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World War II:<br />

German Saboteurs Infiltration of America<br />

British Intelligence MI5 Files<br />

Compiled and edited by<br />



About BACM Research – <strong>Paperless</strong><strong>Archives</strong>.com<br />

BACM Research/<strong>Paperless</strong><strong>Archives</strong>.com publishes documentary historical research collections.<br />

Materials cover Presidencies, Historical Figures, Historical Events, Celebrities, Organized Crime, Politics,<br />

Military Operations, Famous Crimes, Intelligence Gathering, Espionage, Civil Rights, World War I, World<br />

War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and more.<br />

Source material from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National<br />

Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Secret Service, National Security Council,<br />

Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Justice, National Archive Records and<br />

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World War II: German Saboteurs Infiltration<br />

of America - British Intelligence MI5 Files<br />

93 pages of British Security Service MI5 files copied from material held at the<br />

British National <strong>Archives</strong>, covering the infiltration of the United States during<br />

World War II by German saboteurs. Because of the practice of British secrecy<br />

involving security matters, these files were not released to the public until<br />

April 2011.<br />

On June 13, and June 17, 1942 two groups of German sabotage agents landed<br />

on Long Island and Florida as part of a German Abwehr operation. Operation<br />

Pastorius was the codename for the failed operation. The mission was named<br />

by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the chief of Abwehr, the German military<br />

intelligence organization. Canaris named the mission after Francis Daniel<br />

Pastorius, who was the leader of the first organized settlement of Germans in<br />

America.<br />

The files consist of a 1943 report written by British agent Victor Rothschild who<br />

was sent to United States to be briefed on the incident. The report covers the<br />

sabotage mission's objectives; The German personnel sent on the mission;<br />

Information about the training the German agents received at sabotage school;<br />

and the equipment to be used during the operation.<br />

During the first few months after the United States officially entered World<br />

War II, America's major contribution to the war was industrial. America was<br />

able to produce and supply weapons, ammunition, equipment and supplies to<br />

nations already actively engaged in fighting against Germany. This infusion of<br />

American production stung the German war machine. German high command<br />

ordered action to reduce American war production. However, with an ocean<br />

separating Germany and U.S. facilities the ability to use conventional military<br />

tactics was limited. German intelligence decided that sabotage would be the<br />

most viable means to interrupt American production.<br />

“The task of the saboteurs was to slow down production at certain factories<br />

concerned with the American war effort,” Rothschild wrote in his report. “The<br />

sabotage was not to be done in such a way that it appeared accidental,” he

noted. “The saboteurs were however told that they must avoid killing or<br />

injuring people as this would not benefit Germany.”<br />

The saboteurs selected for the mission were eight Germans who had spent<br />

time in the United States, two were American citizens. They were trained at a<br />

sabotage school outside of Berlin where they studied chemistry, incendiaries,<br />

explosives, timing devices, secret writing, and concealment of identity. The<br />

targets planned for their mission included: hydroelectric plants at Niagara Falls,<br />

Aluminum Company of America's plants, Ohio River locks, the Horseshoe Curve<br />

railroad pass near Altoona, PA, Pennsylvania Railroad's rail yards, a cryolite<br />

plant in Philadelphia, Hell Gate Bridge in New York; and Pennsylvania Station<br />

in Newark, New Jersey.<br />

The first batch of saboteurs arrived by U-Boat, the U-202, named the<br />

Innsbruck, at Amagansett, Long Island New York. They wore German military<br />

uniforms, so that if caught they would be handled as POW's and not as spies.<br />

The second batch came in on the U-boat U-584 and landed at Ponte Vedra<br />

Beach, Florida.<br />

The first group included George John Dasch. Victor Rothschild wrote in his<br />

report, "It is abundantly evident that the leader of the first group of saboteurs<br />

George John Dasch had every intention of giving himself up to the American<br />

authorities and compromising the whole Expedition, probably from the<br />

moment it was suggested to him in Germany that he should go to the USA on a<br />

sabotage assignment." Dasch went to Washington DC to turn himself in to FBI<br />

headquarters. He phoned FBI headquarters from his Washington D.C. hotel<br />

room and agents arrived to take him into custody. The FBI agents at first<br />

handled Dasch as if he was mentally unstable, until he showed them $84,000<br />

he was given fund the operation. The other seven were taken into custody<br />

over the next two weeks.<br />

They were put on trial before a secret military tribunal comprised of seven U.S.<br />

Army officers appointed by President Roosevelt. The trial was held in the<br />

Department of Justice building in Washington. The prosecution team was lead<br />

by Attorney General Frances Biddle and the Army Judge Advocate General,<br />

Major General Myron C. Cramer. The Defense team was lead by Colonel<br />

Kenneth C. Royall, who later became Secretary of War under President

Truman, and Major Lausen H. Stone, the son of Harlan Fiske Stone, the Chief<br />

Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.<br />

All Eight were found guilty and sentenced to death. Because of their<br />

cooperation, President Roosevelt commuted the sentences of Peter Burger to<br />

life in prison and George Dasch to 30 years. On August 8, 1942 the other six<br />

were executed in an electric chair on the third floor of the District of Columbia<br />

jail. Their bodies were buried in a potter's field called Blue Plains in the<br />

Anacostia region of Washington.<br />

In 1948, President Truman granted Burger and Dasch executive clemency. They<br />

were deported to the American Zone of occupied Germany.

SF54-7-234/LAV 1<br />

German Saboteurs Landed in the<br />

USA from U-boats In boats in<br />

1942- Report of operation.<br />

I<br />


Star<br />

Star<br />

St.,<br />

Serial No Designation Date Serial No Designation Date Serial No Designation<br />

Date<br />

•<br />

5.960 Edn2<br />


------<br />

, rorm 616<br />

SF 54-7-2~4<br />

1 L IN K A<br />

- - -- -------------- --- - - --- --- ----- - - _ .. _- -~<br />

.t;ErtMAN.j AtlO TEU l{; LAN OED IN THE uSA F ~ O M U-BO.HJ<br />

Jl'l.l:UlA..T.s.. _l.i'l. _1..9..42.. _-_.R.£P llR..T-:.Jl.E .lll:! E.ltA..T.J.i.LN..<br />

See Also<br />

--<br />

-<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

Do. OfIIctr w ......<br />

......... Do. 00-"<br />

...... ....<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

~I-----<br />

34 - 7- 234<br />

. ~·l'<br />

~ \:' n-::"-"<br />

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.. . '.<br />

I-~----~~----------~_h~~<br />


-<br />

..<br />

Rtgistcr No . Minute Sheet No.<br />

1<br />

I think lOU may be Intereated to road :parte<br />

of my report on tho blS USA sabot_se ca •• about Whioh you<br />

allowed me to So to Amerioa. I haU ta te to sand 7au. 80<br />

volwn1noua a document knOwing how muCh ruMna: 7/lU )\&78,<br />

but teel you would wl.h to sea the result. at DQ' Amerioan<br />

trill. I luggeat that 110 would hardly ba worth your while<br />

reading the appendicea, which ara technioal, both tram<br />

the polnt ot view at .abotage equipment, and trom the<br />

poln t or view at Geman 8eoret 88"108 Focadure, paraonnal,<br />

addressee, etc.<br />

•<br />

-.<br />

If' the information (I) nta1nad 1n .1ob1. report<br />

18 cCID})a.rad wi th that prO'Y1404 by BIS .arllol: on, the reuOM<br />

the t I waG an:doua to ao to the USA will ~e aelt-avlden.t ..<br />

. Thore ara ma'.l¥ loa_ona to be learnt from thi_<br />

0 ••• , not onll fran the pOlnt ot view ot .abot.,., but alao<br />

1n ragard to Oarman 8eoret SerTie. communioation matb048-J<br />

pseudonyms, .dares.ea, and ao on. It 1 •• matte~ tOi'<br />

thoae porta ot the<br />

otticsrs and I hava<br />

d1ocusoion with the,~~FB~"[:.i.;::~h~ ..<br />

Thurston. 9I9'a rsl",88<br />

~'BI will do euen to snsure<br />

be used and not p •• 'd in m .:,~4:~.~.:'~;~~<br />

neces.ary seoreoy r.striotio~,<br />

Hoover gavo mo this- information on<br />

that it ... not ahotm eTan to 818.<br />

~~t~.~r~~.~;.~~~~~:~'~n~~~~;::~::<br />

A "'1'7 larao par' at the .Ol'~ 1D.Y01Y14~1lI~o;~~~<br />

pJleparing thi. report baa baen oa1"ne4 out :t:<br />

i/1thout her excellent ertort, the report<br />

almost indefinitely delayad owina to the prsalUra 0,"0,;,"''';1,:<br />

business.<br />

A COP1 haa been .ent indepandent17 to D.B •<br />

•<br />

2.<br />

I have rea~ allot the report an~ most at the<br />

barring the ~el~ technical portions. The report<br />

interesting an~ valuable an~ it more than justitie.<br />

con.i~erable pains an~ troUble IOU took to .eCure<br />

not hitherto 8uppl1e~ to us.<br />

L<br />

---<br />

L<br />


(Minute 2 continued)<br />

•<br />

We have now to oone14er how we are to make it<br />

aVailable to interostad outside'Departments _ aay B.I.8.,<br />

I.P.I. and B.O.B. I shall bo muoh obl1gee! it feu .1l~<br />

take thia up at onca with Director B and Yr. Thurston.<br />

A cop7 !Should be shown to llr. Dut'fI Cooper.<br />

D.G.<br />

=.43.<br />

•<br />

Kr .. ~. B.1.B. ~""<br />

WI' GWJ'or, B.i.A.<br />

3.<br />

Yw mq oar. tu ,lanai thrOUIb thh note •<br />

I " .' ."<br />

l....L.l!. ~ ..........<br />

~3. ,<br />

2.<br />

•<br />

CAny thanka tor 4raW1n~ -r attantloD ~o tbl~<br />

'/alU ',18 roport I:.lob 1& or exoeptional l.o.ttrut to tMIl •<br />

8ect.ton. :l)1!btl"~8 u copy ·'till be pa. 4 and tully oarded in<br />

t'tO 1 . 1. .1e,;llltry but 1n tbe CWWlw.t.J.lo I would be very<br />

. °1\ i.u..:"1'l t r ·~ou -'''lIld let IllIJ know what :Jto~ •• it an:y, ara<br />

·!!tu· '".(1 ';on to utll1.oo the inte1l1genoe tltlttur oontained ill.<br />

t!lu r ° "t.. 6 . ~. 1 . 3 . l1.Jtl'a, or .o.ddrau, cancorlhlp<br />

11 ,,' '00, und .to. :] V ~ S t::.-f'<br />

1 . I . ".<br />

10.:.. . .. 3.<br />

/'<br />

"'po (, 1"1"- 5.-<br />

~, through A_~ .1 I through B.i.B,<br />

, /'<br />

,".. ... ~.<br />

Dictated by n~p. ·~~<br />

Will you please note that the P.B.I. have catesoricall7<br />

reruaed to allow a copy ot thia memorandum t o be eent to 8.I.~.<br />

B.1 . 0<br />

15.h.I,3.<br />

L<br />

L<br />


s.<br />

l<br />

4.2.46. EJltraot trolD CSDICj\fEA Pinal ne"ort on AHLRIOHS re A'sents<br />

Dupatohed to OK, Xlm: and USA (Nov. '39 .. Jan. '44). .<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />



,<br />


I<br />


Of THE UNDERTAKING 4 - ,<br />

PERSONNEL 6 -13<br />

ARRIVAL AT SAllClrAGE SCHOOL - llKPARTtJlll: 14 - 17<br />


- 1 -<br />

•<br />


I<br />

Th_ aabotago Exped1tion, whioh ••• known to the<br />

Gentian Becret Sorvloe a. the FRAlIZ DANIEL PAB'l'ORlOU8 Undertaking.<br />

C0l81atad ot eight mon who were larded trolG U-boat. on<br />

thu EDat cp .. " ot the UBA In June 19h2. Tho aaboteura .ere<br />

In tl'l'O sroupa, the tiret beIng put .shere at Aagan •• tt, Long<br />

181an4 on 13.b.h2, while tho .econd groull Re landod on tho<br />

ootlet ot FlorIda near Ponte Vedra, fIfteen miles 80uth ot<br />

Jacksonville, on 17. 6.142.<br />

This report 4ealo In datail with an •• peota ot<br />

the o&8e that might 'b. ot inter.at to tho aeourity B8rTle8.<br />

r summarieod.<br />

Tho tollomng poInt. ho • ..,..r are ot auttlo1ent ITf;orolt to ba<br />

It 1e abundantI,. evident that tho I_del"<br />

tirst group ot saboteur., G80raa John DASOH, had<br />

•<br />

ot giving himael.1' up to ~h. Amerioan 8Uth0r1 U.o:_ c ,--_ ~"",~~""Ia:lnll ;<br />

tho wholo EXlledlt1on. probab17 tr,!I~;~:~:~~~<br />

tlrat aua:aeetttd to him 1n Garmarq'<br />

on a oabot.ge ae.lp11D8nt. DABOH'a<br />

tathom. He De a etrODB lett-wina: eupporter<br />

both the FBI and the wrl ter independent17 had tbe id •• that he<br />

might be more than jut • IlUpporter ot the Lett.<br />

The aubmarlne whloh lended one ot the group. lOt<br />

lnto d1tt1cultiu dlll'lna: the land1na operation and want asrou;nd.<br />

It wee only owlng to the la.ine,a or atup14itJ ot the Amerlcan<br />

coaatguarda that th1l aubma.rine we. not Attaoked b1 USA. toro ...<br />

\<br />

,<br />

The lublnarlne went aa:roun4 beoau .. It oarre In olo'e to the<br />

ahora to :prevent tha rubbar boat oontalning the bulkt "bota,.<br />

auppl1ea having to be 1"0' ... 4 too tar. The 41ttlOul.t;r O't<br />

Rtrlk.1ng a balance b,tw.an the .. taty ot the IUbrurlne ao4 the<br />

Clatety ot the rubber boat togethar wl th 1 te cronteuh, .... the<br />

subjeot ot aorlmonioua 41aouaalon between the Gel'lll.ln aeorat<br />

Borvloe and the U-boat Ul,h carnand, .men the aUb.aarlne.ln<br />

quostion returnad trQn ite trip. It 11 baUned that a<br />

4eoi.10n hua baon reached not to aend eubmarlnea on pura<br />

expeditlona ln future, but to include one or poeUb17 two<br />

aabot.ura amana: the normal orew or • al'bmarlne acln, on an<br />

•<br />

operational trip. Thte teohnique we. the OM ezapl07e4 In<br />

landlng the German agent JJJ«)WSItI In Canada . "Dr thll<br />

other rea80n8 it 11 moat unl1kel;r that 1n fUture .aboteu.ra<br />

bo landed with 1&rge atorea or _botas •• quipm«lt. . The<br />

aabotaur. Will ba instruoted to purobue their aabotage<br />

equipment wi thin tha oCllntrr OODcerned and mil onl7 br1ne With<br />

them auch thinga a. detonator., ~loh occupy l1ttle apaoe and<br />

cannot be marutaoturttd b1 amateura.<br />

This "botaKe aX}'led.1 tlon na better equipped "i tb<br />

eabo~ge ApPAratua and battor tralned than anr other expe41tlon.<br />

of whioh the Boourl t;y Servloe baa beArd. The Oerman Seoret<br />

Servioa a~tache4 the irooteat lmportance to tbe aucc ... ot tbe<br />

UndertAking and were tortunate 1n ha~ln8·techn1clau. .mang 1t.<br />

membera. TWc mallbers wore ullohineQtool rt tt.r. and wera<br />

therofore in a tar better pcal tiOD to cClM1i t sabotage to<br />

maohineI')' than the uautl t;ypo of .aboteur arnplo;ye4 bf the<br />

German Saoret Bervica.<br />

-<br />

.J<br />

L<br />


- 2 -<br />

One of tho d1ttl0\l1~ ••••• 001a ted \THh the<br />

cor.m1a81on of acta ot aabotage ie: to provide the saboteur<br />

w1 th a moohan1am by whioh ho oan get tar away tr(J!\ the<br />

target bofClJ'o tho Nlbotase ocoura. Tho standard OOn:lan<br />

method 1nvolvoll tho use ot • tima clock. Tho typo u8ed in<br />

tho Eastern ltom1aphora has oartain technical defect. and<br />

4000 not Illrraya go oN. A n .... ~o wa. given to tho<br />

Amerioan saboteurs, but apart fran thUl they woro iruttructed<br />

1n tho manutaoturo ot hano-mad,o delay meohanisms to be<br />

oonstruoted from HaUl" obtainable Ooar:lO& to1u 8U.eh a. tin.<br />

ot dried poaa, lump_ ot sua:ar an4 1' •• or bla408. ~h18 new<br />

technique 111 disturbing 1n that. 1 t. rorDOVoa one method of<br />

deteoting aaboteura arriving 1n tbo countr,(.<br />

•<br />

Another 41aturblng toe.tu:oo of tl. 18 cua 1a that<br />

tho saboteur. "aro pr0T1404 with abraeiv •• tor interfering<br />

with tho lubrioation a7atema at var1wa t)'llea ~ maChiMI7. •<br />

(The provision or abraeivea 1a aomewhat ohildieh ae thel<br />

could have been e.eily obtained w1thin the USA.) UntU<br />

the equip~ent of the USA aaboteur. was eXamined there .... no<br />

evidance that the Oerman aabotaae BerTioa want in for anT<br />

types of a.botage other than t hoae done wi th 1ncendiary or<br />

high axploUYO beeba. The interterenee with maohinery by<br />

meane of abra.ivee opens up s tar w1der fleld ot 1'01l!ll1ble<br />

Oerman aotivitiea and wIll neoe .. ltate a oloae extmlnstion<br />

at coaas whioh appear to ba the work at 41egruntled workmen<br />

,<br />

or 8allor~<br />

The ide. at •• n41na .. abotaura to tho UBA ...<br />

well eatablhhed in t he m1n411 ot the GeI'lD&n seoret Se"10e<br />

before the entry at the USA into the pr. With thia end<br />

In view, Il reSidant Oennan apnt was .ent to the USA. :lust<br />

before the Japanes. atDaok on PMrl Harbcur. 818 tunotion<br />

wu to ... ut German aaenb 1'f' th8J' lot into dU't1oul1ta.<br />

and he fte i1 van t he.l'alnord by .hioh ho 1oI0\11d reoOlni.e<br />

them. It 18 not known whether he had an .. plana,. aI weU<br />

as 0 elbotag. ae.1gnment in the UBA. f but it .eema unl1k.~<br />

that a reeident asent would •• purely oonc.rned w1th a.rman<br />

.aboteurs.<br />

The name of the re.i4ent .sent 1n the USA. and<br />

the cover addresa •• t.o whioh t he saboteur. ",ara to wri te,<br />

were writton In aocret Ink on two handkaroh1efe, ona hald b7<br />

the loader of eaoh group.<br />

•<br />

L<br />

Invaetigationa made by tha FBI ravaalad that<br />

thore was a number of peraons In the USA al thar at Garman<br />

deacent or with QenJll,n as.ociaUona who, a1thaugh l'reviou.aly<br />

Inactive and not euspected of anti-USA sympathie., were<br />

quite willing to help the a.boteure br Biving them food,<br />

ohenging maner, etc.; several of thsee hava been nnteno'd<br />

to death.<br />

The aabotage tarsate had baan oaretulll thought<br />

out by the Gorman Beoret Bervica and ware directed againet<br />

real bottleOnecks in the Amerioan ",ar industry. 1t 1e<br />

interesting that one factory reoommended for .abotase ...<br />

listed so low on the American equivalent 'ot our V\I.lnel"l.ble<br />

points LiBt that it had no guards at any type, When an<br />

onquiry 'ft8 mede a8 to whother the GermaNi .ere right or<br />


- 3 -<br />

•<br />

not 1n aslootlns tbi. faotory, it transpIred that it wae<br />

ot the highest importanoe. Tht. caused some unoa.!noea<br />

and later a ro?iow ot tbe USA Vulnerable Pointe categoriee<br />

wae made. (Tho same aort of thing he_ ot Dourae<br />

ooourred in the UK, tbouab not ••• result ot target.<br />

g:lTan to Garman aaboteura).<br />

It 1 __)mOlt oertain that. third group of<br />

German agenta landed in the USA at about the lama time ..<br />

the PABTORIOtrB !i1'oUP" and 1 •• till • t larse. It 11 Dot<br />

oertain With .bioh t7Pa ot Gorman Seoret aarTlo_ 80t11'1t7<br />

thia group 18 conoorned, thouah indireot eT14onoe auaaeata<br />

He,..l eapl0DaIlI •<br />

• (an4 a till intenda) too eend turther group. of .aboteur. to<br />

The German Booret 88"108 detln1 tal)- intended<br />

the USA. Apart from. tbeir aotiT. tunotiOD ot coanittina<br />

.abotage, the PASTORIOUB aroup. bad tha dutT ot 1.&1101 tho<br />

foundation tor a muoh larasr .. botale organi •• tlon in<br />

wirele88 camm 1 n1catlon with German headquarter ••<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />


