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to the lisht motll 1nduatrr, Intart\lrence wl tb 'Whlcb wou14<br />

affect aircraft produotion. The .aboteur. r.ooi",.d epeotal<br />

_ I" _<br />

o B J E C 'r I V E B 0., THE U N D E R T A X I 11 G.<br />

This ozpodl. tion ... the 1'1rs t that Abw. II had<br />

l<br />

Bont to tne USA. Ita membors had three objeoiiyu:<br />

'(i) to oonwit "'botaao;<br />

(2) to 1&7 the toUl\4ationa ot .. Gorman uboteS.<br />

orpnUat1on in tho URA. to be augmented b7<br />

fUrther arriyala;<br />

(.3) to 4188a1nato an,l-war prOl'agan4a in tho USA..<br />

•<br />

Thou are all pure .A.b_. II tunotlona and tho<br />

member!!! ot tho undorteklna WI'S epeoltloallJ; told that it<br />

... no part ot the1Ji fUnotion to obtain m1l1tar7 or<br />

pOlittcal information.<br />

BAIlOTAOi' The talk ot tho uboteura .... to a10w down<br />

produot on at cert.1n tao tori •• concerned with tho American<br />

•• r ertort, tor whioh tho)' .ore liTeD. apeoifio tarl.ta-f ~.n4<br />

•<br />

to intertere with tranaportaUoD a7eteme, lnolu41na raU •• ,...<br />

and oanal.. The7 r_ootTed apoo1al traln1nc tor th1. latter<br />

purpo... Apart trc:a intertarll1l 41H0t1{ .wl th the "'1' ~<br />

ettort. All •• II boped. tba. tbl •• bOtnro aO'UTithe would<br />

ceu.ee _n-ponr to be.ueel:up/.Jn auard1ng wlnereble pointe<br />

an4 woul4 arouae un.aaiDe •• .aona tbe,.lJMrlcan p.opl ••• 01'<br />

the .. "aeona the aabotas. ft. not to be 4on. in aucb a , W'a7<br />

tha t 1 t app.ared ao0141ntal, but 'ft. to 'be pla1nly reooln!aable<br />

a •• abotaso. In a.p11t1oat1on or thi •• onemo, the<br />

•<br />

.abateure were alao 11l1truot.04 to oarr, out .. U acta or<br />

terror1 •• 8udl •• tho plaoina ot lnoendia17 bombl 1n euit-<br />

0 .. 08 lort. In lUl ... O 4epote and in JOY1.b ... cnmt4 ahop ••<br />

The e.bateura were hawnor tel4 that the, _t ."'014 killing<br />

or In3urlna p.ople al thia woul4 not bonet1 t OermaTl7 but<br />

wou14 more17 arcuae 1n41snat.1cm. RailwAT .abotas ....<br />

theretore to b. oont1ne4 to ,oodI traina, thoUlh the, ooul.4<br />

damage locc:motiYOI by plao1na Br .. iT, _terial in tbeil'<br />

lubr10at.ion e18t~l.<br />

AI roprd.a auotqe to the Amerloan war in-<br />

4uatrT, tho aabot.eur. nre ilUltruoted to continI th.eel",e.<br />

training in the .abotage ot aluminium and masneellD taotorie.<br />

•<br />

and thie trainIng included vial ta t.o wob !aotor1e. 1n<br />

GermalQ' and ltIicturao on the location or the USA. plant ••<br />

Certain .peoitic USA taotorie. wer. l1"'on to the •• boteura<br />

as targete and it. ft8 emphaa1a84 that t.he moat ett'eOtlTe<br />

method ot putt.1ng them out ot action wae b;( the interruption<br />

or the eleotricity lupp17. A rurther objeotl",e .. I t.he<br />

sabotage ot .,ol1te prooe8Dln,a plant. in t.he Philadelphia<br />

area. Thi8 Dub.tanoe 1. on. ot the ra. material. trOlD. which<br />

aluminium il deri",84.<br />

Tbe aaboteur. were S1"'en no inetruotioM to<br />

obtain employ,mant in anT ot the raotorie. in Whioh they •• re<br />

to commit .abotage. The method or acoo •• wae lett entirolJ<br />

to thair dUcretion and thaT oould aUber do it by breakins<br />

in, or by obtaining emplo)'mant, though certain exeroiae. in<br />

entering raotories bT etealth .ere oarried out durin; thoir<br />

trninlng.<br />

L<br />


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