• ~.a.r4J pO.lible methOd.<br />

tor .abotaS1na the UBA. nr,1n4ultZ'7.1 nen nABOB baa<br />

o:unploted i!iemoran41.D oa 'th1.:lNb~htit ft. oar.tul17<br />

f.flnl,'l2.. otudied by jor UP7Zpl an4~.pt.3.n 6,Aml, the latter<br />

meeting DA in XAPPJfI. ottlo.- al £b8-:-nrpltluter on the<br />

8th or 9th January 191,2.' ,ThelfollowiDg 4ay;XAPPI, 'ASTOR<br />

and IlASOH 1IIII.4a a turther • t~ ot tb. m.morandum • t 6.­<br />

Ranke8tl'oal" a .eoret .A.b•• II.meetins plaae. Thl10ttioo<br />

outWArdly appeared to be concarnea with the production ot<br />

a paper oalled tho "8chrittlel tunS del' Xaultaeua". PUrina<br />

thi, diSou .. ion IlA.BOH learnt the main prinCiples ot the<br />

intended undert'k1ng and tha t he "a. to b. the leader ot<br />

ona<br />

haying alrea~,been oho.en a. le'der ot<br />

• •<br />

.J:-<br />

In Noyomber 1941, When DABCH w .. anx.iO\lI to<br />

sat in touch with the Abwehr, -he queatloned , woman triend<br />

of hle lan41ad¥ l e nom he know to ~e employed at the 'OXW,<br />

about the Abwehr. ThU WaDan told him that it he would sl,.o<br />

her hie life hiBtory ahe would paee it on to he~ of rico.<br />

DASCH did thiB and later received a lotter trom Dr WUBSBL<br />

aelc1ng h1r.1 to ceme to his tlat on December 2nd or 3rd.191J1.<br />

Dr YlXEssm· qa.eeUoned DAecH about hi. lite in tho USA and<br />

aeked him why he wished to wort to~ the Abwahf'. DASCH gayS<br />

him III copy ot the memorandum be bad ni tten tor ItAPPB and<br />

outlined hie ideas on bow he "ould reaoh the ·USA via ·Ih17,<br />

North Atrioa and Brazil.<br />

On the 9th or 10th'December 1914-1 DASCH received<br />

a letter along the follO'tlF1ng linea from Dr flKSBSBL: "I<br />

received your letter and two memoranda. Although tho<br />

development. of the la.t tew 4678 havo given our p~apocta<br />

III difterent phaee, I deeire to keep in touch with, 7OU etill<br />

by having another cont"erenco in tlle near tuture. -.A.t preaent<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />


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