to the lisht motll 1nduatrr, Intart\lrence wl tb 'Whlcb wou14<br />

affect aircraft produotion. The .aboteur. r.ooi",.d epeotal<br />

_ I" _<br />

o B J E C 'r I V E B 0., THE U N D E R T A X I 11 G.<br />

This ozpodl. tion ... the 1'1rs t that Abw. II had<br />

l<br />

Bont to tne USA. Ita membors had three objeoiiyu:<br />

'(i) to oonwit "'botaao;<br />

(2) to 1&7 the toUl\4ationa ot .. Gorman uboteS.<br />

orpnUat1on in tho URA. to be augmented b7<br />

fUrther arriyala;<br />

(.3) to 4188a1nato an,l-war prOl'agan4a in tho USA..<br />

•<br />

Thou are all pure .A.b_. II tunotlona and tho<br />

member!!! ot tho undorteklna WI'S epeoltloallJ; told that it<br />

... no part ot the1Ji fUnotion to obtain m1l1tar7 or<br />

pOlittcal information.<br />

BAIlOTAOi' The talk ot tho uboteura .... to a10w down<br />

produot on at cert.1n tao tori •• concerned with tho American<br />

•• r ertort, tor whioh tho)' .ore liTeD. apeoifio tarl.ta-f ~.n4<br />

•<br />

to intertere with tranaportaUoD a7eteme, lnolu41na raU •• ,...<br />

and oanal.. The7 r_ootTed apoo1al traln1nc tor th1. latter<br />

purpo... Apart trc:a intertarll1l 41H0t1{ .wl th the "'1' ~<br />

ettort. All •• II boped. tba. tbl •• bOtnro aO'UTithe would<br />

ceu.ee _n-ponr to be.ueel:up/.Jn auard1ng wlnereble pointe<br />

an4 woul4 arouae un.aaiDe •• .aona tbe,.lJMrlcan p.opl ••• 01'<br />

the .. "aeona the aabotas. ft. not to be 4on. in aucb a , W'a7<br />

tha t 1 t app.ared ao0141ntal, but 'ft. to 'be pla1nly reooln!aable<br />

a •• abotaso. In a.p11t1oat1on or thi •• onemo, the<br />

•<br />

.abateure were alao 11l1truot.04 to oarr, out .. U acta or<br />

terror1 •• 8udl •• tho plaoina ot lnoendia17 bombl 1n euit-<br />

0 .. 08 lort. In lUl ... O 4epote and in JOY1.b ... cnmt4 ahop ••<br />

The e.bateura were hawnor tel4 that the, _t ."'014 killing<br />

or In3urlna p.ople al thia woul4 not bonet1 t OermaTl7 but<br />

wou14 more17 arcuae 1n41snat.1cm. RailwAT .abotas ....<br />

theretore to b. oont1ne4 to ,oodI traina, thoUlh the, ooul.4<br />

damage locc:motiYOI by plao1na Br .. iT, _terial in tbeil'<br />

lubr10at.ion e18t~l.<br />

AI roprd.a auotqe to the Amerloan war in-<br />

4uatrT, tho aabot.eur. nre ilUltruoted to continI th.eel",e.<br />

training in the .abotage ot aluminium and masneellD taotorie.<br />

•<br />

and thie trainIng included vial ta t.o wob !aotor1e. 1n<br />

GermalQ' and ltIicturao on the location or the USA. plant ••<br />

Certain .peoitic USA taotorie. wer. l1"'on to the •• boteura<br />

as targete and it. ft8 emphaa1a84 that t.he moat ett'eOtlTe<br />

method ot putt.1ng them out ot action wae b;( the interruption<br />

or the eleotricity lupp17. A rurther objeotl",e .. I t.he<br />

sabotage ot .,ol1te prooe8Dln,a plant. in t.he Philadelphia<br />

area. Thi8 Dub.tanoe 1. on. ot the ra. material. trOlD. which<br />

aluminium il deri",84.<br />

Tbe aaboteur. were S1"'en no inetruotioM to<br />

obtain employ,mant in anT ot the raotorie. in Whioh they •• re<br />

to commit .abotage. The method or acoo •• wae lett entirolJ<br />

to thair dUcretion and thaT oould aUber do it by breakins<br />

in, or by obtaining emplo)'mant, though certain exeroiae. in<br />

entering raotories bT etealth .ere oarried out durin; thoir<br />

trninlng.<br />

L<br />


- ~ -<br />

~:"'~~.n .• a the<br />

org8111 •• Uon, ••<br />

Oerman journaliat. ~.therlan4 trom the<br />

UBA atated that thi. oity<br />

be parUoularlT<br />

spinet the war Witb GarmaU7_ When the mem.bers ot the<br />

exped;1 tion bad bOoQJ1a auttlo1entli .. tabl1_hed in the UBA<br />

and had bUilt up aUitable dOT'~ aotlTltl.a In Ohio ago,<br />

WalloI' URPI, who ... in oharao ot the. abohura during<br />

thOir training in Oarmant, WI. to be informed and lD!J.1nh2l!1<br />

EARTH would proo •• d to the USA, probab17 with.<br />

hlribi?grOJ.p ot.. aboteura, to taka oyer and expand the<br />

organ1eat1on. It and when BAlrl'H arriTe4 and ... able to<br />

extend tho organ1aauou l\lt't101entq, JCAPP& b1m.aelt wou.l4<br />

oeme to tho USA. and cUr80t aU Oarman .•• bota S8 aot1YIU ..<br />

trOD!. the headquarter. in OhioeSo.<br />

l ... t "dUe-ot +<br />

lllraona<br />

.a.<br />

aadnet<br />

~~:~1~~<br />

war<br />

contaot<br />

and 1-t }to<br />

with<br />

•• ibl,<br />

to or •• te an ot Boob ~.opl. to oa1'1'7 out anti-<br />

War prop_pnda. . to14 that it he b.ard.<br />

· perloni ~ Itld.UlB1nl talk, h ....-to egre' 'With<br />

them and POint out<br />

USA.<br />

bad no reuol1 to b •• t'<br />

wa:r with OermatlT _.,,, .. _. a.naa, .. "anted noth1nl. t'rom the<br />

•<br />

,<br />

'.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

~" • ..J<br />

•<br />

.,<br />

L<br />


- 6 -<br />

PRRSONN "' L<br />

wing'<br />

•<br />

in Oc~ .~ob~.~r:!l:i:::::~;::~l[~~~<br />

Amerioan<br />

C 0U.81n by marriago ... in<br />

Bund. La tel" DASOH IDa)' ha .... bun<br />

ot Group 1,<br />

atatee<br />

lott-<br />

U(l.8uco ... :ru117 to pet'lua4a bill '~~~!:~l~~~~:!~E~~r.:;~;:n<br />

N.ai 14001087.b7 hi. mother, Who<br />

Ther9 le a definite rqaterr about DA.8CH'.·~;;,;: .. ·o;i<br />

look and hiB 'ooOTeralon' -7 not. hay. baen aenuino. Aa.<br />

rosuit ot hi. mother'. "'iett to the USA how8Ter, DASCH<br />

beoam8 anxloua to r .turn to Oel'Zlll.Dl' on ih. outbreak ot war.<br />

l<br />

•<br />

After dolel. and repeated _ppliO.tiona 'io the Oll"lllaU .<br />

Oona\llate New York CitJ, and ihe Otraaan &lib ... , in W<br />

•• b­<br />

lrg;on, arranc-onta •• 1" _4. ror IUa to return to OermaD7<br />

v1a Ban J'1'&no18oo, Japan aDd the UBSR. Tho 4ala"".re<br />

duo to DABOH bUns oon81401'04 pol1Uoa1l7 unreUable b7<br />

tho aarman.ottiolala in the UBA.. ... '. •<br />

•<br />

On Ma, 13th .941 DASCH arrlTe4 1n Ber11n.<br />

Where he and other Gonuna return1nl trOll the USA. •• ra<br />

greetod by offioen ot ~h. ,oretan OraanUaUoD,ot ~h. :<br />

NSDAP. After a reoep~101l a' an hohl near ~ha a'atlan,<br />

they .ara requlred to sl'n 4atalla ot thalr lit. hletorua.<br />

•<br />

DASOH waa allowed 250 R.M. tor \ra.,111n& expen.e. and •••<br />

lnatrueted to report,attar two .leKe at tbe ottloa "Por<br />

RetUrnln, Gannana u at Btuttprt.<br />

Attar a ahon Ita)- witb hll parantl n480B<br />

vlsited a number ot ottlolala, luolu41n, thl hea4qUlnlr •<br />

ot the army at BtuU,ari; lr~.oob ItHf.'rc at ~he beaeS.­<br />

quarters ot, the Tblrd Arf1tT ItC' r ,0, 1IhQII DABCH<br />

save lntomaUon obtained dunn, hh journe,. thrW8b ~he<br />

1<br />

USSR; Dr tJ'LUUJOI ot tho Unite" Bt.~ .. D1vUlon ot the<br />

lt1n1etry ot Propaganda, to -.bCD IlASCH ,a" lome un,olioited<br />

•<br />

cou.aln Rhalnhold BARTH, who advlled h1JD. to SO ~o the ma1n<br />

ottlce at the Forolsn Orpn1,at1on ot the .NBDAP. IlA.SOH<br />

went to tbl, organlaatlon and there mot Dr HENR, desoribed<br />

88 a representative ot tbo, Beoret Military Braneh ot the<br />

NSDAP Porc1gn Organi8ation. HSUN' lent him with a latter<br />

ot introOUotlon to Lt. Oolonel LUXHR8 ot' the O.lt.". at ~he<br />

Tlrpi tzutor.<br />

advloe on German propasanda ln. the USA; ,04 nnal17 h18<br />

When DASOH arrlve" at thl T1rp1 t.uter and<br />

asked tor Lt.ool. ~[§HR8 he ft. to14 that thU omeer<br />

wu no longer on t • ,en'ral .urf and theretore that he<br />

could not. enter the bulld1na. Attar 80M , n.\8OH<br />

was 80nt to the tourth tloor Who.,<br />

atter mak1ng eOml abortive ebrted<br />

to eacort DASCH out ot tho .1 ~h<br />

hie letter ot introduotion ln hie lnto the<br />

firet room. he aaw and handed Ide letter to a captain. Th1e<br />

proved auooeaetul and hf> ,,&I taken 1'1 ret to eee Qa'p"~a~ll<br />

BP ~1L who wa e believed to be responSible tor Ab~~ _~ o rk<br />

in Central Amerioa. Fran here DASCH .ont to a eelJlU'W.'1A<br />

P f l.ol,"1:J. ijp~1 Who oroe8-examined him on hie ;l.1te 1n the USA.<br />

Trie f oilcw1ng day, about the 2nd or }rd June 19M, DASCH<br />

,<br />

L<br />


- q-<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

I. . to • .,"".<br />

returned to the ~lrpltiuter wbore he wee Introduc~d to<br />

Walter KAPPE and turther cro ••-examined on hie/ lite and<br />

baokground in the USA by KAPPlIi and '\!lane RI'1"TEIf\ XAPPE<br />

arranged that DABCH would work .... monitor 16" the 8onder-<br />

• 41enat 8eebaua, 24 I;touen " .. un ..., .& JDon.1torlna atl-tion<br />

i io~r~;~~~~b:rO~~'~do~'fj.~t:~'iUDder<br />

the Juriad1aUon ot the<br />

Ottice and at the the direotion Bonderd1anat of Dr Beehaue, PXRRA.<br />

he<br />

he JD&y have bad about the N .. l<br />

make an attempt to return to the<br />

..... tormer~ emplo1e4 b7 Abw.<br />

the eond.rd1~nlt 8eebaua and ahe<br />

''';:~"i::d.,~~:r~::c~"~L~t~'-'Pi!~HLl~oOft Abw. III, who ••<br />

I aua:&V!-aiaa •• 2J~. Berlin.<br />

tb1 ......:Y.18. a4dre.l.<br />

At tbo .. d of ~o~r .. '.~r<br />

• meaaage tran hie ooual11<br />

Room 1025 ~lrplt.ut.r,<br />

to14 him that _cae ~0I\~1dora~'1.<br />

that DA.BOH ahould.lead I a.crlt ~~~;~"~l~~l:'u~~;:~~~~i."<br />

patmjallon had not Ylt been ' sr'n~ed tor<br />

8. the Foreign Otfice w •• oppoI.4.to the<br />

known tran other louran that the Oerman '~~:1:n.t~;i;~:.<br />

wat Oppoeed to the .A.bwehr' e intended labotage<br />

in the USA W'l.tll the outbreak. ot Wlr b.tw.en OermaDT<br />

the USA). A tew day, later XWL.madl IlABCR aign a<br />

100reoy deol,r,tion and then. itGOiOlOd hi. plan top,<br />

eabot,se undertaking to th. USA.; HI ,aked MOOH to write<br />

down ,ny idea' he misht baTe •• ~.a.r4J pO.lible methOd.<br />

tor .abotaS1na the UBA. nr,1n4ultZ'7.1 nen nABOB baa<br />

o:unploted i!iemoran41.D oa 'th1.:lNb~htit ft. oar.tul17<br />

f.flnl,'l2.. otudied by jor UP7Zpl an4~.pt.3.n 6,Aml, the latter<br />

meeting DA in XAPPJfI. ottlo.- al £b8-:-nrpltluter on the<br />

8th or 9th January 191,2.' ,ThelfollowiDg 4ay;XAPPI, 'ASTOR<br />

and IlASOH 1IIII.4a a turther • t~ ot tb. m.morandum • t 6.­<br />

Ranke8tl'oal" a .eoret .A.b•• II.meetins plaae. Thl10ttioo<br />

outWArdly appeared to be concarnea with the production ot<br />

a paper oalled tho "8chrittlel tunS del' Xaultaeua". PUrina<br />

thi, diSou .. ion IlA.BOH learnt the main prinCiples ot the<br />

intended undert'k1ng and tha t he "a. to b. the leader ot<br />

ona<br />

haying alrea~,been oho.en a. le'der ot<br />

• •<br />

.J:-<br />

In Noyomber 1941, When DABCH w .. anx.iO\lI to<br />

sat in touch with the Abwehr, -he queatloned , woman triend<br />

of hle lan41ad¥ l e nom he know to ~e employed at the 'OXW,<br />

about the Abwehr. ThU WaDan told him that it he would sl,.o<br />

her hie life hiBtory ahe would paee it on to he~ of rico.<br />

DASCH did thiB and later received a lotter trom Dr WUBSBL<br />

aelc1ng h1r.1 to ceme to his tlat on December 2nd or 3rd.191J1.<br />

Dr YlXEssm· qa.eeUoned DAecH about hi. lite in tho USA and<br />

aeked him why he wished to wort to~ the Abwahf'. DASCH gayS<br />

him III copy ot the memorandum be bad ni tten tor ItAPPB and<br />

outlined hie ideas on bow he "ould reaoh the ·USA via ·Ih17,<br />

North Atrioa and Brazil.<br />

On the 9th or 10th'December 1914-1 DASCH received<br />

a letter along the follO'tlF1ng linea from Dr flKSBSBL: "I<br />

received your letter and two memoranda. Although tho<br />

development. of the la.t tew 4678 havo given our p~apocta<br />

III difterent phaee, I deeire to keep in touch with, 7OU etill<br />

by having another cont"erenco in tlle near tuture. -.A.t preaent<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />


- ~-<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

"I 11m going on a trip and you aball hear from me on rror<br />

return. Sincerely Joura, Hen Hitler:"<br />

Prom other statement. made. by IlA.SC1I 1 t<br />

soems that ~ was an Abw. I man. ~ was<br />

annoyed tha tiiAacH'iiiproached WUBB.E:L Indepen4.nt~, &.<br />

he naturolll oonsidered be had first cla1.Jrl on him and<br />

at the matel'1al time had _lrueST decided to UBe him 1n<br />

tho PABTORIOUB Undertaking.<br />

On the 27t;hh:h!o::;::~:~~~~tDASOH wa. raleaec4<br />

from hi. anploym.n~ at t Baehaua, oatenalb17<br />

t or.orvlce wi th tho t Maroh ha worked<br />

ei thor at tho Bare<br />

only<br />

One ot the<br />

another waa from<br />

nama. or either<br />

hie.8rY10 •• in<br />

Oarmtn<br />

English were<br />

,. .'<br />

,= ___ :~ _;:-. tho aI'1n1'. With th. ezooptlon ot PGJi,<br />

'ltAPt'I Or1&1nall7 1nton4e4 tho PAII'l'ORIOOB Slcoon.lat<br />

ot twd",. DID, IOU ot whcII "al'II _ to ba •<br />

hennr, lCAPPa .... unable :to lirtfii<br />

trcm tho 8l'!Q' and ,ooor4i~ bad to<br />

•<br />

~ r.rc\·<br />

~e6t peter ~ GER ... born 1n OarmaD¥ in 1906 and entered<br />

e uBX In Pa ?uary 1927, becoming natural1ud on 1lh2.33 •<br />

In Germany BUROBR bad been. member ot the JfSDAP<br />

since 1923 and had taken part in the Beerball PUtech in that<br />

year. Trouble with tho German &uthoritiea 1n 1927 ...<br />

responsible tor BURGBR le.ving Ge~U7. In June ot Jul1 1933<br />

BURGER returned ' to Ge1,'lll&ll)' .t the expenao of hie famll.J', Who<br />

knew that he w .. :r1nd1ns it diffloult to obtain work in the<br />

USA. .. , .. ~<br />

On raturning to QeI'm&t'17 BURGER ra~oined the<br />

Nui Party, atter .erv1ng • prob'U01\alT period ot two<br />

manthe , and was aea1gn.M tb tho Ohiet Adjutant1e Ottioe<br />

attaohed to'tho'Oh1et ot statt', Btonat ROIiHII. BURGER<br />

reported direot to ROEHW and to BERGMAnN, who waa ROBlDl'.<br />

r1ght hand man, and travolled with these otf!cera throughout<br />

Germany. Shortly before Juno 1931~ nURGER 11ao loaned<br />

to KET%.~R , head ot tbe Jr,tedical Dlv1aion ot the SA. It was<br />

because ot thia that he eaoaped the blood bath on Juno 30th.<br />


-<br />

- 9 -<br />

•<br />

Arter this and the lub •• quent .. '1atl to pOller or HI},U,(L]:;R,<br />

oond1 tiona becDJIlo ,dU'tloult tot' the SA. BORG.t, got<br />

himself transferred to tho Poll~loal DiV1aron 0 the<br />

Reichele1 tung, whero he was engaged on journalism and<br />

~ropag.nd. tor internal conaumption. BURGER attended<br />

Berlin Univeraity in oonnection with th1a work and in<br />

June' 1939 obtained a d1plom;, 'in journalhm and Goopoltlo8.<br />

Atter this, Protaa.or RAU9HD~ Proteaeor<br />

ot Goo-po11t1c., saYe BUROzR' o.rt.ln'oont1~entlo1 work<br />

in C.echoalovakia Whiob ent.l~e4 the reportlD1 on<br />

goneral oonditiOM 1n thai ooun:t17 and on the ~ot1T1t1e.<br />

ot the Nazi part,l. the ~ •• t.po and an, per80na ot German<br />

or Poliah nationa 1t7 thare. BURGER'. oonfidential<br />

rOllort. were 8ubm1tted to Prote.eOl' HAUB1I)PER, who in<br />

tum aubalitted them ,to Budo,~t ~a.' .. . " ,'<br />

. ,<br />

At the outbrea)t ot war !lJROD Immediatel;r<br />

. applUd tor permi •• lon to ao(to the USA, to oarl7 out .'<br />

prOJlaganda. Acoord1na to hi •• to%7, 1f'hlch 1. bell.nd,<br />

he mad. thh applioatlon to ncall. 'trom Oermany and "<br />

organiu the 'old M memberl' who had'·rled trom Germat\f-.r<br />

8S 8 Tolunteer co~. to ~ri ... 1net the pr •• ent regIm~ •<br />

The appl1oaUol) ... r.ru •• d and. 'in 'abruary 1939 IPson<br />

wae .ant to poland b7 the Politioal DiTlaion ot' the<br />

Relohaleltul4t to report on oondltionl there and on tha<br />

war aotlT1tiea ot<br />

d<br />

Na.1 part1 otrlclale. BURGKR aot into<br />

trOUble with the eetapo and. part7 otticiali in polanA and<br />

•<br />

in llaroh 191,.0 W88 arre.ted br. the !le.tapo and lJapr1a0na4<br />

tor 17 monthe. • • '<br />

• On the<br />

wao ordered to<br />

liiTen a lattn<br />

triend t;oo~.:n~~~~~:.~<br />

ottioer 1<br />

Abw. II q:~ turn<br />

n,.{,ol 61>- 1'hrou~~ 0 BtooD. ....<br />

" • 'OUB joY USA. ,B1RGD.<br />

. , . I . r , •<br />

eaw an OJISlortun1tr ot .. tUna<br />

' epp081t1on to the Nut r.g1me, - ~I~~~~~::~:~~<br />

more III tagoni.Uo a. a reeult 0: _~, ... o<br />

Gostapo.<br />

•<br />

In the mean1thIle, BtJ]lGKR..JoinecL.tbe..replAr<br />

8l"1'dy and was assians'" to an t~m't1"7 -oompaD¥ sual'4!n.<br />

British and JuaoslaT priaonel'8-ot-war in ~orltn. In<br />

February 19/,2 BURGER recelTe'" a letter "from the CCW tnstruoting<br />

him to report to' a certaln 1"QCXD .t the 'l'i'rPttautero<br />

<strong>Here</strong> be .. s a pin intern ewe'" b7 ~ .nd dked<br />

whether he atill 'Wiehe4 to 10 to tboOM. On repl71ng in<br />

' the attlrmatlTe, BURGO ••• told that he would be traMrerl'ed<br />

r~m his regIment to tbe German Seoret SerTioe<br />

through the S. .. b .V., which was deaoribed b1 KAPPE .. ·tbe<br />

Gonnan Seoret BeM"lce ucover reSirnent". BUlmItrwaa ordered<br />

to report to tbe z.b.V. 800 Regiment Regenwuna camp at<br />

t.tcoerltz, and atter two date, during which time he tilled<br />

In the rSQ.uil'ed ronna, he went to the l.b.V. 8OO.reglment ' •<br />

branch at Brandonburg. He arrlTod at BreMl!mburg on the<br />

11th April 19/,2, where he was given II. BUit of ciT1l1&n<br />

clothes and ordered to repol't to tbo sabotage trutning<br />

8011901 at Quent:.; Lake.<br />

.J<br />

L<br />


- 10 -<br />

H.'IU"ch' Harm 1lIi"<br />

•<br />

, H'~ "'~ij .u born<br />

t(/. 11-7" fJ"/.<br />

in Germany 1n ~n e nYre4NrSAtl 26. In<br />

1 9 31~ HEIllClK be6ame a mecber or tho Ordnunged1enet ot the<br />

Gorman Amerioan BuM. He rOl1gnod in 1935, ..men membership<br />

wae roetribted to United atatea citizen.. Durin,<br />

t hlO time HEDICX knew Waltorw.e, ."ho vUlted hie house<br />

on kt Iea.t one occuii5"n. ;men e aignod t'rom the<br />

German Acorioan Bund, HBIJ~ . joined tho DAF, to whioh be<br />

continued to pay eUbaoriptione until he lott the USA in<br />

1939. When he arri,.ed in Getma~ h. joined the NBDAP ..<br />

•<br />

H&INCIt raturned to Germany in Karoh 1939<br />

under a echeme arre:ngod by the German Labour Front b7<br />

which GennaDIS could return to work in Genne:r13 on e tree<br />

or reduoed passeie~ On erri"el in BamburS HlINCIt and<br />

other returninG workera •• r. mat by meruber. at the llAJ'<br />

to whom thef pve their ute hiatoriea. Thoy were 1n-=- ..<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

