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One of tho d1ttl0\l1~ ••••• 001a ted \THh the<br />

cor.m1a81on of acta ot aabotage ie: to provide the saboteur<br />

w1 th a moohan1am by whioh ho oan get tar away tr(J!\ the<br />

target bofClJ'o tho Nlbotase ocoura. Tho standard OOn:lan<br />

method 1nvolvoll tho use ot • tima clock. Tho typo u8ed in<br />

tho Eastern ltom1aphora has oartain technical defect. and<br />

4000 not Illrraya go oN. A n .... ~o wa. given to tho<br />

Amerioan saboteurs, but apart fran thUl they woro iruttructed<br />

1n tho manutaoturo ot hano-mad,o delay meohanisms to be<br />

oonstruoted from HaUl" obtainable Ooar:lO& to1u 8U.eh a. tin.<br />

ot dried poaa, lump_ ot sua:ar an4 1' •• or bla408. ~h18 new<br />

technique 111 disturbing 1n that. 1 t. rorDOVoa one method of<br />

deteoting aaboteura arriving 1n tbo countr,(.<br />

•<br />

Another 41aturblng toe.tu:oo of tl. 18 cua 1a that<br />

tho saboteur. "aro pr0T1404 with abraeiv •• tor interfering<br />

with tho lubrioation a7atema at var1wa t)'llea ~ maChiMI7. •<br />

(The provision or abraeivea 1a aomewhat ohildieh ae thel<br />

could have been e.eily obtained w1thin the USA.) UntU<br />

the equip~ent of the USA aaboteur. was eXamined there .... no<br />

evidance that the Oerman aabotaae BerTioa want in for anT<br />

types of a.botage other than t hoae done wi th 1ncendiary or<br />

high axploUYO beeba. The interterenee with maohinery by<br />

meane of abra.ivee opens up s tar w1der fleld ot 1'01l!ll1ble<br />

Oerman aotivitiea and wIll neoe .. ltate a oloae extmlnstion<br />

at coaas whioh appear to ba the work at 41egruntled workmen<br />

,<br />

or 8allor~<br />

The ide. at •• n41na .. abotaura to tho UBA ...<br />

well eatablhhed in t he m1n411 ot the GeI'lD&n seoret Se"10e<br />

before the entry at the USA into the pr. With thia end<br />

In view, Il reSidant Oennan apnt was .ent to the USA. :lust<br />

before the Japanes. atDaok on PMrl Harbcur. 818 tunotion<br />

wu to ... ut German aaenb 1'f' th8J' lot into dU't1oul1ta.<br />

and he fte i1 van t he.l'alnord by .hioh ho 1oI0\11d reoOlni.e<br />

them. It 18 not known whether he had an .. plana,. aI weU<br />

as 0 elbotag. ae.1gnment in the UBA. f but it .eema unl1k.~<br />

that a reeident asent would •• purely oonc.rned w1th a.rman<br />

.aboteurs.<br />

The name of the re.i4ent .sent 1n the USA. and<br />

the cover addresa •• t.o whioh t he saboteur. ",ara to wri te,<br />

were writton In aocret Ink on two handkaroh1efe, ona hald b7<br />

the loader of eaoh group.<br />

•<br />

L<br />

Invaetigationa made by tha FBI ravaalad that<br />

thore was a number of peraons In the USA al thar at Garman<br />

deacent or with QenJll,n as.ociaUona who, a1thaugh l'reviou.aly<br />

Inactive and not euspected of anti-USA sympathie., were<br />

quite willing to help the a.boteure br Biving them food,<br />

ohenging maner, etc.; several of thsee hava been nnteno'd<br />

to death.<br />

The aabotage tarsate had baan oaretulll thought<br />

out by the Gorman Beoret Bervica and ware directed againet<br />

real bottleOnecks in the Amerioan ",ar industry. 1t 1e<br />

interesting that one factory reoommended for .abotase ...<br />

listed so low on the American equivalent 'ot our V\I.lnel"l.ble<br />

points LiBt that it had no guards at any type, When an<br />

onquiry 'ft8 mede a8 to whother the GermaNi .ere right or<br />


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