•<br />

atruoted to call. at the D,,\)I o,tt10' 1n Ham'burl .ithin ~o<br />

daye. n.n the que.tien,0t: oqo~.'lon' oame up}. DINe.: "<br />

expres8ed a _Uh to work .in . :branob ot, tha YOlUftltn7"<br />

werko at BrauneohwaiS. .Be btoue nplo,.e4 in tJ1ia : .<br />

'taoto1"J •• e c1r11111lS Mobin.,operstor. ' . . ,'. t::<br />

. ",W ' "<br />

In Jaruarr 1942 JtAPPB oame to Breunaoh.ei,<br />

to apeak at a moetins ot the DeuUohe Ameribn1.ohe<br />

Kantaradschaft ot "'the AUal..mdM~Oraani.itiOn. Arrf/ll.a •• nt.<br />

tor thh meaUng were made bJ" -It fMRi who ftl d .. oribaa.<br />

aa balna 1n oherae ot tool. s r 0 wa,ab"arke. The<br />

objact or the meeUn; ... a to brins toSbther Oamana 'lbo<br />

had tol"ttlerl,y 11.,..d in Amariba .nd c.nada.' JCAPPI '<br />

•<br />

reo08n18ld HEINOX .t the me.Uns and apo1c, to. blml.t the<br />

end ot it. Richard QUIRIN', another member ot the D~ .<br />

sabot8ls expedition, allo worked .t tbU hetor1 and ....<br />

proeCll t .. t the meeUna. . "<br />

About • month I.tter t hi. nI. .. t1na xurt 'Ws<br />

approached JlEINCK and told him the t )tAPP1 hIlcl atlantad<br />

him tor a sabotage elOignment in the USA . HlDfCJt dUouesod<br />

thie aUSBe.tioD .ith QUIRIN , who had alao been ,<br />

approached by LAAB. To.erda tha and or Warch 1944!':'HlINOX<br />

raciavad a letter inotruotina him and QUIRII to 10 to the<br />

Quentz Out !'ann. The latter .. a t~ewrltten and Md tJ:o<br />

aignature nor letter h~e41DI, but HSINClt ba1i8T04 that.<br />

•<br />

under the date the "01'48 "Auslanda Ab.ehr" • ... er. tned.<br />

On April 7th HEINClt traTelled tl'om Braunaoh.ei; to Brandenburg<br />

by train and hom thore by trUl and bw. to Quentl<br />

Lake, lnCat1ng QURIN on the bu. and arri Tina a t the aobool<br />

wi th him.<br />

M'" If r~Nn~ u: y ,,,, ~l'l u., ~.o<br />

R!Ch'~ ~IIli It Qu&e .... born in 0."""" 'n 1908 and<br />

anteraBA Fn To er 1927. In 1933 QUIRnl baCkme I.<br />

member of the oranungad1enat ot thl J'rUnde of New Oarma~.<br />

Ho r08igned in 1934 when member.hip .1.' ra.trioted to<br />

united Btatea c itiuM. At thi. Uma he became a maraber<br />

or tha NBDAP and on obtain1ns employment in Germany jOined<br />

tho' DJ.P. •<br />

QUIRIN returned to Oenrany in JUl1 1939 'Under<br />

tho aamc loherne aa tIEINCPi, and h18 hiator:y frcm the time of<br />

hie a rrival in Garmany wka aim1Iar t o that 01' HEI UCf::. He<br />

WBe met by member. of the 'PAP and questioned rogardlna hie<br />

l ifo h1story and quali1'ioations. He ~hoao to work at tha<br />

L<br />


- 11 -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

volkawagenwerke .. t BraunechwolS a8 .. tool maker. li};lNC K<br />

having gone there .. tew months bet .. re. Both HEIl;Clt""'na<br />

QUIRIN were exempted from m1l1t.ary seMice .. they were<br />

~hnploY8d in an ceunthl war lndu8try. QUIRIN wee at tho<br />

meeting in Januar7 191.2 wher-IAppg apoke, end although he<br />

d1d~t~.ak to KAPPE, be "ee later approached by HBINCX<br />

o LAAS sarcUng thet •• botapJ , edition to America, and<br />

8~ 804 intereet in t~o 14e •• ·~n Karob QUIRIN " ••• hewn<br />

the lettor nom JtAPPB In 1Ih1ob 'tho)".' were both told to<br />

report at Quonh OUt ]Parm. Qunnr returned heme, got _an.<br />

olothos and travelled to Brandenburs. moeting MlINCE on<br />

tho Quontz Out bUI. , ..<br />

~ ~~~~~~Gt;b~':-:l~<br />

- e.d.r ot tbe<br />

in 1909 and<br />

"C~~'~~~'"I .,. ... member ot,<br />

the NBllAP and .. PartT number below<br />

100,000, indioating or~a1nal Party<br />

members. '.a- .1. the eDt>lam:"h1ch<br />

~ he ••• aotl~e In<br />

8ignified that bl .18 '1~~:i~~:~~ig~:~i:E:~::~~~[ttc<br />

~ In the USA.' URLDfG<br />

Ueooiationa durina parb ot<br />

In Juno 191.0 XULrkO r.tu6.ct to 'O'lrmatl7 ~1.<br />

L1sbon and Rame and w •• attaohed a!moat at ono, to rhl<br />

Oo['!'Mn army, in ~ane ldnd. ot o1Tl11an oapao1t7. ne ....<br />

sent to DoalZ"Ule, Pranoe, nere M worked 1'1:1.' an .~<br />

l1etontna poet, treMl.Una reoorda ot Inal1eh broac1caU ••<br />

After three moutha, thia ... c11aooutlnuld and JClRLllfO Wtnt<br />

to the Wln1atr7 ot propa,andii 7Ihrblllinerplat • . 3, Berlin.<br />

In the Iprina ot 1942, URLXlIo ".111 'l'»roaohed bJ' JtAPPI w1 tb<br />

tho Idoa ot rlturn1b.8 to the tJU em .. au..'lon tor tbl IJD,<br />

and on AprU 8th he reportld to 6' Ranklltr .. u; t"rOZll thlre<br />

he travolled to the QUint • . Lake .oboel Witb othor cambera<br />

ot hie S roup. . :'<br />

\1(': ~ .<br />

Worq!r THIEL 0 B1ll ~'\8 .. I born 1n Olrmatll in 1907 and<br />

enterea1r.Oax in GMY',927. In Obtober}933 'tRDL ,01ued<br />

tho Friends at If .... GOnD&D7 1n Wow York 0'1t7, and f1len h.<br />

moved to HamOnd, Indiana In 19311-, ho totmded • looal' branch<br />

of the. OC1ot)" thore. 'In 1936 he lett the Gorman Amor.1oan<br />

Buhd u he ...... Oerman oUb.n, .04 ear11 1n 1939 b.cam ••<br />

member ot tho NSDAP •<br />

THIEL returned to Oarmanr In Waroh 1941 ' v1a Japan<br />

and the USSR, .t the Expense 01' tho Oerman OonaUl Na. York<br />

City. He arr1ved 1n Borlin 1n Way 1941 and haY1ng 'I1yen hi.<br />

~artioular8 to the Aualanda Ott1ee, vlalta4 hie paronta at<br />

Dortmund. He remained there tor two months and In J'U~ 1941<br />

obtained a job w1th Pel1era 7einmek&n1k. .<br />

About the middle or Maroh. 191,2 mIm. attendod a<br />

800101 moeting 01' the Au.lands Orkantaatien, Where he met<br />

KAPPE, whom he had previously 'mot In Ohicago in 1931... He<br />

a180 met DA80H, with whom ho had returned tran the UBA. THIEL<br />

me t DA80H agaln a woek later by arrangement at a bar 1n<br />

Ber11n, when he .ao asked by DASCH wbether he would return<br />

to the USA on an Abwehr miaalon. Followlng thla meetlng, he<br />

met' KAPPE and %lABOR at 6 Rank .. traa8e and aaroed to resign.<br />

trom hie job and become a member or the expe41 t10n. On April<br />

6th he reported at 6 RankestruBe and travelled fran thore to<br />

•<br />

• f<br />

..J<br />

L<br />


... 12 -<br />

i<br />

the Quentz lAke aohool w1 th other member' at the<br />

oxpe41 tion.<br />

In J'lme 1941 HAUPT lett the UtiA tar ".xioo<br />

havlng lot Into troubla .itb e girl. In ... xioo 01ty<br />

•<br />

ha met a German., Hana BA88 • Paul mu'l'U. •.• ~DrI...BIICH&L,<br />

.bo au.aaeatod that hi iMm.4 1Ii"'e an into"1 .. wi tb VON<br />

WALLmnWRO, an ottiolal at tha aennan Ooneulate. \tllC<br />

WAl.LlIUMlG warnad RAUP'l' at the dlff10ulties 1n obta1nlnl<br />

lJOrk in "exioo and ottared hill a job 1n a German monuter7<br />

in Tokio or return. to Oerat.4nT via Japan. .lWJP'l' latt tor<br />

Japan in Jul7 1941 aM there, atter -two .aeka tra1n1na on<br />

a laid-up liner 1n lobe, returned to Bordeaux .. a .eaman<br />

on board a blocUI' runner. He ••••• arded tb. Iron Oro ..<br />

• eoon4 ola •• tor a1lbt1U1 • ataamer Wh1la on tha look-out<br />

poat. .<br />

•<br />

RAUP'l' returned to OermaJlT<br />

.1'!1It'~!,h1. relat1Ye. BtatUn.<br />

•<br />

~<br />

.a' • aember ~::'!::;~~~~~~4<br />

084 to re.ien -.hen amber.h1p ~.<br />

.~~~~t;':':~~i ae then became a member ot the Dautaohl<br />

. NSDAP.<br />

Oh10alo an4 In 1937 beoame a lIIember at the<br />

In Jul.y 1940 DUB.AlJER raturned to DermanT na<br />

Llebon cd Rome, 'Pert ot h1' p ..... ae belna: pa1d b7 the<br />

German Ooneul Ha. York Oit,..<br />

He arrlYed 1n OermaD7 In A.uguat 19110 am llYad<br />

with h18 parente In Hamburg until Harcmber 19].0, when be<br />

•• e drafted Into the ann;r. Ha reoe1Yed Intantr, tra1n1na<br />

.t M.gdeburg .nd earl¥ 1n June 19J-.1 ... mO'f'ed to the<br />

Rua.i.n tront. A tew daJ' attar "I' ... declared betw •• n<br />

-<br />

L<br />


- 13 -<br />

Rueeia and Germany he •• B Wounded by shrapnel and moved<br />

to a H08:piti.l in Stuttgatot untU Jsnu..ry 1942, 'When he<br />

was plaoed ~er modical ob.arT.tion at an &rm¥<br />

mo~o.l centre noar Vienna. 1fh11e there he reooived<br />

a typewritten letter 8tiTled by wn. uk1na ..methor<br />

he waa Willing to undertake an .a.ignmont in tho USA.<br />

too 1JUIm .gra~ to thh in. hi_ reply, whioh " .. eont to<br />

Lt. XAPPB ~o • field poat numbor. About three " •• ka<br />

later NEUBAUER .....& ordered to return bome, to totcb hi_<br />

civilian olothes and to report to No.6 Ranlceetrue8,<br />

fran whero ho prooeeded with other members or the<br />

oxpet11 tlon to the(guenh Lake Sohool.] Sfn,t...t .. p40)<br />

•<br />

PiTa ot the •• boteure were members or the lfBDAP •<br />

All 111'1 th the exoeption ot DASCH had been 888oo1.t04 with<br />

Nazi organi •• tiona in the USA. All returned to Oorma~<br />

at their own wlah.<br />

~(!,QR and offered their •• rvlo81 to the<br />

Abwahr, tfiOU'ili the .ere reoruJ. ted by XAPPI throuSh<br />

the Auelande OrS&n1eatioft and aooepted the USA a.aianment<br />

voluntarily. A pouibla axoaption h J~J,I~ .• Who na<br />

V1rtuallJ'" told that he ba,et no alternatiV'i""""ti'ioauaa ot the<br />

bad Geetapo. reoord that ha cd hi. t'alD117 bad. DA80H and<br />

BURGER, who had all"Oa47 deoi48d betore laaTina parn-t17 to<br />

aivo themeelTO. up OD .~r1"'al in the USA. both uaed the<br />

expe41 tioD ae a mean.e ot eeo.pins tree Oerma.n;;r. They<br />

ottllred their .ernoel to tha Abwebr with thl. end in<br />

view. The other member. at the OlPe41tion, witb the<br />

poe81ble exoeption ot HAUn, "ere _hunoh Nasi_ and would<br />

no doubt haTe a ttempted to oarrT out their a _Uanmanh i:t<br />

not arreated.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />


- lJ~ -<br />

A R R I V A L AT SApO T AG E BC}{OO L-<br />


PI U.A.A...<br />

,<br />

aaboteur.' ~atementa about date. Y~<br />

it uerr\8 that they arrived at the uen<br />

Jt.~~;~:::" the 7th and the 11th April, an<br />

l' luted trom the 13th tcf the 29th .,<br />

D.·t.,.,. the oaur.e nll be tound on pp. Jo-:a..\.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

•<br />

•<br />

ApRIL 30th 19112, Tbe .abohura .ere 81yen lean trOll the<br />

. o hoo~thelr tare. beinS paId by the Abwehr. With tbe<br />

Uceptlon. ot ~~nd ~:Wt Wllo reported on K"; '11th in<br />

order to r4oe~ ~l¥I n. ruottona ln .eoret w'rl Un, a'<br />

thll 1abori.'to}.y ''ot U,e OD' .... 'l1rpl t&~.rl_ the part, .... inetruoted<br />

to report .t 6 llankeatr .... at JO. a.lIl. on "a, l2 th.<br />

Between the '12th and 15th 11:1.7 the .. botsun .ere taken em<br />

a 'eerl .. ot tour., In 1Ihloh aotual method. ot .abota.e<br />

were demonstrated to th~ On the,e cooaalona th17 .er.<br />

represented ae cbunter-,.botA •• men 4eatlned tor ~~la •<br />

WAY 12th. The eaboteura .'1" taken "D1 boat throU~' •<br />

oanal, a •• tel'Wa1' inatrubtor, EAPPJ;, &UTH, XOD'IO and<br />

SCHULT: aooorctpall¥lni th.. ~he1 •• re ahown 41tteren"<br />

tfPea at aluioea, h~ thet .. are oonatruote4~ · .'~lGU'<br />

meth~. at .abot.al1nl tb... . .. :., ~ .<br />

MAY H<br />

• r .'<br />

th~ 'rhe whole 4U _ •• Qe1lt .. " a rall"", ',ar4 and<br />

repa r e op in serlin, .herl. under· the iU1unoe ot ~b.<br />

Ohlet Knpneer and Ib~et9Ja -e tbe, .er. 11.ln '.-<br />

detaile d de.oripUon ow. 4FCXDd't1Y.WOl'lUI, ,i:o,etb.&t<br />

wIth po •• ible e.bota,e- JIletbo4a -auab. u the plao1ha at<br />

abruln. ln Ti.tal parte. ne, wlI'e alia t\ CW!1 thl'': •<br />

vulnerable pa~. o~ the ra11.at track, .icnall1na ',It .. .<br />

and ew1tohlna 4eT1o ... 'rh.,.. ~et\U"ne4 to Xo. 6 .. nlt .. tr .. ..<br />

1n the eyening, -.men BARTH 1" .... 1..,,04 .,mat the, had .. en<br />

during the c1a7 and augseated turthe~ ~thoa. ot .abot,,1<br />

to be carrIed out wlth eplolal aquipment •<br />

MAY lltth - 15th. 'rhe IBrt, mad. a "tour ot lome alumin1_<br />

ana: rnagnea1um tactorl.a. The tint to be YUlt~ ••• tha"<br />

ot I .G. FARDEN at Blttertald. Th •• aboteura, aooompanie4 b1<br />

KAPPE, BARTH'/ll'kQ and BCWLTZ, left B'erl1n 'b7 train at.<br />

6. a.m. on W. Dt and arrlnd a' tho at. 9 a.m. 'rbI,<br />

were tir.t given a leoture In the oanteranoa on the<br />

great Importance ot the liaht · .. tal In4uatrr. roUared<br />

a ahort teohn1oal talk on ,Pro4u.otton m'atba1.. then.<br />

made at the plant, with the Ohlet Sna:Ire er. Be<br />

po.Bible met ho:1e at .. bota"e, ,!?oth to the plant<br />

pOt' er supply. It WI' empbalUod that tbe eleotr1O power<br />

8upply wu plrtic~ rly Yi tal ·aM It it oould be out orr tor<br />

mor e than a certaIn perIod ot time, great 4etu,1 "u14 be<br />

Olund. Tho oabotoure at&7ld ""emight at B1tterteld .nd lIttt<br />

by train on the morning at the 15th ~or Doe.au trom Where<br />

t bey went by apeolkYbul to Aiken. Berl the, 'pent thl 487<br />

inspecting further magnesium Ind aluminium plante and l-earn1na:<br />

other metha1a ot .abotaging them. XAPPB, ' KOUlG Ind SCHUU'''<br />

did not uoo ompany t ham on thil Yll1t, haYing returned to<br />

Berlin t ram Deaaau, '<br />

.<br />


- 15 -<br />

WAY 16th - 19th. No detin1te programme wa. arranLod<br />

between thoa. day_, but during thia time 1t 1e probable<br />

that· the .aboteur •• llned their oontracts and •• crecy<br />

oatha. ~_ and 1:l.t.flCa again vllito4 the 1& bora tory at<br />

the Tlrpni\i?"or on or 'about the 19th Wa)" and t:IIIrked<br />

oertain name. and .d4r..... in •• oret ink on two<br />

han4kerohle t. which tho le .dora ot Group 1 and Gro\1ll 2<br />

"era to take to the UBA.. t1'h ••• name. and addr.saea Inoluded<br />

tbo name dtha realdentOenoan asent in the USA,<br />

addreae •• thrOUSh whioh uoh aroup leader could bo cantaote4,<br />

• eOTor _ddt ... in i.1ebcm. and tho worda "'rana<br />

Daniel p .. torloua-, tho 0""01' 1WILO ot the unc1ertakit'll:.<br />

The' ucret wri tina COuld be 4ullopod bJ p1001ne the<br />

handkerohiet in oumon1a.<br />

Dur1ng thU t 1mo fiIaLIi% oh4 ft"" ohow"<br />

the ubt;ttlure the .qu1pun~ t~ ., •• ~b to the<br />

USA. It ••• paoke4 in e1~~ bdX •• , tour tor •• oh"put;r.<br />

Tho box •• were about ,t x it' x It}"..aN1 -.'~. ma4. ~ , .004, •<br />

wi th uale4 "tin oonb1nera na14., _, .Thr., ot the tl1lU'<br />

•<br />

70 lb. lind. .eH marked. "i t.b OM Of t.wo re4 oro..... 'l'b.<br />

tourt.h box oaltdne4 Uli. oloaU, tua. Wir., d.tonato" aDd.<br />

other dnU .. , .ellh1na about '5 nl. 'l'be .aboteur. 414<br />

not leI th. bout lIeilll paoka4 but: ftH abO'lll .. plel or<br />

their contenta an4 ta 4 'xplaiD.d to tb_ bCl'lr nob pleO,<br />

ot eQ.uipment •• , to b, uae4. !.. 0- _. • T •<br />

boxe .. O't .... ob aroup con\line4 uplodT", wdahe4 abOut.<br />

.... t'<br />

•<br />

clu41na Dr. VOGEL"<br />

other An, n:<br />

F V.rioua .pnohal ~"4a, lMl\dlll au,<br />

by the Bil Chi.t, who .ai4 amonpt. otbu t~~ ~ that. it<br />

tho undertakina ... euooe .. tul. aor"a.u.I,.."idi4-b.·40na<br />

to America than aneral 41TUlona"'t)t tbt· al'lDJ 'OtAlld 40.<br />

Atter 41nnor<br />

i<br />

until the ~a .. t,. broke·up .\ 1.2.30 ..... , tb'<br />

saboteurl ep it into 1 .. 11 Il'OUPI and VOlt wro.<br />

aDd<br />

. other ottio.r. apoke to Nob ot ~~~!d LtiFL tJ.lI)USD<br />

told DASCH that he ahou.ld. tru.t nOb""Y aDd ld.U ant aD wbo<br />

turned. t'rai tor. . •. ~ - ,<br />

. .<br />

. BURGER laid. that tH. que8t.lon II to what lhou14<br />

happen to traUor' ".. put to ~, IOIXIQ and SCHULTZ a'<br />

the Quentz Lake 8ohool, and.. 1t ft. 4.o1&d that IDT traitor<br />

should be liQ.Uidated b;r toroe.<br />

KAY 22nd - 21fth. The aaboteur. lett. Serlin a"t 12 I.m. b7<br />

train tor Paria, uriYlng at. 8 I.m. on 11&7 23r4. Thel'<br />

traYelled in two cotllpartmenta maned "R .. eM'e4 bl' order<br />

l<br />

their unita'ma. Whioh were U8ued,' to them 1n Berlin. were<br />

packed in aea-eaoka. Eaoh gI'ou.p e,1I0 t.d tour boxes c:I<br />

or the OK1'/tl. They wore olothe. bought in .Amerioa and<br />


equipment, wa. "rapped in paper and carr1ed by hand.<br />

hot 'the stttt10n 1n PerU, t~ey .ere met b, an Ab .... hr officer<br />

went to one hotel; JtAUPT and ~IRIX to anothu. AltbQU&h<br />

the ooaat~rd reporurthe in I4Iftt to hie flJperiore, no<br />

the 20th June .. a reault ot DASCH nnaina up the :PBI In<br />

Washington tran the "a~l(Jf er Hotel and ea71na the t he ...<br />

8 eaboteur and wUhed to t41 hia etCl'f to Ill'. Hoonr. 'I'M.<br />

.. I - 16 -<br />

~ qu1pment, three ot eaoh were packed 1n aoa-aacke whll.<br />

the fourth, oonhln1ng the 48181 machaniemll and other<br />

who took thalli. to the Hotol dea..llOUl...,lr.tonl1u in t )'!. J..vt.:nuo<br />

4. l'QR,er,. The,.. at.,.a attM. het el -u'tiUl "ala 'evcnlna<br />

or aay 2~tb, amua1ng theme.l ••• b:y eighta.eing and vi.itins<br />

n.1Sht olub.. Their mer.menta "ara not reatr1ot.ed In any<br />

•<br />

way nor waa any attempt made to conc •• l their 1dent1ty.<br />

Tha,. wore AlI1erlcan cl otb... HAUPT whan drunk at th .. het el<br />

bar. told a"'8rJ0ne that h ... I I "erat atent, 80mething<br />

whioh w<br />

.. thought b7 tho A.bwabr to laTa contributed to tbe I<br />

fa! lure ot the Ondert_ina. .<br />

•<br />

In the 8Te:nlna: tho •• boteure tra.,..lled to<br />

where thaT arr!Te4 on the morning ot the 26th.<br />

They stayed at an hotel. the nae ot 1Ihicil haa been tranalated<br />

by the I.boteure a. "»reamT Da7".<br />

. .<br />

,.be no'BrO\1P. aepa.rated at Lerisnt. oroup 2<br />

unde. ~XERL~~Il!IfClt l.avine .t 8.00 p ... on Hsr 26th and oroup 1<br />

under ~r.aTin& oa. Kq 28th, both b7 aubmilrlne.<br />

•<br />

JlJlO$ ~tb! In the ear17 .arn1ng, the mbaar1n. cUl"J1na<br />

OrOup' awroaohed tbe ocaat. ot Lana leland n.r Amep.ne.t~<br />

and IlUbmerged, trayalUna a10.17, unt.il it. twobed t.ba<br />

bot.t.aa. It.. tben .-u,rf'aoecl and prooee4e4 until it aplD.<br />

touohed bottom about. 1100 to 500 ,.arde t'roa the ahere. 1'he<br />

tour .. boteura, dre .. e4 in their Oerman un1tcrlU, were<br />

rewed alher e by two aailOH in a rub"ber boat.. att.aohed to<br />

the aubru.rina b7 a tow-lin.. In the ru"bber boat. Il)art traa<br />

the 8ix men, wera tbll tcur bOX .. ! handbap (D nta1n1n& mane7.<br />

II. .ea-eaole. With t.h •• allot.auN t 0 Til1an olothea, and two<br />

•<br />

er!%lf trench .hewela. On lancl1na. the aa1:l0teura chanaecl int.o<br />

their oiyllhn oloth •• and atart.ed to bUl'7 thl1r eqU1pment.<br />

in the •• nd dunea. ~a ... interrupted b7 tba a"riTa! at ..<br />

ooaatauard Who .1. .. me' 'b1 DA80Jl an4 ottered ))0 401lare to<br />

Ie aTe the partJ undUturbed.. Th18 ft. oontrarr to the inatruotiOn.l<br />

Siven t.o the a.lIoteura, ..tllch ware to onrpower<br />

any poreon mct on lanl.U na and ,end him baok to the aublUrina<br />

wi th the two all11cr a. Dur1 na tb •• %Oi taDant. .nd ooDtualon<br />

oauae4 b,. the arriTal ot the ooaatsuard. the Oerman .ailer ..<br />

t.ook the opportunity ot retumins to the submarina wit~t<br />

the aabote~ I unltcrma or the apade.. Oon .. quent17 th ...<br />

were bUl"le4.<br />

•<br />

DuI1 ng hi_ ocnver.ation .ith the ooe.atsuard,<br />

who la tel' lett tor hi. headquarter., DABOH Iflone • torch otL bU<br />

own taoe and told the ooaet;uard to look at h1m oaretull7 and<br />

remember hi. tace •<br />

BURO'fiB did hU be.t to 1 • .,.. as muoh eT14eno.<br />

on the beaoh •• poa.ible br 01117 partl,. bu1'71D1 .

- 17 Col<br />

•<br />

request wae retused, but PAQC]Lwa& invited to r. ome to the<br />

}'BI build! ns, where he wai'1nteMiewed by the head or the<br />

counter-aBbot age seotion. When thia «'t1cer s tarted to<br />

ask queations DASCH add that. he would prefer that no<br />

questiona should be .. ked but that he' .houleS. b. allowed to<br />

diotate his atory to a stenographer. Thia.waa akreed and<br />

DASCH told hie story Which la.ted ~or about ten ~ houra 8 day<br />

tor rive deya. ,<br />

•<br />

.<br />

Tha second landed on June 17th on the<br />

and ot Ponte proceeded ye41'a.<br />

They oout buioied ot !'lorida their •• ~~t!~i.~:~:::~;'1:i~<br />

inland without atl7<br />

provided by DA8CH,<br />

York on JUno 231'4,<br />

in Chioalo on ~e<br />

"the in.tormation<br />

in<br />

FBI ottioo when<br />

pretending the autbori ties that f~n~:~g~:~l~~!f~~:::!;:g:;:~r::~::~~!:~<br />

had<br />

to oleal" up lU, mllJ>ta!'J'<br />

1 •<br />

OJ "J<br />

•<br />

•<br />

"<br />

•<br />

, .<br />

, .<br />

•<br />

" .<br />

,.<br />

'"<br />

•<br />

L<br />


- 18 -<br />


. S"'MI'~'l·<br />

1l:\e aabotage Oohool 11 lcnown U(AUSblldOnstlugr<br />

Qucntz~nd 18 s1tuated on the Quentz Out 80taEe at Quenta<br />

Lake, thickly wooded d1Btrict about two milos from the<br />

Wl tteldauteche Stahlwark. at Brandenburg an4 near the Arado<br />

aircraft tactory whioh 18 a180 on ~uents Lalte •<br />

. The saboteur. tr.,..Ued. b)" train fran Berlin to<br />

Brandenburg ·an4 trom there b1 tram to the Quanta Lake bue.<br />

The bu. 8topa between 5 11114 15 minute •• alk trom the lobool.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Quanti Lake 1a on ana a14. ot the •• tat. While on<br />

the other, separated bJ • Gona wall, thare 18 • traln1'n1'<br />

ground tor engineera stationed at Brandanburao Pr ... loua17<br />

the Sohool ••• Ule4 ••• traln1nc Cfentra by pion.er 4I'OOPI,<br />

probab17 lUmbar. ot the &. b. V. 800 Ra,alnt. ana antaN<br />

the eet.at. throuah au irod pta 1n a _toone and w1ra renae<br />

whioh BUrroUluSa tbe whol. property.' '!be boue, .1fb1oh 18 '"<br />

two-atoried and hea abou"" tw.l". roOlU (aooordUl, to one ot<br />

the "botera), h .. raoent17 b •• n alter.d. On. par1l ,~ ..<br />

oocup1ed bJ' a ""talter aa4 hi. ta1ld.17, -.bile tb. 11<br />

tor the p.r80nnel ot tha aohOO1. '!b. hou.e now<br />

tront ott1c. 1<br />

a k.1 tob.n, wo .41n1na<br />

and anotber larsa room. .axt. to the<br />

;round 1'1001", ther. ara about ax l"OOU<br />

two can bou .. tour men, 1bl:o\b.rl<br />

were aU'eft a lidns room and • d1n1n.<br />

•<br />

mula, .iUing.t tOUI' tabl ... 'rh ••• :~~c'~~~~~~l5~<br />

the oantra ot the houa.. bra 1a .1ao •<br />

a n\IDbar ot _11 roOlU .~talr., ' wh.l" the<br />

the cour •• and. the lnatnaotora UTI •<br />

.I ~'. '<br />

. '!bare ara .. "ua1. out-bu1l41ng.; th" pC*il<br />

Whioh ar. indioated on the plan' lhown later ln thia •• aotlon.<br />

All buildlnga lnclu41n,s' thl _In houa. Ira _dl or-aton.,)<br />

'!'hese buildings oonsU, ott . . . ~ .~ "' .....<br />

•<br />

'JI'l!t<br />

A one-store, bu1l41na ocoupled bt pao»l. wotklUC<br />

on the tal'll. . ' ,....<br />

.. ". 10 ..... ..J .• :!. .' r,',.<br />

A hot-houae ln Wblch ",atable. and tlowar. ar.<br />

arown.<br />

• • • f<br />

A two-atore7 bu.11dina, the tirat tloor 01' whioh 1 •<br />

uaed as a cl .. aroom·and laboratOl"T 1'01' tw811t7,111.811,<br />

and the ground floop aa a pra,e and. tor .... roc:a.<br />

DAROH .. ld that tlie 'prage .. a aeparaU tl'ca. thi.<br />

'Duilding am that tbe p'ound. noor oonalated of<br />

abower rooma aDd 1"atori8l. Thl laboratol7 la<br />

fUl1, . equ1~ed W1t~ ohemicals, other JQlentltl0<br />

aqu1PDant, and lIOal •• , both ooar •• and. fine. One<br />

cupboard in tbe lab ore tory contalneci .1eUriC<br />

batteriee. •<br />

Another barn contdn1na OOW. and pigs.<br />

.<br />

A tWD-etorey bUilding on tbe tirst tloor ot w~ich<br />

there ls • g~.ium and on the ground tloor a<br />

iaraae tor bioyclea.<br />

A t eating ground with. ritle range about 1,000 tt.<br />

in dlc.meter.<br />

L<br />


- 19 -<br />

•<br />

An exploSion pi t Wi th reinforced O1dea.<br />

Qther a1milar pita tor incendiary work.<br />

A p111.to1 l'anse.<br />

A ~ort. t1eld.<br />

A ema11 tower tor aoJl4uotina experlcu1\ta.<br />

A .,.U prdon. '1<br />

There 1 •• small laka in i4d1ilon to QUInt, Lake<br />

w1 thin the groun4l ot the IUtI".' _ ,t<br />

• J. r<br />

The srounds ot tbe •• tat. ar. rented to • G.~<br />

family wi th o.hlldren, who live in • . n.arb7 houaa and keep<br />

ducks and chlokena. There are -XI'P.OUt· 'notioe' all round<br />

the ostato and at the maln Intrana'. IT .niaht the gro.mda<br />

are patrolled b7 the oaretaker .wbo t. PNY14ed nth. AWl<br />

and fohr,. pollo. .4oge. .,<br />

•<br />

on17 noted<br />

• Ilboratorr<br />

oloth •• ,bu.t<br />

Mr,_D.t •<br />

•<br />

at the z.<br />

SA. He had been ";~;~r~!:;:::r;f~:~:t!::!'~:~;:._<br />

preRont regime end 1. anxJ.oua17<br />

'ft"hloh he hopea to take p.rt.~hi:~::~::~"I~I~~;~,.~<br />

tormer job 8S an all expert<br />

a fanatical Nazi. and loyal to<br />

oestapo beoause he.!. emb1tloua that thO!' maT et."d<br />

in tho ny ot hia pr0il'0" in tba Ab.ahr. KODIG aaid that on<br />

the oocasion ot the boutl .ezploeion in the Ilun.i.oh Beer Hall on<br />

9th November 1939, the Gaatapo retuat4 to allOW him to examine<br />

the remaina ot the tim. bomb and nanr ,ro1'ided him with eDT<br />

details ot ita construction.<br />

SCHULTZ and KOENIG wera the onlJ two teohnioal in-<br />

8tructol'~ rruent throughout the cour •• , with the e%oeption<br />

of one other m.an who oams on the last day and pya instruotions<br />

in seorot writing.<br />

'J.<br />



- 21 -<br />

•<br />

atten41na th •• ahool .... re 1111'1d.d into t.o Kl"ouJla, one srouJl<br />

do1oi Jlraotioal 'IfOrk Wbil. th. other attended lecturea. Teohnical<br />

inatruction tOOk Jllao. t'rom Monday to Thuraday each<br />

week, §CHllI,Tg ·nd.lOEHIQ; returnlna to Berlin on Thuraday<br />

evenlng. -<br />

A tnloal da;y ...... tollo •• :<br />

, ,<br />

7.0 - 7.30 a.fII..<br />

7.30- B. .....<br />

B.O - 9. a.m ..<br />

9.0 - 12 .....<br />

12.0- 1. p.m.<br />

1.0 _ 2. p ....<br />

2.0 - Ih p.m.<br />

4.0 - 1.30.1I.m.<br />

Physioal training<br />

Wake uJI bunka, oto •<br />

Breakta.t<br />

lohool<br />

Lunoh<br />

1l.ad1ng<br />

Sohool<br />

Grmnaatloa, or t'ootba11, bOxing,<br />

dlloua and hand-grenade throwlng,<br />

and. wr .. tllna on the P1a7-<br />

around.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

keT Iuoh<br />

.ater.a,.1<br />

enum.rated.<br />

Saturda,. atternoon..i and Builda7' .ere tres, and in<br />

spite ot' the or.lglnal lnatruotiona b7 !tAPPa, the puplle ware<br />

allowed to l..,.e the arounda ot the oatate, on ono oooal1on g01ng<br />

to Berlin, and on others 07011ng In. the 8urround1ng oount17.<br />

XAPPB had ma~ dlaouulons With.P.\---'lQ1{ and QRL~<br />

tho lea4ere ot a~oup. 1 and 2, 81ther 1n a pr.rvate room or 4d:tho<br />

garden, "han ho qUootloned them about the other Jluplla and diIiOll .._<br />

od tho development ot the under~aklng. About twi04 II weelt ltAPPlI:<br />

used to take tho JlUpllo to a nearby 1nn, Where he .ould lIpeak to<br />

each one peraonally to t'Jnd out what hll attitude wee to the<br />

sohool and tho undertaking and to deoide Whother he fta capable or<br />

golng thrOlJ.Sh With hi_ u.1gnment. Another ob~.at ot the 1'181 t.<br />

to the Inn "al to observe the :pu»lla' beha1'iour When SUl>Pl1ed wi th<br />

un11mited drlnk.<br />

Towards the end ot' the course an \lIUlalI104 person t'l'Om<br />

Berlin headqUarters 1'101ted the ochool and 811'8 instructlons in tho<br />

use ot d1 t:forent tnes or. eoret ink.<br />

Apart :from tll.eae lnotru6t1one, the JlUpU. had to<br />

practice landing on tho beaoh ot the small lako in the grounda.<br />

Initially, oollap8iblo kayske holding two men woro lOing to be<br />

used tor landins trom tho 8ubularine, but arter HAUPT and lCERLIlfG<br />

•<br />

[<br />

L<br />

L<br />

-- ~

~-.------------~-----<br />

r<br />

- 22 -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

UpBet and nearly drowned 1n one o~ theae, this 1doa "8S<br />

abandoned ana it W8a decided that the men ehould be landed<br />

1n rubber boata belonging to the submarine ••<br />

The last atternoon and eTen1na: or the oourse were<br />

spent in praotioal teata oarried out in the around. in .1<br />

r ~ Ql1atl0 OOnditione .1 posaible. Both aotual demolition and<br />

8tealthy approaoh woro inoluded in thea. praotioe teats. Theae<br />

operatioll8 were "atched b:y • number ot Abwohl" ottlo1ale, including<br />

a Lieutenant Co10nal who ma,. N:re baen KAROU.IRRX •<br />

•<br />

-<br />

- ~.3 -<br />


T H B<br />

OOURBS<br />

In addition to the eiSht saboteurs Who landed<br />

In'the USA, four other person. went through the same<br />

tralning, as it was originally intended to lend three<br />

were<br />

groups<br />

to<br />

to<br />

be:<br />

the USA. The personnel ot thue three groups<br />

Group 1.<br />

• •<br />

Group 2.<br />

•<br />

"~, , ,<br />

HAUPT<br />

Oroup 3.<br />

•<br />

• I<br />

. ,<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

BRAUBAENDER howeTer hod to lea va the aobool early in the<br />

courss; BCOTTY was eent away •• un8U1table, while ZUBER<br />

retused to go on the expedition. A. a result, ...two ,roup_ •<br />

"ere tormed. J I I I', L{"r .. ". Ii •<br />

" ./ ';" '~~J,:~:~<br />

thought<br />

leader<br />

a t"urther<br />

not deoo1.ted aIl3'<br />

be<br />

and<br />

an<br />

from<br />

ardent<br />

& oonver&&tion.~"_:~<br />

N.&l.<br />

. c: .•_o•. ,:, '_,,_:<br />

On<br />

offered to return to Canada<br />

torest fires tbere, and<br />

to damage the Allies.<br />

and very dal18erou& man.

- ~. -<br />

M-"' H- 11-<br />

,':WUWR UillY BiAUIWiJi!1&R " Billy Sl!li,H<br />

1<br />

1m<br />

!!PP --"1'-:'hCOOraI'nS"o-rfi. orliInai :plan ~WER,<br />

l'1own r e 'achool a. DEUP8EY, w<br />

.. t.o lead tbe th1rd<br />

group to the UBA. ae w .. oalled awa,. at tbe beginning ot<br />

the course to c OCloh a bodna ohamp10n, I'Jua" BEBBELkANN.<br />

•<br />

BRAUBo\ENDER 11Yld In-.tbl USA trom about 1912 to<br />

1922, durl1lC 1bloh t.1me bl 1_ lald to baYe boxed and to<br />

haYe worked 1n oot6. Until JuDe 1941 be .a. em:plO1ld at<br />

the 8onder41enat ee.haua Ind bad IlreaCb' done the Quents<br />

Lake cour .. in Auau-,; or eeptemblz""1'M in prepara Uon tor<br />

• mUalon to thl USA. He U •• 14 to haYI aot .1 hr ••<br />

LorUut bet ore the m.slon we. abandonld. The r"SOM tor<br />

the mis.lon belna abandoned ar. not known. At the i1_ or<br />

the departure ot the paatorlou. undert&tlna, lt .. a belllYe4<br />

that BRAUMENDD "crul4 lead another upe41tlon to the DBA,<br />

:probab17 ln alptember or Ootoblr 19112, and a tentaU',.. •<br />

arranaemant ... s _d. to me.' hi. a Hbe-1.ttll"llOa. Bot.l 8t.<br />

LOuie, on Labour Da,. 4th Sapttab.r, o~ 1',W-'I1I thU on the<br />

18t and thl 1.5th ot ..... 17 aoa.th. • f.<br />

lohool<br />

01'81' bJ'<br />

.li4 to<br />

Imown.<br />

as pb¥sloal Instructor at the<br />

... ,., ttben. th18 dut,. ... a taken<br />

not a member of the HBDAP, but 11<br />

llonl,04' to the Buntin. 8001lt,., wblob 11 not<br />

•<br />

The ADlricln luthori tie. han experienoed 41tt'-<br />

10ultU' in obta1n1na arq reoor~ ~ BRAUBA.DDIJl wbil. h •<br />

... 11.,.il\8 ln thl USA.<br />

11.ed In the DBA<br />

on .coront ot hiA<br />

Before aolna to<br />

Rue.bn front<br />

ot<br />

•<br />

. M . -"<br />

ac~. ThU cnanla real n.tJIe ... s Dot known to any ot the<br />

aaoeura end ... nner used.t tho .cbool. He looked an4<br />

"aated'i 11ke a Baohman and 0 ..... !r01ll Bambul"a, where be .a.<br />

employed a. a book-kee~er. Be 1a •• 14 to ba",. lo.t hil mone,.<br />

thore throuah women. BOar'l'X' 18 bel1 • .,.e4 to ba.,.a returned ln<br />

1938 or 1939 !raa th. USA, Where be .a. eta:pl07e4 a •• -<br />

tro.,.eller in neoktie., probab17 aom.-bol"o 1n tbe .14dle W.at.<br />

No one, tru8tad him and ba woe Mnt "'7 !rem the aobool. at tho<br />

beginning ot tho oour .... be1us en~lr.l" unaU1t&ble.<br />

In addition to the twelva men ~aini trained aa<br />

a.boteura, there were tour ottiolale at Abw. II attendina the<br />

• courae , ln order that they r.Ught glva similar instruotions at<br />

80hoo18 in Qennan-ooouplcd territorr.' Tonrda tho end of the

- 25 -<br />

I<br />

c ourse, one at these men was oalled on to lecture to the<br />

018ss. Theao tour ott101ale 11ved ee»aratoly tram the<br />

sabotours, each had their own. rOQll 1n tho .tarm bOUle and<br />

were not made to olean tho olaeeroome a. were tho<br />

saboteurs. rhete namee _or.:<br />

• •<br />

CaptaJn KUBLLU (Pl"Obab17 Identical with<br />

Kapl tab-Jtlf""aSeo Hermann.IiUXLI.B:R) •<br />

~l2ZIN'N (Phonetio) \ ~ . , •<br />

•<br />

,A':U08Cl!!lER<br />

(PhOMUo)<br />

. .x:~ (PhoneUo)<br />

•<br />

•<br />


•• zC _<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

!<br />

I<br />

=:..<br />

•<br />

At the open1na leoture by ltAl'fI. at tbe<br />

April "3th, the e.boteu.re ~told that<br />

: ~~f:~~::;~~~~:.~r;':la~'~Ofha~ra~~o~.:o~r~'~n4~~b~'~'~ur;~tioientto<br />

_ to<br />

One 'o~ the •• botwr. •<br />

inT.nUns pt-,..;;;;h;;'; ~~~~~~~~~l;~ii~~~¥~'~;:~<br />

wr1 tton I' epon ou the ~"\D.d<br />

In moet 0 .... , the ~.lae name, 'benn with the<br />

of tho ... ,,'. roal nama. ~ 1lI.IlC~' nom ..... ]),\,yrl n<br />

is not neoe"U7 to exaia.1ne thiTiUlla ot an if1ii~<br />

009'01' atori ••• but it 1. inter •• una that ltAPPl .. anted<br />

BURQXR to po .. a. a retu.ce. trca. Oaeoho.lonlth Who had<br />

.rrtYid a. a .100. .... 7 CJ4 • Spaniah abip. BURGD. pereu.d.d<br />

XAPPJ: to allow h1a t.o ., undtr. 111_ own name and .. hU real<br />

.. Tie .. to 1mprOYina their •• etlled idlnt1tie •• nd lit,<br />

eelf'. XAPP3 We. ocmtimal17 qu •• t1OD.1na tha .aboteurl witb<br />

hietori... Aooord1nc to JUIOBR, XAPPI ITIn tried to aMnII<br />

hie It,orr .. late •• dI,a-~ \hl .aboteur.' .ta7 .10 Lorient.<br />

g~~;~·8:.~0 ..<br />

bore an :'lIIUIUd<br />

tilled. out in hi.<br />

ohe, • lIl1.takew<br />

HAUPT .aid that thl<br />

~1~·~J[;i!:.~~~jl~;<br />

blank and one tilled<br />

giTen to them, tbl7<br />

--'~':~~;~::::~~l:;::i:~~:~j~<br />

tbe other member' ot ,::~~P::!~t~i<br />

USA. b7 real' oarda •• loon ••<br />

it .... lett to DASCH ~o tind out.<br />

real·tor un4er ' 8eleot1TeJ~~~:i'~~1~~i~~~~~~i~~::t;::~<br />

identitioation pa~er ••<br />

eeMice in OMoago on JUne<br />

arr .. t), and on I' ece1pt ot •<br />

deatroyed hi. tal', oard.<br />

The saboteure .er. doubttu.l •• to wheth.r thel'<br />

carda .. ere torged or actual epeoim.n. obtained traa the USA.<br />

The FBI •• 1d' that the7 were excellent toraerUI aid .woul4<br />

have deoe1ved an,rone except a paper expert. It ftl not<br />

oonvenUnt tor the writer to eDmine th ... to 0 capel'l tbem<br />

wi th 8ill111ar toraeriel obtained in lna:land, but there oan<br />

be l1ttle doubt that the7 .. ere ~ • IINoh hiahlr ola •• than<br />

the i dentity oarda .. i tb .. 111ob German .amta Oaa.il'l8'""tO thl<br />

UK have b .en ~rOTldod.<br />

l7ben BUROXR dooi4.0d to retum to the USA und.r hi.<br />

own name, the rubber stamp impr8."ion on hi. natural1"tion<br />

certif10ate wh1 ch ahowed that be had lett the USA., •••<br />

r emoved 1n Berlin.<br />

..J<br />

L<br />


hia Mme, addroll and tbl) nature ot htl .ork, ln tha Oh1caSO<br />

Da~ Tribuna on tho 1at and 15th ot OTer, mont~ ~ An<br />

would baTI to b. lott tor t b. l •• el.rl to 1raprO'fU. on .rri .... l.<br />

-<br />

' p ' I J<br />

- 27 -<br />

1<br />

p~ a 0I O,E RATt~ PI W. UBA. The s aboteurs . ere told<br />

84uen shitolr tnt dUty on arrival in t he USA,<br />

lIOuld be t o b Ulld up a 0\11 table cOYer tor the expedition,<br />

t h1 a be1nS dependent on the oocupation and ab1l1 t1 ot<br />

each man.<br />

Group 1 .. a to p~oeed to Ohicago and ~!n!OSR,<br />

1I'ho had pravioua17 .orked &s & oOUlDereld artier. .. a-to<br />

eatabl18h II studio there and insert an adT8%'t18ement pviq<br />

alternative plan .... put torward bJ' 1CAE21 who know1na that<br />

BURaXR 1(f(ftfl4 p1&7 the Tlo11n, augsoam-that ba ahou14<br />

oatabl1ah him.elt ••• Tiolin teaoher, aga1n in.orting •<br />

similar a4TutUoment in ib. OhicaSO Dai17 Tribuna. Thia<br />

•<br />

adnrUeemeut wOUld aarY .... method at eltabU.hint: • •<br />

plaoo 01' contaot, not onl.J' tor th, .. alrol4T In tho USA,<br />

but .lso tor turthor PI'l"Uoe arrlTlna f'r

- 2~ _<br />

,<br />

•<br />

aolt the 1111," betore "4ear".<br />

DASCH oa14 he suggested<br />

tt11a idea to ~. 7 A 1" .<br />

Apart from the orlg1~ 1 meeting ploo~tor<br />

DASOH ." d XERtINR. on July 4th' at the Hotel 016son, Cinoinnati,<br />

eaoh Irou~leador~a8 turnlahc4 wgh an address<br />

where th.sT ~ld b~~.a~ _ oue ot net!. KlRLING 1._ .<br />

gave that ot 9 mutli-f. tt~_a--.3.9..th....st eot, Astor!",/(<br />

llew 'fork 01 i; DAOO!P~ it"O£liiorot"Hifi, bllt .i<br />

h. did not .teb to oc:mpronuae h1m, gaTe. f'IIlee addreee.<br />

In addition, .aoh Daan had the .4dres8,.P.t HAUPT's unole,<br />

In""1Wdter PROBHLING)(~!3 "MIEle 8treet,,,, or Avenue) .QhlO!&P/.Jl1tt)tHLING<br />

WiB'liM: oonnaota With tne Abwehr In any way,<br />

but W&iII cona1d.red 8 reliable' oontaot by ltAPPE. Helmuth<br />

L&INBR had Q~ oonneotion with. the Abwohr.<br />

Baoh man In DA80U'e aroup had • smaU metal<br />

proouplna, tha masoot ot the Submarine whiob blQuSht them<br />

OYer. The BUbmarine orow sa V8 theee poroupine. to tbem.<br />

DASCH euggeated that they should ba USed all a '81m ot<br />

reoognition between membera ot the &roup. 'The porcup1nea<br />

theretore had 110 l181Ut1oanoa oute1de Group 1.<br />

•<br />

The 8aboteur. were advi8ed that when they met in<br />

a reetaurant or hotel, or at Hish iIIa.e in ohuroh a. WAI<br />

eugsested, they 'hould not reoOVUiae eaoh othb i lled1atelT,<br />

but that one eaboteur ebould walk out and be tollowed lll<br />

ahartly by another, both making oertain that thay ware not<br />

batng tOllOWed.",<br />

f't'T 7A"'~ • .."<br />

Th, only Abwehr asen whoa a naFe waa ~an to the<br />

aroup 1ead,era b1 lCAPPB "88 t ,. t oMx:e.rl ftiR~ :aLJ:LG,Clpe<br />

P a :'( a 'i:utha~n r ;""""WfiO"'"lott:<br />

•<br />

armany III arr v,e n. IhOl'tJ., betore' the Japan .. e<br />

attaok on Pearl Harbour.<br />

KRRPPER knn tha name t;t tho<br />

undertakin,g" PAQTORIOU8, batore he lett tor the USA, whioh<br />

indioatea that the 1dea ot th1e and aub.equent expe41tiona<br />

11'48 alreet\'" in the 1ll1n4e ot the Abwahr in the autlillUl at<br />

1941. Aa XAPP) knew quite well th.t the Gorman VorallD<br />

Ottioe had torb1dden '.botaae 1n tha USA ""'11, Germa~ .....<br />

not at war with the USA, owing to tho tear that th1. might<br />

preoipitate a deolaration ot .... r, 1t eeeme prob.ble that<br />

the early 1ntervantion ot the UBA in the European War was<br />

known to the Awehr at that time.<br />

KREPPER' a n'arae .nd .ddreae were wri thn 1n eeoret<br />

ink: on thr liiridkUobia.ta that eaoh aroup leader had, and<br />

they were inetruoted to approaoh htm onlY in Oaae ot<br />

"Kaiser emergency, Pae ua1n.g torioua". the paa'word "Daniel Prana P •• torlO\la" or<br />

I<br />

•<br />

L<br />

.. =<br />

, Ae all membara at the nrat Gannan .abotase<br />

expedl tion to the UBA wera caught, 81x ot tbem exeoulO8d and<br />

oertain ot their Oontaota in the UBA, who had no oonneotlon<br />

'fIhataoever ,wi th the Abwehr but I1B rely aSsisted beoause they<br />

were antl-Amerioan, were executed, 1 t wae to be expeoted<br />

that KREPPER would lie Very low tor a oona1derab1e time.<br />

Th1a hae beSl the case md though he bae been the eUbjeot<br />

of muoh inve.tigation, little had b60n tound out about him<br />

when the wr1 tel' lett 1'01' Buropa. ~ER had one guarded<br />

L<br />

= ...<br />

.sa<br />

,.<br />

I<br />

1 --1

.-<br />

- 29 -<br />

--<br />

and luaplclou8 teleilhonl comer,.tian Wi th an unknown man,<br />

oor1n& wh1ch Il meet!na: waD arru1aed at ,. c1neme..<br />

KAPPK to14 Dax~htlt subsequent<br />

grou1l8 Whli iPriTed WO VI the .. me cent.at<br />

addre8eel ... were Written on the handkorchief. In4 that<br />

tbrou~ theu, th87 oould S8t 1n toooh With either ot the<br />

PASTORIOUB arOU1l8, apart '!'rem 1h It address Whioh WAI to be<br />

turn1ahed by BURGER 1n the ac1vartlaament 1n the Ohloalo<br />

Da1l¥ Tribune. ~ Th, pauyoM. tor all members at thll!l and<br />

subeequant expe41t10'M 'tfOUld be uDanlel 7rans PAS'l'ORIOUS u •<br />

•<br />

I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

t.<br />

144r •••, bepnnina "Wy 4o.r<br />

to IIlln iion XAPP. name in the<br />

letter and they were to lian i.t<br />

the t1rlt two letterl ot their<br />

ft. to b. wrl tten two or<br />

, to oane from c11tterent<br />

name.<br />

i1Ultruote4 to 81111 the<br />

f1r8t m8''',,1<br />

two 4t¥ .. later! DAY;<br />

"'Ire.<br />

an4<br />

the .. welk T'h, name. and .ddr.....<br />

- :JO -<br />

oppoaed this 14ea beeauas they themaelvee already had<br />

people equipped with tranl!llll1 tter. in the USA and teared<br />

that another aroup mi;ht callae interferenoe With thea,.<br />

UPP.! add that the next expedition to tlao USA "ould be<br />

~ro'la.d wlth ahort wayO tr.~iter8 and pO.81blJ tor<br />

thie relllon, ~~R .. a lnatl"Uohd not to use the caver<br />

sdAres. atter ~ n&xt expedition had arrived. ' The<br />

tranam1 tter .hi eb the next ezped1 t10n.u to bring would<br />

•<br />

•<br />

ba fitted w1 th 8D. utenalblt •• rial and nil to b. built<br />

1nto a CI.I' 80 that tran.mblioD. oould taka place fica<br />

d1ttU8D.t 100al1 U.... .. ". !:. • , •.<br />

• •<br />

The .. bo'hura .ere not allowed to M'Ye all7 direot<br />

oorrm.m1oat1on with theil" hm1l1aa, but 1t .a. arranae4<br />

betora their departure that KAPPI sbould .. nd blrth4a7 •<br />

gr •• tinge to tblllr parenta, .1',... and ohildren, .a71nl"<br />

that tho men .'1'8 •• 11 and on aotln • ,n108 in a plaoe<br />

the name at wb.1ob could 'DOt be ' 418010 .. 4 •<br />

question<br />

on<br />

e\1l)marine<br />

'"<br />

of<br />

•<br />

•<br />

OIDTKIl1G. The .aboteure WO;~~.:j.~i.~~i!~~~~~;~r~<br />

eioine. at the Quanti Scbool,<br />

who wa. ii"en .. au! t t'rca the<br />

Brandenburg. While empl07e4 on<br />

the aaboteur. wore 47ed Polieh or<br />

unitorm&.<br />

In Berlin between Mal' 12th and 22nd, _oh Iroup<br />

wee taken .epaute!,. to • Nanl SUPP17 8tat1ou where the,.<br />

were iuued with German na.,.al tat1sue unitonu a1m1lar to<br />

tho.e worn b,. submarine or...... Ttl.,. oon..iete4 ot ahoea,<br />

~e., woollen soou, • ~e., ooat, _:oJ. trouers+ and. black<br />

leather bolt. POI' aome reason they .ere gI..,.en regular<br />

army torage cape wi th the eaale and ewutUe. badge on the.<br />

+The trousers had written lna14e BRANDBNBUROER JCLEIDERFABRIX O.N.Q.H.,<br />

•• J.<br />

r<br />

L<br />


- 31 -<br />

•<br />

The .aboteur. signed reoeipts tor t hea. uniform. on wbicb<br />

• • ra the worda "If ..... 1 Motorllod.; Oompe lV'. OOl"'lDU. H1 a:b<br />

Cotrmand No.3". Tbi. un11'om .... noi , worn until t her<br />

lett tho hotel at Lor1.~' to. board u., aubru.r1na. '!'be<br />

.aboteurs .era In.truot.~ to 'wear ,th ••• unitorms when<br />

landins 111. the OBA 80 that it aauaht at thia m.c:aent thaT<br />

would b, treated aa prlaonera.at.war and not a. apl, ••<br />

Bet ore thoT lott in the 8ubmarine all the membara or tbo<br />

axpod1 tiOD bad been ••• 1KJ1ed to Tar1ans un1 ta ot the aarman<br />

arrq .. oover 1n 0 .... ~ capture. .Group 1 landed in<br />

f a tigue unitorm but without oape, two ot them • •• rlna<br />

oivilian bate and two ot them hatl.... Group 2: appeared<br />

to think that tbe oap. alone would bo aut'1'lc1ent ' to eneura<br />

prl80Der-ot· ... r tr.aiment and therotore landod dr •• aed<br />

only in ~.tb1D8 trunka and ~ tarasa loape. 4It<br />

,<br />

Betor, leninl tha wlaarlna .,eh II.botew:: ...<br />

mad, to '0 ft.<br />

throuab th. po~keta ot hie un1to1"lll and o1Yll1an<br />

olothee. ~ make .url ~ha.~ there uoth1na: ot German<br />

orlgin ltt11n them. imP ho'tr ..... l', . lIloceede4.in taklna:<br />

ashore a balt' 1'111e4 ~ I 'd Bo.pp. anq. ,& pIcket ot<br />

German oiaar.ett... . .' ._..:. I ') I ,.: 1. " _<br />

J " • 't .r'..I V ••• :<br />

'the O1T11.1m olathe. taktn)to the USA •• rt .tho ..<br />

• bousht in / the USA bJ 'the •• boteurl_ who bad rtcentl,y<br />

returned. All JUm'b.ra of tb • . exp.dition had been 1110-<br />

.'truoted b7 WlJl· to 1II&k • • • lS.' ot, tb. -olothe. lOt<br />

Amer10an Oriifil!,hld; th'7 po •••••• d and Ule •••• r. :.<br />

aharod out ImOna the pt.rtT. ,,"'14 I ~.j<br />

. , ..<br />

. At .h1'il/&r,t7<br />

a paok.t i o~ manuLlotur ••<br />

"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

'.--. -<br />

•<br />

, t<br />

L<br />


- 32 -<br />

I<br />


Jua't betore tbo Quents oourae na C oocluded,<br />

the saboteurs were oalled into ~ '. ottica on. b7<br />

one and queationed at llnath" &b~tb'lr lnoome., the<br />

nam •• and .d4r ••••• ot their near.lt rllet!",. and ¥<br />

their incomes, and how muoh 1I01lO7 •• oh ot them UPeGte4<br />

to be paid tor the ,expe4l.UOIl_: rr '"': •<br />

•<br />

The amount and method. ot PI3IDea.t "&rile! aocord1q<br />

to the ata tua ot •• ob .. boteur betore l"eoru1 tmant. Jtu~ l<br />

they were all' prom1.ad 1004 poe1tlO1'l.1i in OarmaD7 when \1187<br />

returned attar tbo war and thOle .bo bad Wi·<br />

.... in Q.~IQ"<br />

wero prClll1 .. 4 that the7 woaJ.4 bl •• 11 looked aner. If'<br />

hOffover a "-thl allwanol -P87abb'"to<br />

•<br />

h18 wite it aaboteur were 1 ....<br />

prUone4 or 0. ... : the wit"<br />

belng paid •<br />

recol"ed<br />

told<br />

•<br />

anD¥ pa:y<br />

KAPJ'E proml .. 4<br />

undortook tba t<br />

held ••• 1na' him<br />

tinuod to r 1011T8<br />

per montb, While hI<br />

deposited. t a bank<br />

'aa tn. raSUlIll" •• 1117'<br />

KEm.IN(lt. aooount in<br />

the Propaganda Kln1atr7.<br />

•<br />

orr ice Pl¥~ •• roprd.l<br />

ll.\QQJ!. ..... 0111 r.:~:~fl~~::ib.~' ;:~~!!::<br />

pension eto. 'tbh beltl1 · 'Cb •. --"jj""l .<br />

called up tor the al"mT.<br />

Tbe rest or the •• boteura irere enrolled •• -amen<br />

end reeelved .alariea Tar)'1na: trem 2.50 to 500 mara •<br />

month, to be paid to their tUl11Ua in Oel'lDllQ' 01' .ore41te4<br />

to their aoex)\mta 111. tb.1n Oel'lMlll'.<br />

Betore leaving. eaob .. boteur ft. r.~lre4 tp<br />

sign a oontract wherab)" the aerman plrnmtlllt. would oredS. t<br />

h'm or hie relative.' aocount With an 8,1'.,4 tum, 1n<br />

consideration ot the .aboteur aar,.ins to portera oertain<br />

duties. It 1e °bel1ne4 that .n the contraots and<br />

81gnaturea or the aaboteura .. ere witten OIl the aame pieae<br />

of paper. At the aame time, eaoh or them alanol1 • p1.e4aa<br />

that he would do hi. be.t tOl" the Fatherland and that \ln<br />

L<br />

no clrc~.tano e8 would he divulse information p.rt.~n1na<br />

to hie assignment to .~on. . Violation ot tble pled&:a<br />

would be punUhed b)t the death penal t1. Furthermore, 8D7<br />

person t? Whom 1nt'onnat1on .... d1YUlaed would aleo b.<br />


- }} -<br />

liable to the d.ath penalty. Dur1ng the time that<br />

the saboteur •• ere in Berl1n, t'rcm Way 12th to 22n.4,<br />

an anDT ottloer, ..moee name was not known pTe the<br />

.. tleoture on the p,CInaltUa 1Ih1cb tho)" wouid .utter it<br />

tho, talked or .. ere oaught. The •• boteura wore a1ao<br />

told that there .. Ire O •• tapo asonta inside the rBI and<br />

that all ottio •• ot the "1 were under obl8nation.<br />

Aleo, that they woulrl be under oonetm to ob •• rvaUon b1<br />

asente at the Oe~ aecret BerTic., Who •• eol0 duty it<br />

waa to wa tob thea and their aroup. working in the USA.<br />

It 18 preaumed that all tb1B ftS the Wlual build-up normallT<br />

g1:nD to Oannan. ~s.nt. a01nS abroad.<br />

_. .<br />

. .<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

I<br />

' aone7 1n<br />

to he ... bohurl ... told that he ebou14<br />

dra .. JOO dollare per,mouth tor I1Tln.g expehle" but 11' 1t<br />

oost him Ie .. 'than that to UTe, h. could .av. or ap.n4 tbe<br />

dineronoe. Be •• to obtaIn the mono, troJa the 8On07 ben<br />

at the beginn1ng, and When tb1a n. tlnllhed, trClll the<br />

leader of hie gr

Just before 1eaY1na Franoe 80me ot the mODeT<br />

"88 examined and was tound to ooneiat or ao14 certit1o.to.<br />

issued 1n 1932 and no longer 18sal tendo%' in the USA. It<br />

wae a180 tound that tho 5O-dollar note. ware in .01'1'8 and<br />

that eaoh had the lottn "ll" on thsa. Furthermore, lome<br />

of the 8ingle dollar note. were marked Wi tb Ohine •• or<br />

Japanese lettera. rue oaroloeaD8811 in r 088.1'4 to the<br />

money supplied by low. II and tho {"act that.WPI eeemed<br />

•<br />

to take l1ttle interaot 1n tho :taot that thaliOUa 1D18ht<br />

be 88811y traced, caused conaiderable 41100ntent amona the<br />

J saboteur.. Joa. reaUlt, on arriTal in the USA Group 1<br />

did not buy an:rth1na th& t COlt more than 50 clOllan J in<br />

order to aVoid .pending two Or throe at the .. not .. at the<br />

eame time. For the aama rauon, no two meD in the 'kroup<br />

bought BD¥thina a t the same time with 5O-4011a1' notea.<br />

•<br />

I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />

• Id

- 35 -<br />


TlfEUSA<br />

•<br />

Betoro they .er. arra.ted, f'wr ot the elght<br />

sllboteurll eetab11ahed oontaot Wi tb thOir relatiTes<br />

and former trlonds, allot Gorman or1s1n. Theae<br />

people, 8.1 though knOWing tha t tho men wore German<br />

agente reoently arrived in tho oount17 by aubmarlno,<br />

not only tal1ed to warn the author1tlel but helped<br />

them and took oharge of' the1r baaa Oonta1ning the<br />

•<br />

money. In at least on. ooe8, an otter WI.. made to<br />

help the Undertaklng 1n 1 til mieelon. There .80II1II<br />

11tt1e doubt thorotore that it the m~ bad boen obl.<br />

to prooeed wlth their a •• 1gnmont, they would have<br />

received matorial o.aiotanoo trom the Oerman-Amerioan<br />

clrclos in whioh tho7 bad mOYod bef'ore roturnlna to<br />

Germany.<br />

,<br />

athl' al'r1val.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

They had in taot sone ouh1de their lnatruotlona<br />

1n contaoting and lnforming thelr ~rlenda 10 loon<br />

Although one ot their u'l&nmenh<br />

had been to oanteot tr1en4e in the USA. 'l'ho would help<br />

1n thelr sabotago plana, nono ot tbe •• poopl ••• re to<br />

bo approaohed until diloua.ion had taken plaoe UlOng.t<br />

the Group and approval given by tho leader. Von<br />

LA}()USBN himself'r at the Arnoll diMer 1n Berlin,<br />

~ld: 9"" that ho oould prom1eo aD,7 Oerman 01 tlUD<br />

who VI help a reward 1n honour. money 0:' • aOO4<br />

p081 t10n after the W&I'. ~ did not prOVide tho<br />

eaboteure w1 th 118te at ,tt,kiiry-pereona to oontaot,<br />

apa I't fl'an ~ I a unol~ LFflo e H 1-1 fJaJX,<br />


use as appond to "bird Durnin; IIl1xiur •• " whioh need aD. Ineen41al'7<br />

m.1xtur. lntel'poae4 b.twew"th_ and the orlpnal<br />

an incendia17 fii1xture between thea. and the lui U. t.1 ng de'Yioe.<br />

In other WO'l'cle, tbe temperature ot a burtdng match or tuae i_<br />

1nau.t1'lcient to set them aUght. The following mixture •• ere<br />

- ~c -<br />



,<br />

I<br />

)tOXRIQ and,.D?WVTZ gan the .. boteura<br />

about 55 boun'" teOiWioal trdning at the QUKHTZ Sohool.<br />

Apart trcm tbie, one or two leotur .. an hrseta in the UBA<br />

•<br />

were given b,. wm. and 'be .aboteur. ~ent tour<br />

daye ~i.it1na ~r1ea installationa to .a1n<br />

praotical experienoe.<br />

Tho<br />

leotures d.li~ered bl<br />

in the laboratol7 and<br />

being aupel"'Yhe4 bl Dr •<br />

J, I<br />

llAJ&ZI and WlQU wrote down the 1'ol"'lll1lal ter<br />

making inoendiary and Mah explodTe bomb. aiTen. b,. IODIO<br />

but u the aaboteure had been. rorb14den. to keep their not e.,<br />

DASCH deatrOJ'ed hi. berore lenine Oel"lDaU7. EUHOD. .. 181.&14<br />

hie notee on tbe beaoh at Amapnaett. 'l'he 1 lectur. •• are ••<br />

tollowe:-<br />

•<br />

General Chemtam.. Thi. Ya. an introduotol'7' l.oture ,"<br />

neeouary tor £b.er tra1n1ng.<br />

.. ~..<br />

~ J<br />

"t.lght Burning M1xturee", "l'hl" oan be lU with. matoh or<br />

•<br />

eouree ot initiation. The I.boteure .Ire a1Ten. tbe proportlOD1<br />

in whioh the inarodiente ot the .. IIllxt6r .. ,.hould 'bl oClllbln.t4<br />

together.. Th.,. .ere allo li.an tbalr oammOD namOlan4 Dormal<br />

uae eo that thll could ba boua;bt In oli.u.t _bop. 1I'1tbOQ' ,"',.-1""<br />

arousing luap1oion. Tb. tollowlnl m.1xtura •• are raocaDln4e41<br />

aaltpatre. · .... .. ' SIOparb. - J I·~<br />

Sulphur 20" It J<br />

~<br />

:rlour . 10· ""<br />

Chile aal tpetre·· JOe) •<br />

SUlphur 90 ' •<br />

•<br />

Ohile •• ltpetre 1200 • I<br />

• •<br />

Sawduet JOe) •• • •<br />

Water<br />

, ,<br />

Saltpetre<br />

SaWduat<br />

W.ter<br />

T heae III1xtUl'e. are heb1 tuallT reca=mended by Abw.II.<br />

"Hard Burning lUxttree". The .. reqUire thl intarpodUon of<br />

"<br />

+ potae81um nitrate<br />

~. sod1um nitrate<br />


•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

reo~e nded<br />

in this 01as8:<br />

- 37 -<br />

caput morttrom or Hammerecal.+<br />

A.luminlum powder<br />

,<br />

Planter or p.r! ......·<br />

Aluminium powder<br />

300 part.<br />

100 "<br />

190<br />

100<br />

Thoa. asain ar. mixture. preT10U1lJ noted by tho Security<br />

&erTlca 88 reoaDnen4ed to G.~ aaboteure and in tho c •••<br />

ot the ascond OUe, bomb, manufaotured a. tar ."7 ••<br />

Shanghai bu. been tOWld to contain thee. ingredients.<br />

Igni tion. Aa mentioned abOTe, "l1aht burning ra.1xtura8"<br />

can bo ignited with a catoh or ru ••, the t~.r.tur8 at Whioh<br />

thoy burn beina rolatlYol1 low. Thio 18 not the oa.8 with<br />

"hard burning mixture." wblob need what 11 in taot. an<br />

lnc8n~.ry oompound eT01vlna a relativelr hiah temperatura<br />

when burn1ns. to .et the" ott. J'qr .tbi8 purpo .. the tollonna<br />

mixturea whioh thelDllelvas oould bo l&n1hd b7 • rule or otbor •<br />

methode were roccmm.n4ad a. lsn1tora tor the "bard burning<br />

m1xture8" :<br />

PQtaaalum oblor&ta<br />

Sugar<br />

, rparh<br />

1 '<br />

Th~' mixture oan be liD1ted by conoentrated<br />

aulphurl0 acld 'or ru •••<br />

"<br />

---<br />

pota.elum perm.naanete<br />

Aluminium powdar.<br />

.'<br />

'rhll JII1xtura oan b, illllted wi th t\we.<br />

-( ,f·<br />

pota"lU11 por.D&a~te 3 nartl I _,<br />

Plour f. 2 ·....-" ...~<br />

8Ul»hur 1 "<br />

The lnetructore told the eab~teurl that»etrol<br />

could be ueed ,wlth IdTantas. torJ etartlna tlre., by pourins<br />

lt over whataTar they wanted to burn Ind tben .,tting ott the<br />

petrol .oaked tarset with rue ••<br />

Inatruotiona wer •• 1'0 SiTen in the manutaoture<br />

ot what hae been de.oribed .... Woloten' Cooktail. An inoh ot<br />

aulphurlc acld wa. to be plaoed ln the bottaa. ot .. ginger ale<br />

bottle. Th1e was tben to b. tlll.d With petrol. The label ot<br />

the bottle ... to bo remand and UDder· Ii a mixture ot 3 parte<br />

ot potaelJ1um pormanaanata, 2 plrta ~ IUSU and 1 part ot slu,<br />

waa to be plaoed. The label... then to be re»laced oyer tbl1<br />

IlIJ.xture. Th1. bottle could ba uaed t@r etartina tire. bT<br />

throwing It at the Objeotlye. It 11. not quite olear how thi.<br />

works . It .eoma po.alble that the .. boteur. dld not underatand<br />

tho inatruotiona. A. .anewhat .1m1lar denoe ft. ueed<br />

by our.own ottenalTI .abotas' oraanleatlon, onlT In thi. ca.e<br />

a celluloid contalner With pot ••• lum chlorate Ind .user In It<br />

illS attached to the cork ot the b9ttle., When the bottle U<br />

inverted the eul»hurlc ac14, 1rtl1oh 1 .. )len-1er than the"llatrol,<br />

comel into contact with tha cellulold container and atter •<br />

dala7 depen41ng on the tldckne .. ot the oellulold and the<br />

strength ot the lulpburl0 acld, eeta through 1t and reacta wlth<br />

+ terric oxide<br />

+. Calclum sulphate.<br />


- 38 -<br />

tho potaBoiue chlorate and aUBar. The reaultlng t 1re ignite.<br />

tbo petrol and the cork 1e blown out, a stream ot burnins petrol<br />

being ~ltted·trom tbo bottle.<br />

1<br />

e alze 0 • brick, at tbe QUlnTZ 'chOQ]=_ They were to14<br />

~~lOe1 ... e.l The "'boteur.~er. abown blqcu ot TnT, about<br />

that thi ••••• .table lUbe ano. whioh ooUld be dropped, eaR<br />

or driUed without allT untoward:otteoh. and that it would onl7<br />

explode When detonatadwltb . "detonator. Thay .era alao ahown<br />

blook. ot ~T oamoutll,ad a. ooal and a nucbar of thoao lump_<br />

ot "ooal" were taken to' the 0&.' The, were to14 that the<br />

blooka ot tftT witb whloh tba, .ou14 be aupplied on their axpad1tlOG<br />

could bo uae4 tor blDw1na up patrol and oil tanka.<br />

A rail •• , line ••• blown up in the irOUnda ot tbe QUINTZ •• tat •<br />

•<br />

.. • dem.onatraUon, 'two lIounda ot TNT being tied on tbe. 114a ot<br />

•• eotion ot tho line W1\b.4etonator and tuJo .ttaobed. ,1eo ••<br />

ot woo4 .er. attacbed to the out.1de ot the ~loot. or !NT,<br />

preeumeb17' W1tb a Tle. 'tO a.b-.OUnl tbe toro. ot th' .xPlo.lon<br />

aaainat tbo l1ne lteelt. Th', •• bohure .ere told tbat 2 lbl.<br />

ot 'l'l'f'r ... ilUtt'lo1ent to blOlr Up ' . rallwQ' 11n. and thlt tMe<br />

ehould be uaed .. a .w,4. tor tbe 4.eltruoU01'l ot other." o'bjeatlTe..<br />

•<br />

•<br />

It. tormu1a.\1~~:~~J~~::M malte a eubaUtuh tor<br />

TNT _hert auppl1el ran ~ tO~lotten 1'101 Ingredient'<br />

and non. ot the labot.url '1'10' 4urtna lntlrrol~tloD.<br />

detonatorl wblob .. ere to be ua.d 1n th. DBA<br />

i'nCt.'t. and to Ibow how pcnrert'ul. 'lObe .... re~ on.<br />

" ... exploded 1n • metal about .. It In d1ameh~. ' Tb. ~<br />

plollon bl!" the plp. . ~%! ot plIO... .<br />

•<br />

004<br />

load<br />

tho<br />

•<br />

{*.e. iAiP~'~'~'1;ltr~~o~m~i~~~~~,~~~!i;i~i~~~:~'~j;'~<br />

ey we~e to take wl 'lOb \,~,'i:r.;:<br />

manufaoture Of \:<br />

bOWOTer that<br />

ln the USA •<br />

• nece.elr7 a •• l.otri,;",~ • ..,'LO." ." •• '" ',<br />

•• ito ..<br />

Dore time to eecape. 8low bu.rn1q 00\.]..<br />

'out ot paper 1n 0111n41'10al torm, the paper hanna tirat been<br />

impregnated w1th ... te~ala... The o111n4er .. a. tben tille4 wlth<br />

• mix.ture ot 50 parte ot pot .. alUIL permanganate and !iO part. ot<br />

pluter ot Pari_. BlNQI, a&14 that & 11ttle 011 "u mixed with<br />

thi_ mixture. t<br />

L<br />

The .aboteura Were proTlded with olookwo~<br />

pa;e58) tor their expedition; but tbe7<br />


•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

_<br />

- J9 .-<br />

were a180 inatructed 1n the manutaoture ot dalay m8ohanlam.<br />

to be made trom ••• 1ly obtainable material.. The saboteur.<br />

wer~ told that the prot ••• 16nal17 made varlet!.a could be<br />

used with advantaga on shipe, and that the explo8ive should<br />

be plaoed 8K8in!t the 8tda ot the 'hl~, below the •• ter-11ne.<br />

The tollOWlna: tnt. ot hom. made delay<br />

meohani.ma .era d~.orlb.d and recommended :<br />

(.) An ordinary 6-4a7 clock 1, remOTed trc:a<br />

it. 0 ••• and au tlectrI0 1 •• 4 tra. ona terminal ot .. torch<br />

baU.ory attaohed to the oantra ct the 111&10. spring. When<br />

tho main aprins 18 tullr unwound the out,ida ot it 18 ..<br />

certa1n dietanot ."7 trom tho centre. Withtn t.hl1 radlue<br />

but not touching the outs ida or the main .prinK When wound<br />

up; another allctrio l •• d 1a attaohed to .. rubber plUS 10.<br />

auch .. poat tieD that. when the eprln.a unwind. and _%panU 1 t<br />

will touch tbll lead, tbue malt1na oontact bttwem tbe .rin<br />

attaobed to tbe oentre ot thtmai~.lprina tad the outlidl one.<br />

Throuib thie, an eleotrlO o1ro\l1t oan bt oClllllJlli ted an.t! • bomb •<br />

tired ( ... til I).... ·· . : : "<br />

f '. 1_<br />

(b) A •• ll. hole 1e 4r1Utd.in the cellul01d tron\.<br />

at an ordinaIT pocket ntoh.'(.nJ other, unbreakablt lulIltanot<br />

exoept 11"1 Will 40), tba bo~,'belna oppoaltt .6 o'dlook. A<br />

small met.l aor .. i, ine.rte4 1n tb1l bole 1n wch a ftT that<br />

an eleotrlc load oan bo dtaobe4 to tbo oubldt ot 1 'r ,whilt<br />

the end ot th •• orn 1e ua.r tnOU!lb to tht olodk -tao. ~o .<br />

imped. the bour band Whtn it oorae. round. Anotber .l.otrio<br />

lead i, 'conn.oted to the Wia4.1' at the •• tob, trb.1dl 'ba. ot<br />

OO\11".e an eleotrioal oClUlIOi!011 With the band.. Th. ellotr10<br />

oircuit i, oomp1.ted end tb, .1.otr10 1e.41 attaohed to the<br />

aorew .. nd tbt winder ooftneoted, Whtn ,the bOlU" 01' IIl1.nuia hand.<br />

hOweT.r lona • dele, tbt leboteur rt~u1rea, ,ttl round to the<br />

lorow. Tht .aboteurw wera adT11t4 Dot to lat tbil ttJPI ot<br />

dell,. mecblnlem tor mort tban alaTeD. bour.. Thi. 4 ... 10, i.<br />

regula r17 Ule4 b7 tb. OenaD Saor" 'Ber't1ot .nd bat ' OUt dillac1vantaie.<br />

That. 11, it tb. bour or minuta b.nd ~ U " ooyer.d<br />

Witb lwninoua paint or etwltl, el.ott1Pal.oonheotl'bn~Ch"<br />

not be ocmp1tted unJa •• tbt band. 1fert .oraptd tir.t. '.<br />

. .-<br />

(0) A tea' tUbt or boU~ il 'nlled Witb dried<br />

peu and ... ter. A 100 •• cork 41.0 in. tbt otntr. ot whloh<br />

ie a bra .. '01'''' noa.t. on tb. lurt.Ot. A drt 1thloh pUlet<br />

out ot the te.t tube or bottle to one ttrminal ot • b.tta1'7.<br />

is attaobed tb t~ •• orn. Tbl. Wire p ••••• out ot the top<br />

througb a holt in the atopper or oork Whioh titl tilht17 into<br />

the neck.<br />

r<br />

In th1' latter ttopper or.oork th.re it al1Otbezscrew,<br />

attached to whioh il an eltotr10 l .. d. Th. pea • .<br />

expand thrOUib the ablo~tion ot ... t.r,' toroinl tbe 100"<br />

oork upwar41 until oontaot it made bet.een the Icrn 1n"'the<br />

~ tter and tha~ in the oork or ltoppar in tb. 6eok. ThUI,<br />

the electrio oiroul t 11 oompleted. '!'be dela7 4ep6nda upon<br />

the atz, at the teat tuba and the i:NII:I&)~ ot 18a. (.~e ti,.,).<br />

(d) A tin can part17 tilled with .ater h ... a .<br />

amall hole drilled in it. bottom. A pUoeot uninaulated<br />

Wire, to Whloh i. oonneoted enltlectrio lead, 1a etretohed<br />

aoroaa the top ot thie can. A oork t1oat' on the surrao.<br />

ot the water and attaohed to thla oork i. a piece ot 1naulated<br />

wira which extenda upWard.a tbroush a 10op..ln tbe un1nsu~tad<br />

wire atretchad aoroe. the top ot tho oan. The ineulated wirt<br />

attachad to tha cork is bared hliher up ao that a. the .ater<br />

drips out ot the can and the oork deecenda on the surtace ot<br />

the water, the bared part at the Wire .ttaohed to tba cork<br />

cornea dawn and eventuall,. come. into oontaot with tho<br />


- J;c -<br />

. unineulated loop atretchecl aoroe. the top ot the oan, OaDplatina<br />

an electrical oircuit. The 40lay 18 oontrolled by<br />

the amount at ",ater in the oan, the lin at the holo in the<br />

bottom and tho lenath ot l~ul.t.d wlra attaohed to the oork<br />

(aee tlg.l~). Tho .... rbal. -d .. orlptlon ~ thi. 4ell, 18 Aomewhat<br />

oomplicated but thl"chanl .. -!. "ail1 unduatOOCl tra;<br />

tla.I ••<br />

. .<br />

Ce) A ke,. rlna 1. plrtl,117 Immer •• d in •• tar,<br />

the two hel .... a ot tho rina beine kept apart b~ • 'lump ot<br />

.a1t or aular below t~ wat •• l~.l. Onl and ot thl ka, rlna<br />

18 41root17 conneoted to an ,110tr10 1 •• 4 While thl other<br />

end hae • plo01 ot Inaulate4 tape round 1t, and round the<br />

ouhldo ot thil, another e1eotr1o lea4 h .wound. Thu8 thi.<br />

•<br />

latter aleotr1.o lead 1. not Sou ,leotr10a1 oontact. W1tf'.l.b.<br />

k., rlna. The •• It O. lUll!' 41'.01 ..... in the watar, ftbue<br />

parmi t.t1q the two en48 ot tbe ke:r n:lla to ocxae tosethe!"<br />

normall7. When. thil bappena, the en4 of the key rina·wbleb<br />

h in direot eleotrioal oontaot w1th OM eleotrical lead,<br />

touch •• the other lead an4 an el,otrical oircuit 18 _de.<br />

Thie doee not ee. to "be aT'.,. e1mple urena_nt a. tbe<br />

•<br />

.. ,<br />

kef r1na muat 'be lNepm4e4 in ·.uch a ..,. that onl7 the l.ower<br />

halt ot it 11 illlDeraed in wat..r ( ... fil.5). . ..<br />

, (f) An orcUnal"1 'r"~ 'bl4.41 18 plaoe4 o~otIlW1"<br />

1n a ama11 box wob a •• _"toh "boz. A ba1"d .tick of rubb.r<br />

prllviCN817 .oake4 for about .WelTe heNr. 1n patrol (Whiob<br />

makea tbe rubber expand) 18 ~dIDI4 'P.iMt the ruor blade<br />

in sucb a wa, .. to keep l' 1n • oone ... pOI1 \1on •. ~. OM ~.<br />

eleotrio lead 11 attaobed to lthl ruol' blade .hile th. otb.r<br />

11 .. neal' U.. Ae the rub"Mpl'ooutraot., " hrouQtl, thl napora1l on<br />

ot the petrol. the l'Uor bla4. ~ .t.ra1&htlM O\l1o an4 oou. into<br />

contaot wUh the .1re lT1D.11oOl.· .. 1D .th. ~, OOIIIPliUna the<br />

•<br />

oll'Q\Ut. Th. 4el&7 1. aont.I'OUad.·1t1' the 41iune. ot:tb. 100.,<br />

rlre fram th. ruor bla4.'t( ... ti,.6) Th •• abotlUrl ......<br />

to14 tha~ In aot.ual praotlo,lt.b1. 41"1'101 .a. no\ .. ,at.lataoto1'7<br />

.. tho •• praTiouelT 4I1or1be4. . 'tfWI<br />

• ftl<br />

lWi t.ab \0 111 Ule4 UDder<br />

ooul at. ot • nftC ot<br />

.hiob ue t.o .,ta1<br />

platn. An onUn&r7 lna14, tb,<br />

plate.. An ~~:'~~;~5g:~a:~;:'i;g~~:ar5 tbe ..<br />

rubber 1'1111', reat1na on When prd.ure<br />

111 appUd to the top tbe'~i~i~~f.~ the ru.bblr aDd.<br />

eacplete. the o1rcuit (,.,<br />

•<br />

. l l . I t.:! "(.<br />

(b) A turth.r dIT10. 4epan4ant on prelwrl aM<br />

tor us. on ra11ft7 11n ..... 4"01'111,4.. It oonal.t. ot a<br />

double strand ot eleotne lea4, &h • . In4e of -.b1oh U'I<br />

un.1naula t.d. One 1"a4 11 longer and 18 twlate4 round. the other<br />

1n a ap1ral eo that. th.re 11 no ·.UotrlOal oonnaotlon b.twec<br />

them. The ull1n.tulate4 en4A ot th' Ueetr10 ]a.de are kept apart<br />

eea11ng "ax Wh11e the ep1r81 »-rt 11 41ppe4 in • m1xture ot relll n<br />

and paraff1n wax, Which eneure. In.ulat1oa. Th1a deY10e 1.<br />

place4 on a ra11way line and when a tr.1n p..... over the par~<br />

of the track eono~rn.d, tha .n.ela grind a".f the ooat ot<br />

res1n and paraftin! oausing .11l0t-r10al oontaot bet •• en the r .. 1n<br />

and wire ( ee. t1g.C).<br />

Chemical Delllt: A emall medioine bot.tle 18 halt fill.d Wi th<br />

sulphurio 8cl A u,..r at cr41nary paper 11 placed OTer<br />

L<br />

Jd ~ "

- 1. 1 _<br />

the mouth ot the bottle and aeourely fastened t.o 1 t wi th<br />

paraff1n wax, the centro ot the papor baIng free tram wax. 1<br />

A papor bas containing pot~881um chlorate and augar In tho<br />

uaual proportlone 18 tied rOJ.nd the neok ot the bottle.<br />

The bottle Is inverted and tho sulphurI0 801d aeapa through<br />

the paper atter a certaIn dalal. flhon the .~lp't\url0 Ro14<br />

canee Into oontaot with the m1xturo In the bas, tho laUer<br />

ign1tes and the whol_ can be uaed to •• 10 ott • larger<br />

1 ncendiary bomb (aee tIS. 9) • The lenatb or the dela:i<br />

depends upon the thlokneea ot the paper 0701' tho mouth at<br />

the bottle. Oommon typewriting paper was stated to SiTO<br />

ft delay ot about tiv. hours, 8 poetcarel about eleven hour. and<br />

• plaYing oard twenty-tour hO\ra.<br />

The aabotour. had d •• o~lbcd to them an<br />

or In1tlaU ng 1noon41817 material. In<br />

conjunction with a delay machan.UID. TWo oleotrJ..o lB ada<br />

which go through the appropriate d.lay meohanism to a<br />

torch battery are oonneoted~~ a vary thin ~ieo~ ot wire<br />

auoh .. the tilam.nt ot • torch bulb. Tbo two Ileotrio leade<br />

.botween whioh 10M. wire tilament 18 _tretohe4 are bold tirral~<br />

in poeition by ee.lins wax. A ooatins ot paratfin wax i.<br />

painted or er tho til.ament to proteot it while be1na plaoed in<br />

•<br />

poeit1on. The 1fbole ie th.n plaoad in 1& baa oontain1n&<br />

potaee:i um chlor.te and eupr. When tho eloo~rio oircui t i_<br />

made, tho tilam.nt wira heatl up al 'in a toroh bulb, tho<br />

proteotive ooating ot .parattin wax il moltod, and the inoendiary<br />

mixtura h ign1t e4 (.. a tig.lO).<br />

the<br />

taken<br />

oertain<br />

4i tiona<br />

b. so<br />

reveal<br />

1n railway atation ...<br />

The .. boieu.ra W," ahown 41aar ... at othor<br />

&IIIOn& "bloh ware inoendlar7 bomb. dill­<br />

.nd'j,wallt1na .Uoke, 'Th.y tunotlonad<br />

the p.n aud panoil •• 10. whioh wora<br />

allo ahorn a 'U1toaa. oontain1nl<br />

'*'loh 1sn1t.4 und.r oen-<br />

• 'rh~ , .-ult 0 .. 0 w.. ••• i4 to<br />

examination would no\<br />

bo u.04 tor at.rt1uI tiro.<br />


, .<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

.a'bo1'",",~<br />

In addition to tho leoture. and laboratory<br />

olrTied out 0XJIerimonta in tho around. at<br />

Everyth1ni po .. lble n_ done to .wtll te<br />

woh work ... ould ha.,.. to be oarried 0'1110<br />

The in.truotora aoted a. I\18.rde land in cr der to<br />

malee the men more. oar.ful, 8010 _ll. 'XJllOliTe boob7 trap'<br />

which had to ba avoid.d. Thay wero taulbt to axamine tho<br />

targeto which wero to bo the 8ubjeot ot .tta9& and to a.timet,<br />

the amount and tno ot explallva n.oded. 'l'he7 were ahOll'11 ... her.<br />

to plao. eqlceivoo 1n ord.r to get. the max1muZD ett,otl and it<br />

was atressed that the main obJectiTe waa not nao •••• rilJ<br />

complete destruotion. but tho .... ak.nina ot the atruoture 10<br />

that 110 wCR.1lc1 auba.quent17 collapo.. AIIlOTli: th. varlou.a<br />

objltota on which th., praotJ,ce4. wllra wooden ~atta buria4 in<br />

san4 and railway traok ••• On aoveral QOoae1on11 4urina tha<br />

course instruotions wer. gi'Yfm on ~"p8J' 41raotlna them. to<br />

pertol"lD oertain ao ta ot .abotas.. Th. tnl d ezploeiY a or<br />

1noendiary material ne.ded "0 d.ci4.d .n~ two men ~orkin8<br />

t Oiethor would oarry out the tri.l. On April ' 29th,-dur1ng<br />

the )eat atternoon and O'Yening ot tho coorsa, the •• boteu.re ha4<br />

a t1nal examination. Thia wa. attended by tifte.n eo-called<br />

high Arnw otticials and a Li.ut.colonel, pOlsib17 KAROUERRI.<br />

- -<br />

&<br />


•<br />

- J.2 -<br />

•<br />

T~e 8aboteur8 worked in Raira and were siven dbjectlTel<br />

such a. an ~iinar,y tactor,y, railwa~ track, or an oil<br />

tank Whioh were to be deetro7ed. They had to examine<br />

the objectlvea 'Without beina ... n, return to laborator,y<br />

and prepare the neC8anr, equipment.<br />

8CHW1l7t<br />

who worud tosether wera atTn<br />

utlMh<br />

the oellar ot ~ butl.41.ns on the were to obtain<br />

entrance to the cellar Without<br />

let. the<br />

meaaUl'emente ot the 011 tank<br />

narked out in<br />

chalk, and .return to th.<br />

prop.r. the neoeaaar,<br />

exploeiTes and dela7 mecban1elU. the th8,<br />

returned to tho oellar flioh ... . to pla08<br />

t~e exploli.e. in POlltlon.<br />

, .. ,<br />

W'l'URI8 ON THE gM.<br />

•<br />

b1 mapa ~ J)ho~ba OifUieUDo\ ' tersete •<br />

~...m. aud J.APP.L p.. leo<br />

main objeotiT .. were alum1n1ut1 aM m&&n .. ipm.<br />

eutern 11401 ot the USA. and the transportation<br />

ra. mat,rials to \h ••• plant.. A map<br />

u~ the to~l<br />

tur .. ,~,~~irj~:~;<br />

I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

Amerioan r.ll"':7~;~:t:!<br />

He 4eeorlbe4 the<br />

pointing out<br />

intormation<br />

parte at the<br />

where ther.e w,a<br />

neglected. The<br />

average Ipeed, th,.e averase 8p •• 4 ot so~de<br />

USA were alao diacu.aed.<br />

,"-<br />


DurIn; lia7 19J~ the<br />

tour ot the I.G. PARBIN<br />

L<br />

- h} ."<br />

alum1nium and magneBlum planta at Bl tterteld. and Denau.<br />

It wae explalned that the eleotrio powlr lupply to thee.<br />

plant •••• vit.l tor the v.rioua electrolytl0 proce •• e.<br />

golng on and that it the lIUPp~ .... atopped, not only would<br />

tbe plantl be put out· ot operation but alao 1t the atoppage<br />

went on tor elght hOUrs, molten alloYI In the .tove. and<br />

b.the .CNl.d 1011d1t'y, CI.U81ns arca t dam.age. R.epairl would<br />

take 1.-6 .aaka in the oue ot alum1nium and 2-3 montha in<br />

the oa88 ot m8i1l .. ium.. The eabotaurl "II" ahown the variCN8<br />

typeD or eleotrio eupply lin.a, including overhead and underaround<br />

oablel, and th • ., wel'l in.truota4 to tind ou~ wbather<br />

the USA plant Whioh was lOins to be attacked had an., aunl1arr<br />

pcwer aUllP17 to take O'fer if the mune .ere interrupted.<br />

Even it acceaa to tho plant ... not poalible, thl power lupP17<br />

OOolld aUll be deetrQJ'ed from whi4.. 'rh. tollow1na part.<br />

er the eleotrical IUllPl1.17Itom. .. r. .. .m.ntloned ... peoial.<br />

objectly .. :-<br />

•<br />

by<br />

oharll.<br />

BYBtom.<br />

ettecti.e<br />

a diUano.<br />

trCID a ritle<br />

',Item, tb1e beirll<br />

diBtanoo.<br />

These would b. found uear the<br />

UI'UIl.17 1n tbo lama buil41nl. To 'I I .. ~<br />

doatrOJ' an equalUlr, the valTe at the bot-tell" 'tOy.<br />

ot it, whiob controls tha' w.tel" .upplz. ft. to a.~<br />

•<br />

L<br />

be turned ~t, Whil. the porcelain insulator on<br />

the top 1I'ou14 ba cracked. ow1n& to the ·<br />

... OU1A<br />

ins1de, the al1ghteat craok 1n the lneu.lator<br />

would allow tbe air to ,et 1n and tb1e L together<br />

with the outtlna ott ot·th.· .. ter aupP.LT, would<br />

etreot oc:mplete 4 •• truoUon.· Durin,_ their tour'",<br />

the •• bo~ •• 01"0 ehewn • control roam tor thl<br />

eQ.ualUera and tranatormers. "rbe7""'lre to14 that"<br />

in order to damage th •••• it would be n.o .... rT<br />

to preTent interterence bT tbe man 1n char,., thouab<br />

they were told not to hal'll him ~~lollll1. In tM.<br />

oonneotion thoT •• re ,110 instructed not ~ carr,r<br />

tlrearms, kniv,. or.blaoXjaoke •<br />

The aabotCUri •• 1" told that produotion ot<br />

aluminium and magnesium planta oould be ,lowed down bJ<br />

danllge to any la rill' preeae8 that they mlght be abla to<br />

attack.<br />

.<br />

Becauae ot ~he number of targetB which hfd to<br />

be atta-ckod in theBe faotoriea, tha •• boteura .are told to<br />

work in groupB of not ltI8a than tour and it neceasary to<br />


- I., -<br />

•<br />

obtain extra men trom another grouF.<br />

Ru11w8la. On Wa;y 13th the saboteure spent the da;y at a<br />

railway ;yard in aerlin. ~h'7 were tirat taken to the repair<br />

yarde where th';y had explained to them how locomotive. work.<br />

and were .hown where abra_iTea should b. Inserted to do<br />

~mum damage. DriTer bearlnga and oil tiltera were apeoiallY<br />

mentioned. The;y were theu sbown tho moat vulnerable parte<br />

ot goode trains and it .a. atated tht.t theu oOo1ld be beet<br />

aabotlged b;y outtlng the pr •• aur. plpes oontrolllna the<br />

braking Iyet_ and b;y plaolnc abruiT •• ln 011 box .. and<br />

bearings.<br />

The vulnerable parte d polnta, a1gnala and<br />

aw1tohea were alao explained but the;y .era told that. it.<br />

.oul.d be dittlcult to reaoh the .. objeotl" .. with exploSlv<br />

88 and that 1 t would be ... ter to .. botaS' the track<br />

Ua';Lt. Tho;y were inatruoted to .. botl,o the track ln .<br />

tunnels, on brldgee, or 00 CurT •• such a. tbe Her.e aboe<br />

Curve, penn.,.lTan1a, as thne part. ot the trick .. er. "mOre<br />

diffioult to repair and derailment at suoh pOinta would do<br />

more damage. Explollv •• wore to b. plaoed on the lnner<br />

bond ot the CurTe.<br />

•<br />

BouAla d1agu.1aed •• l\.IDPs at ooal, wi tb whioh<br />

the saboteurs were prOTided •• ere to be plaoed in looomottn<br />

tenders to destrol ths looomoU" •• • boilalra.<br />

•<br />

ro1<br />

•<br />

Oanale. The aaboteura were oonduottd O'f'er<br />

.y.~om on Ma7 12th and .ert aborn .athOda ot<br />

Deatrue tlou ot a look waa to be atteotad b)­<br />

gatea ot two aon.eouttT. looka that the<br />

water would break down the ~~ ~~!;.;;<br />

An exploa1 .... obar,e ... to ~<br />

ot the lock b7 lar arina 1 t<br />

conneoting the Ohar,a to tbe<br />

to canal tratt10 w.a to be<br />

oachlnerr, chalne or oabl ••<br />

The poea1bllU7 at blockl01 .. •<br />

with oement ..... 1.0 dllouaa.4. on thi. tour,<br />

wero advised not to attempt to de.tr01 large dame, ,~::c~;~:rii<br />

heavy ooncrete struotureo, thi. being o.id to ba ~<br />

impoeeible tor a small sroup ot .eo.<br />

L<br />


•<br />

-<br />

45 -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

1.<br />

DIA01Wl8 OP }I)d WADS »SLAY K!JHAlfIBKB DRAWl( Wi BUR G It R .<br />


8-DAY CLOClt<br />

3. ELml'RIC DELAY USING KXP.AN8IOlf 07<br />

DRUD PEAS nr lIAUB.<br />




WATCH<br />

4.<br />


OUT OJ' CAl(<br />



PlI'l'IIOI. JlVAl'ORATSB<br />



8. =TIlIO pnseuu 'MITCH POR UBE OK<br />

le. =TIlIO MATCH<br />


•<br />


- I.u _<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

I<br />

L<br />

L<br />


,<br />

. J , '>-<br />

. ~<br />

~<br />

... •<br />

,<br />

;:~<br />

- 1.7 -<br />

"<br />

,<br />

...<br />

. "<br />

.<br />

;:<br />

< ."<br />

, •<br />

r' ~<br />

.;:. !<br />

'" •<br />

, •, ,.<br />

; : '11<br />

..... , .<br />

~ - ...<br />

• ....!<br />

,<br />

I<br />

,'~<br />

l~<br />

,<br />

~.l<br />

.....<br />

•<br />

(<br />

•<br />

..<br />

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•<br />

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•<br />

""<br />

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-t<br />

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i ~<br />


•<br />

•<br />

L<br />


•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

. ,..<br />

. ... . .<br />

( .'<br />

. .-. . .<br />

0'<br />

L<br />


- 5 -

,<br />


.II - . BQUtPUXNT<br />

•<br />

•<br />

3. Slootrio Watch; 50<br />

I.. Wooden ~loclt conta1 nina .5 'thr,.ded :Detonator.; 2,<br />

~. Wooden Blook wIth. red penoil l1ne round tho<br />

oute14e omtaln1nl .5 threaded incendiary lam ter!.I ,<br />

•<br />

6. Dummy Detonator,; .5<br />

•<br />

•<br />

The "botaao equ1pnent brou&ht by tho two ,rou.p.<br />

or eaboteurlli was identical. Tho Lons Illan4 IJ.'OUp, under<br />

tho leadereli1p ot DASCH, brouaht:<br />

I<br />

,<br />

"<br />

1. Puse L~anto~; 25+<br />

2. Xleotrl0 Detonator; 25<br />

7. 'D\m:D:7 threaded Detc:ca tor; S<br />

8. Thin bra •• Adaptor; 25<br />

9. 011811 Ampoule conta1n1n& aulpburlo 1014; 11<br />

10. Dr ... and Pla..tio lnoen.d1a" DaTlo. wrapped -in .<br />

paper, on which 18 written .YO ~.O.~lUNtAI (t)<br />

H2S"" ~lJIT (t): iO .<br />

11. pen and Ponoll DelA,lie.boinid wilb ~:7.liout"' •.,<br />

401&;7'; 2<br />

•<br />

12. Pen. md Penail Dela7 U.ob&D.1-. with If 4!<br />

1 , •<br />

11 ..<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />

17.<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />

20.<br />

21.<br />

Pon cd Plnall Delay M.ahaD!. wit' 1~-1 't""o,; '00,101&1:<br />

01oolarork-Meoha n1oal ... 8 tr1ker 'D.laJ M.o1\. niam, aer1all.t<br />

nWDbar64 Jt1~ •• &115, X118, X121 , X122, ~124, .,126,<br />

~1'2. X1,S. K1'91 10.<br />

Metal Button tor aetUn( the Oloolcwo~k""eoban1d.l­<br />

Dela;y Weohani8mi 10.<br />

DotolW. tor tor OlookWor~eohan!ol1 Dela, l(eQblAlamJ<br />

Roll ot Satet;y Fuse; 4 •<br />

Roll ot Detonatin, Fu.u; 1<br />

Bomb ca:nOu:n.8~d .a Lump ot COli; 4<br />

Block ot TNT; io. In t.He box in which tbe-TN'1' 'w..<br />

packed there were bite ot cardboard on.wb1ch wa.<br />

written 1n pencil "HAlUfIBCH" •<br />

Can conta1n1ng abra.1T~a; 1.<br />

thIs ind10ates tho number brauiht.<br />

L<br />


- 52 -<br />

4<br />

BB<br />

LIGHTER. T~~ ~. ~o;~tructec1 ot rolled paper<br />

th one eiidOpon to permit the insertion ot 8afety 1uaO.<br />

The trlotion caused by pulllna the button a t the closed<br />

end 18 autf'1otent to lan1 to • q,uan tl tf or ml.tch composition<br />

which in turn 1~1t •• tho •• tety f'Uae. The tuee<br />

11ghter U probabl.7 a atandard commeroial tJPc.<br />

2. Th ... are ot auffioient atrength<br />

to ot TNT c ... No. 20). The 4etoratore<br />

are oontained 1n }O calibra copper ahella and bayS untlnno4<br />

oopper loS w1ree insulated With ootton WraplIlnj, oovered<br />

by black .atel'Jlroot materbl. .<br />

~<br />

~~~~~~:~I~Th!:;.~r~.~~~it'~"~;l. thread at ono<br />

,<br />

At the other<br />

the tube, conoompOlition.<br />

It<br />

• 8OUrcO oleo triO eueri7<br />

•. dotonator or 1&1\1 hr.<br />

The.. •<br />

. tho'<br />

.;,'··~;;;;r;; to<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

or three hole. bay. .~fi'!~l~~t~n<br />

halt ot the igniter 18 %<br />

proximal eDd cODtelna a ID.1xtura ot<br />

antlZDODl' sulphide and metallio<br />

•<br />

6. 'l'bU 4ttonator oontl1 na no ohara'<br />

7 .<br />

• nd<br />

ot traln1na. the letter. "ObI!<br />

tnnm. (praoUo.).<br />

; .<br />

Olipol,1'h1;ii-:' .leo oonta1ne no ohara'<br />

8. BRASS ~. Thl1 allow •• detonator or igniter to<br />

be u.e! .1~tJ tun'·" one en4 ot tho adaptor .baa •<br />

remale thre.d to acoommodate the detonator, While .,tet7<br />

ru,. oln ba crimped Into the·othor 104.<br />

9.<br />

18<br />

ThlO ao14<br />

10. PRASS AND P~BTf;0 ruCENDI~ IEVIOE. ThiB 4eylee<br />

•<br />

oon81ets of .. sma lrae8 tube 11.ar.}th pot"'l~ chlorate<br />

and eusar. Into thiS tube thel" fl ta • emaller oelluloid<br />

tube In which there· are about ttve holes oovered w1 th •<br />

parchment-like material. In this inner tube there 18 •<br />

cavity Into whIch about 0.5 o.c. of aulphurl0 1.014,1. plaoad.<br />

When inVerted, the aulphurio acid penetrate. throuih the<br />

parchment oovered hoI •• In approximately 65-70 minutea.<br />

Arter penetration it reaota with tho poteaaium chlorate and<br />

Bugar, producing a tlamo, about three inchoo in length and<br />

sufficient to Ignite a dotonator or igniter. The dovice haa<br />

a baDe made or bras. into whioh the bra.s tube .crewe. Tho<br />

other end is threaded to &oooornodate a detonator or i;niter.<br />

It io ObViOURly intended tor uae with other equipment &0 the<br />

•<br />

.J<br />

L<br />


- 53 -<br />

br~158 base containe an outaid. thread whioh hal no fUnction<br />

other trun to parmit the Whole being in8erted. lnto 801M typo<br />

ot bomb. Purthfr oonfirmation ot thtl exists sa there ar.<br />

three emaIl bOleainthebra .. ba ... Which are probabl¥<br />

intended I. a k07-way.<br />

11 ,12,13. 4.1ay.<br />

meohanhlll.<br />

ute il Ten<br />

to SNOW and BUNDAB b7 the Ab .... hr •. lTen label on whiob<br />

the delay time ia written 18 in the aam. ban4WTltlna ••<br />

the. t on BUND.U I auapla.. I'hU devic.e baa been d .. or! bed 1ll<br />

. l detail 1n uOerman sabotage SqUirment (Teohnioal)". Tho<br />

variation in delay 1s .ttected bT • variation In the thiokneS8<br />

ot the oollulo14 diaphrasm in tbl pen.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

~:~~~~:::l~~i~~i~~~~~:~~<br />

1 4ay8. 1.<br />

in the earlier tnee uae4 in<br />

b7<br />

.aboteurs .uoh I. ARltOBSY and<br />

the teohnical<br />

defioienoies experienoed witb rd 21' ' olookworkelectrio<br />

481a7 haTe m8chan1am, now reaul.ted tnquantl¥ in tb1. used now in tn. Hemisphere, i.:~,:~j~:~:j~~1:::'<br />

Tho aerial numbers. are otthe tOnD 1.178, .r. and<br />

The d .alanatlon k,1 maT tberet'ore bo encountered<br />

1e made to th1a tn- ot df,lqo m.obani ... b;r .A.b •• ,II •<br />

17:<br />


•<br />

- 511 -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

I<br />

Tbe main teature ot t ho equipment 10 tho yory<br />

large amount and diy.ra1ty ot typee that t ho a abotourB<br />

brought. Although tho,. .ora Ill.o ,ivan instructiona in<br />

tho manulactur. ot home mad. oxploalyo8, incendiary<br />

material and dolt.¥ meoban1ama, 1t 11 eVident that t h e<br />

stocke tho, broUght in woro expected to l.at • coneldorab14<br />

time.<br />

._<br />

~. lnoencUar:r 11'11 ttl', which 11 in tact an<br />

ordinary detonator modified" to aot as an l~ •. n41ar)", Ie<br />

Int8r8.tln~.n4 useful. Tho bra.s.nd pl •• tlo inoendiary<br />

device 18 .conTtm1.nt~ emaIl and ea8il7 hidden or OUlou!'laaod.<br />

Tho •• botoure pOinted aut the. t tho pon and. panoil dalel'<br />

mocb_niem Whioh SNOW .... iol.d to uae agalnat Mah oxpl081" •<br />

• torea,w.1 a useful lnoendiary .e.pon it •• t ott without ito<br />

detonator,. When a oonl148rabl. flam. i'lu •• from tbo end ot<br />

it. Tho 14 dar 481&7 meohanlem h well ~d., though tho<br />

writer had 41ttlcult:r in flxlng the Oatonator into the hole<br />

ln the blook ot 11I'r owing to the awkWard aballe ot t he 4ela7<br />

meohanialll 1 tlelt.<br />

Thl "ooal"<br />

•<br />

11 muoh lnterior to our own otten,lYI<br />

department'. ertorta, though prelumab17 it wauld not be<br />

notloed it lt were put lnto a ooal bunker ot a loo~t!ye,<br />

where it would aet ooyered with ooal duet •<br />

.~ . oan oontaln1na abra_1Tee 1_ probab17 the moat<br />

lnterelting 1 tam brOUiht b7 tbe .aboteure. 'l'here .... no polnt<br />

whaUTer 1n equ1pplna the a.'bohura with abrU1T .. _booaule '<br />

the .. are _0 "'117 obkined Within the oountry. At the ame<br />

time lt. _how_ ror .th. nut tim' that Ab ... II are lntlre_tad<br />

ln thl tlPe. ot .abotace normal17 oo~ttad b7 dl'aruntled<br />

workmen, and ara iDitruotlna thelr aaenta in thl_ me_ad ot<br />

lntortarlna Wi th proctuotlon. '!'h1e _art. ot _,bota"".1' In.. on •<br />

• 7 a ar.ater l1enao. than that oarried out with hlah _lodT.<br />

and lnolD41arr bQllbil, bebau... lt 1e ..., to .... uma, When .. n4<br />

or other a'br •• 1Tu ara put lnto l.ubrlOation .,.tama, ·that it 11<br />

the work at di.,tteat.d persona Who ar. n.lthor a7mPathl.or.<br />

with tha eneDO' nor 1n thelr lIa7.<br />

•<br />

• •<br />

• •<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

• "<br />

L<br />

L<br />

,<br />


•<br />

I<br />

l<br />

,<br />

•<br />

,<br />

L<br />

J .<br />

Eloctl"1c !.latch.

- 'i6 _<br />

(<br />

•<br />

•<br />

5 . ','Iooden block with red pencil line round outSide.<br />

1<br />

•<br />

1 IN C III<br />

..<br />

6. 7. ~ detonators.<br />

--<br />

•<br />

-<br />

.<br />

L<br />

. .<br />

.' . -' . .<br />

--~-- " - ,<br />

•,<br />

•<br />

.'"<br />


•<br />

•<br />

.{<br />

•<br />

10 . Brase and plast1c lncendl ~ ry device.<br />

~~ . ". .<br />


.<br />

- !l8 -<br />

~---~~-~-~ - -...;'. I<br />

'.1<br />

.'<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

i •<br />

.'<br />

-----.~.<<br />

-~----..."..".....,-- .<<br />

IIICHU<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

It<br />

Clockwork delay meohGnlam<br />

'·1<br />


,<br />

-,<br />

•<br />

• .. '<br />

-<br />

•<br />

Pen end pencll delay mochanl&m<br />

'1<br />

•<br />

,<br />

(<br />

21. C In ofabro.Dlvoe.<br />

J<br />

L<br />


•<br />

- 60 -<br />

•<br />

,<br />

•<br />

..<br />

•<br />

19. Bomb camoutlased 88 8 lump ot coal.<br />

L<br />


- 61 -<br />

, ,<br />

APPEnDIX III-- a BaR E T<br />

I N X<br />

•<br />

•<br />

St . ~('4(...,I.?-I.) , Dur1n; the sabota'~e oourse at theDiltlENIZ<br />

lJ~, the saboteur .. were given instruction 1n the use of "<br />

secre~ 1nks. The8e were to be used tor eorresJlondence<br />

between members of the grouJls t/Uh1n the USA and were not<br />

intended for oorrespondence to Germany. Th6 instructor was<br />

descr1bed 8S a Jlrotes"or but the. saboteurs do not seem to<br />

hove takcn him 8eriau8ly~ descr1bing him 88 halt crasT_<br />

They rather unreasonably l08t. ell interest in eecret writing<br />

when told that. it could be eaoily revealed bT ch~cal inveet1gation.<br />

,UUSOiP.toolt notee on the methode ot preJl8r1ng<br />

these inkS but lost them with hie bther notea on the ' b~aoh<br />

. ',' ".' I tI r \' ',',' •<br />

Three t1»08 or ink were dooorlbod, eaoh or<br />

which.PAaQH 8014 had Il oode name nnd one or Which he believed<br />

waa caTIed"wOle " • Tho three Inka "ere: 1 \ " ;: ~"" ,f·Jl. )\ '<br />

._ ~' .. '." .J.'" r,"n- .: "t~,,,,,<br />

" I<br />

ASP1RIN. ".!" l/3 or 1/6 ot a Baler ae:plr1ntn<br />

tablet waB' to ,bo dissolved 01 thor 1n alcOhol, .water 'or another .:<br />

Bubstanoe the name ot W'h1oh wae' forgotten, aooorcUng"to:.tho ~ ,<br />

at Amagansett. " . _, I 'In i!'<br />

.<br />

•<br />

I •<br />

accounts ,or different aabotcura. This latter 8ubatance W.8 ::(.~. 'r ~' .<br />

p1'lObably 8omo alooholio drink like gln. DA80H oa14 that. the ~ :t.,~!" :<br />

as:pl;r,ln t)'po or ink WIIB ueed to writa 1tho 1UU1188 and addrtucal, :, j> ,<br />

on tHo bandl:erohleta brought' b:r the leadore or ,th!t ~ twO j UO\lPlJt_ ,?:-, .-.. ;"<br />

but ,other mClDbera or, tho "nedi tion stressed that --1 .. ";: ," .<br />

\ 9r \Uk. ink was to be uaod : tor Jl'i"~tf~:I.';;. 'j ~<br />

wr",Ung on oloth. lIn actual. riot the other mOPlbore" ot'ith' ..' 1<br />

"11. .'~ ~ •<br />

e~ed1Uoni enid tho rl1lte ink W88 to be uee4:t.tQr '. ~ '~" ':<br />

wri ting on oloth. A. -- - jwu aotuall¥ uaedrto 1;:.,1;.:v J.1t~ I.'<br />

wrIte on tho group l':HlQor.' nanC1lC.eroh1eto it i. ' e'Yldent l tha\ I.)"~"''':'l.!j r''<br />

thU wae a m.Ut&ko.) : . ~'H', . 11:} lAo Ur\!li1(.1 ,1"~, 't' fl: I<br />

•<br />

, (.., "lo.Jll.tv ,,;,1$ou(',."" .. ~~A ~;<br />

, EX-LAX. 1/2 or 1/3 ot a laxatiTot:piUitv' ..' tift I" -:, of<br />

Ex-lax being 8:peolrloally mentioned, was to be dissolved in' ~i~",~1 '~~<br />

Illaohol. Thie W8.fl 8 type at laxative whioh oontained ~-; ;~ .'<br />

(probably D or eome BiRl1lar 8uhatanoo and ".8.8 .~ ~ f. '"<br />

described by one 01' the eaboteura 08 turning ,loohol red, , '~~' j .<br />

thouah another soi4 it turnsd alcohol blue. The saboteur. ,~-.<br />

believed that thie ink could be dOTeloJled with 8 mixture Ot (~4 , I:;.,j<br />

eigarette 8Bh and on unknown t'luid (Jlrobably alcohol), or f , '\_ -1ft:,<br />

with water whioh had been tiltered t.hrough the cigarette ash: '·,; . ,f .t"<br />

(Cigarette 8sh 18 a well-known develoJler tor ' ~<br />

and here again it seems Jlrobable that the saboteurs became . "~. I -::,~ "<br />

cOnf'used). Another member ot the greuJI said that. both th1s ' 4 w _';'j<br />

ink and the aSJl1rin type cruld be develOJled by 8J1J1l1cat1on ot<br />

~: •. ~<br />

ammonis. This 1s incorreot as the asp1r1n type ot ink cannot ~<br />

be develoJled by ammOnia, but can. I. '<br />

VfA'l'ER ;. Jliece of peper was to be thoroughly<br />

s*ed in a diSh &li or water; it was then to be removed b7<br />

holding two ot the corners allowing the excess water to drainl<br />

oft.4'- This Jliece of Jlaper was then laid nat on 8 g188S eur~ce<br />

and a dry sheet wae pluced on t~ ot it. The mes8age was<br />

written ,yUh a black pencil on the top sheet. with eut1"1oient.<br />

Jlreeeure to indent the sheet underneath. The dry eheet. wea<br />

then removed and the wet one lett on the glSBS surfece until it we8 ~'I<br />

thoroughly dry, when the writing on 1 t WB8 1nvisible. To , ! ,. "<br />

L<br />

L<br />

THIS IS A COpy<br />


IN DEPAR"i"~' ""<br />

lC(4) OF 1,£ PUBLIC R"CI ADS<br />

r 1958 Or \- ~n lO<br />

L<br />

• EPu;:; .... :::<br />


•<br />

- 62 -<br />

reprOtl\1oe the "rH1ng, the 1Iapor waD 1I1$oe4 1n wutcr 1fhen the<br />

loattore showed up black. Th1a 1s (,..,)[IDonl)" lmO'fl'1l . a tho<br />

"Boy Scout" type ot aecret wrl t1ne.<br />

GLYCERnq-. TWo or tho eaboteura thou.zht that<br />

the)" had been given slYcerlne to bo ueed elther aa an Ingrediant<br />

ot on lnk or •• a develaper. It 1. almost oerta1n<br />

that the glyoer1ne wae to be ueed ••• developer tor a<br />

1IJ'l'amldon or ..:plr1n ink.<br />

.aboteur. wore 1n.truoted<br />

to.w1'i to with t~}) ot wbioh na to be oonrad<br />

with & })ieoe ootton wool. The, 1'om~berod<br />

be thin and on. a<br />

The IOcret<br />

wri ting wee to be<br />

" aida ot the pa})81'<br />

and an or41naI7 l!I<br />

• on the other.<br />

Theee<br />

a<br />

inatructione<br />

secret 1fritlng.<br />

and a<br />

g1rl. l&boratoI'7 The two aroup leader. and<br />

addro8aol :prffloua)Jr mentioned<br />

bUt<br />

_nothing about :~i:E~:~~:l~~~:i~~t;O~b~.~ua~i'~d;:,xoe:pt that it ahould<br />

~~~~.~f~~I~:~i~:l~~~~i~:din.<br />

DASCH sUd 1t ... Abw. IIt •• id·~"~;~;~:;~~:~;,~t'<br />

in<br />

to bo uaad<br />

that a.tter<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />


-'"'<br />

- 63 -<br />

Cop..,·....... 'fIF: '7 S"/~,.,."o. ... ., / 14 II J 0 I ~ A..<br />

•<br />

AppElmIX<br />

IV<br />


z go v. 8 0 0<br />


•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

Only one ot the exped1 tion, BURGp ne a member<br />

ot the Lohrreg1mcnt Brandenburg, 1M i lue cue the<br />

reSimont was ueed rrerely aa _ medium at traneter trom<br />

hie own intantry regtment to the AbW. II Training School.<br />

NEUBA.UER 'tfho wu alao in the armJ, wu not transterred<br />

to Abw. II through tbe •• b.V. 800 reg~ent. BURGER .ald<br />

that saTeral membera ot tbe expe41 tion wen uaign.ed to<br />

Gennan -rtn1' unite to Sive tbem added :proteotion it.<br />

arrested in. unitorm on. errl.al ln the trn1ted Btatea.<br />

There WeB no mention ot tbe •• b.Y. 800 regiment ln thi.<br />

oOMeotion.<br />

BURGER wa. ordered to re:port at tha Reaenwurm­<br />

I.ger at .eeerits. When he re:ported at thie oamp be<br />

walked into tbe t1rat otrioe he ea. in the battalion<br />

he£.dquartere. '!'hie. happened to be 'the 'ottic.·ot the<br />

Beoc:nd Battalion. aet'l'u que.tioned et thie ottio' and<br />

wben it wa. learnt that he epoke BnslUh and that ha had<br />

reeided in the USA, ~ wu told tqNport t~ tha 'third'<br />

Battalion Whioh susge.ta t~t thi. ~ latta~ 18 oODoerne4<br />

With mattera pertaining to lnaliah-apeaklns countrie ••<br />

BURGKR was received b.r the'Olerk ot the Third Batt.lion<br />

who told h1a to fill up • oard aiving tull dataila .nd<br />

a deacription ot hiM5elt. Ho waa th,n oant to a OompanJ<br />

Ola rk .mere he tilled in another .imler torm. Atter<br />

two d.ya at thie camp BUROIR waa told to repoDt at the<br />

•<br />

Regiment's Brandenburg branoh ,Whloh i' looated in the<br />

' ''Generalf'oldJICusameteterka.erneu, 0. gz'oup ot' military<br />

bul1dinga 1n Brandenbur,. <strong>Here</strong> BURGER wa. given a<br />

oivilion euit t'l-cc It etoreroc:a tilled With oi'Yllian<br />

clothing 8CJ1lO ot which WI' ot tor.llD oriain, and ....<br />

inn true ted to report to the'S.bot'ao School at Qnonts<br />

Lake. Thie Wa' all done bJ the Regimental Oler)crWho ...<br />

the only person he aa ••<br />

BURGER said that tho Lthrrea1ment l.b.V. 600 11 a<br />

unit whioh includea all parlonll Slvan epecial duties in<br />

the German ermy by order ot the High Oexnman4. Tha unit' •<br />

funotion ie to train agenta and loldier. in eaplonaao and<br />

sabotage for work behind enemy line. and in neutral<br />

countries. The regiment'a baao 18 at Baden near Vienna.<br />

The main train1ng camp, RaaenW'lll'llll'-a:or" 11 at Keuri h.<br />

The funotiona ot thia camp, it, name and the nature ot<br />

the training given there a~e one ot the moat caretullr<br />

guarded aecrata ot the Intolll,enoe Department ot tho<br />

German army. Tho regiment i. ott101ally lcnown ae a<br />

pioneer unit, and ite deaianation ia a black 1na1gn1a on<br />

the' shoulders at the Gorman Army unito~<br />

To keep the identity ot thie regiment and ita<br />

activities seoret,' the vlllagBa aurrounding the oamp have<br />

been completely evo.cuatod. The oamp ie a two-houre walk<br />

from the Weser1 t2: raUway atation. Army petrola ayateDIotically<br />

oover this area to prevent anyone approaohing<br />

the CtlmPt which ie partly surrounded by a atone wall and<br />

consiato ot a greet number ot atone bU!ld1nea. The camp<br />

buildings are Widely dispersed and are chTM'ly cam.ouflaged<br />


::=:<br />

r<br />

- 61~ -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

1-<br />

to prevent them being noted from the a1r. The Commandant<br />

ot tho Camp 18 • Colonel who give, out tho orde r a of t he<br />

day but hae nothing to 40 'I'f1 th the actlvHlu that memb ers<br />

ot tho un! t eng'age 1n atter leaving tho camp.<br />

Candida too to.r the regimont are oarotully ulecto4<br />

trom all parte ot Germany and Garman ooouplud countr! •• ,<br />

neutrul count1io8 and on0=l countries .uah 88 In41a,<br />

Ukraine, Syria and ES1Pt. Wo'at' ot tho l' OSlment .:1'8 undol"<br />

f orty. EveI')"one who goes to the camp 18 claSsified and a<br />

reg1.Btratlon oard 18 pre"l'sred 1n duplicate, ono copy bolng<br />

kept in tho main .dm1.n~at.ratlo1l building and the other in r ..<br />

t he Oanpany tile. 'rhla oar4 oeats!n. the ueual poraonal __<br />

information inoluding "duoa tiCD, trainins. previous<br />

ocoupation, bUSiness axperlenoa, abill t;y a •• 11ngu18 t, and<br />

"hether tha foreign languagee known •• ra l.arnt 1n Garm&n.7<br />

or by realdenco in • foreign oountry. ' The c:ard a1eo ehon<br />

whether tho in41widual bae bad eDT traTel experienoe in<br />

toreign oountrlee. AdcUtional information 'i. obtained sucb<br />

ae knowledge of photoll'aplQ' or draWina; ability in 'porta,<br />

experienoe io 4riYio. oara, .otorQorolee, aircr.tt 0,<br />

tra.ina, bOXins, ahottina: aDd •• Uina:.' 'the reoord aleo .<br />

contains the lite hietorr, td.lJ.ta17 ezperienol and a<br />

oomplete reoord ot relattyo" lIembera at the rOS1JDent ara<br />

olaeoitied and a.eigned to oampanie. aoo9r41ng to tho1r<br />

abl1i t:r Dnd experienoe. 'tho .. with & knowled&' ot tbe USA.<br />

"ere conc4lntrated in the 'rhir4 OcapaDl ot the Third<br />

Battalion.<br />

, bay. upuo 700 ceiabor ••<br />

The tull oomplement io noyer 091110t14 in one plaol, nor<br />

Lebrresiaent o~an1e ...<br />

ie present at the Oamp. .eob OQl:llp&n.J" uaual17 h .. a _x1lInD<br />

of tifty ~.n at the oamp at aU1 one time, ~he roet being<br />

•<br />

8"8Y on 8~.oial &aoignment.. ..o~ ~.r of thl Lehrregiment<br />

baa • note .e to hi. • •• ignment on an index oard.<br />

One of the eaboteura knew that OQ. the bottom of bU oard,<br />

the word PABTORIOU8 .u written. Thill meant that ho had<br />

been assigned, to the eabota.o ,sroup known ao the PRAlZ<br />

DAIlISL PAS'ltlRlOU8 group, Whiob ... loins to tbe Unite4<br />

Btatee. Another index oard wao aeon at thie camp beariD;<br />

t he noto "undertaking BOS" whiob 1a eVidently the oode name<br />

tor 8 project on which the man to whioh the oard referred<br />

was aseigned.<br />

When • member at the res1ment complete a an aseignment<br />

he returns to the camp and .tar. tor. ehort time there<br />

until starting on a new mi8810n. The prinoiJd a. ob jeot at<br />

t he tratning in thia ca.mp and llema<br />

aama na ture in Germa:n~ 16 sabotage. One or" the oXllOd1 tion<br />

.. pe other oampa at the<br />

know that a number ot men trom the Lobrregimont * .b.V.SOO<br />

were aent to the Russian front in groulls ot tour or t'1:"a.<br />

Such groupa "auld jOin a regiment on the X.etern tront<br />

wearing tho uni to~ ot that regiment. Theae groupe had the<br />

functi cn ot p enetration the RU8aian linea a t rught to blow<br />

up br 1dgea_ rai1!rOad .tracks and rat1w&)" etationa.<br />

u<br />


- 65 -<br />

J.rPENDIX v<br />


•<br />

1<br />

•<br />

e '<br />

DASCH worked in the Abw. II Headquarter. at<br />

Tlrpltzuter and at the •• 01'010 Abw. II ottloe 1n the<br />

Rankeatr.e.e durin; Warch 191~. other member. ot the ex-<br />

11841 Uon obtained n.rloua iteme information from Abwebrottlo1ala<br />

.they met 4urlq their t .... l"~~i ••...•<br />

obtune4 tbAt<br />

.ddr.... The ".,"'.<br />

timed, though<br />

.era on IJUAr4<br />

. procedure on tlfe oooulon tor antenna; or ht. ~lr.t<br />

the b\\ll41nI;~~~::~~~i~~:;;j~~~;;r<br />

'1'11110 J on<br />

tb ••• formalltl •••• re ~41'~'n8.4 91th.<br />

·that ill hi. 0 ...., the tormalU1ee<br />

he' made to 76/78 1 Tlrpl huter.. .~<br />

( "<br />

attica. .... tu~~::~trb~"i<br />

the main entrance to<br />

entire bloak bet •• en<br />

10 or<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

L<br />

.,ain an<br />

ground floor ot thl.<br />

and rGaOltlntoahe!l; the<br />

L<br />

j<br />


- 66 -<br />

underwear and l ugg. s o; and t he cellar with Rho •• an~ boot • •<br />

All theae were secondhand ana. we r e of Ge rman 11.8 well 8. ot<br />

l"ore1 gn orIgI n . DABClb noted AmerIcan, Swedish and Czechoslovaki<br />

an mark1nge on he cloth ~8 . t<br />

eux },tondaa ~ ctel I U>-' Par!a. ~ The Dllboteura nt eyed<br />

at th1a hotel:&'1 eWb""WfitKt wnda ttH'\nelr way t o Lor1ent.<br />

The y t hought that thia hot~l waa used by t he Abwehr and •• 14<br />

that v ery f ew people in unitorm wore living i n it. Almoet.<br />

all the people 1~ the hotel wore German and the), wore told t hat.<br />

t here were no Geatapo agenta in it.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

~.~ . MOOH and KERLING had add! tional inatructiou<br />

in 88C"rii wrl ting at a laboratory in Tlrplhutor.<br />

DASCH 8814 that thl~ laborator,r wa. known 88 the 1.0. parbln<br />

Dept. ot the OKW. Th18 might be ~ plA1 ,on the lettera 1.0 •<br />

(I~ehe1m8ohrltt); .lternat~Tol7 tho name aught be conneoted<br />

with the emell or the ohom.1oale 1f1l10h DABOH e&14 llmade the<br />

Whole plaoe eUnlc l ,. It 18 at oouree poeelble that the<br />

laboratory "88 conneoted ~n aano wa7 wlth the woll known<br />

Gorman ohemical oomblne • .<br />

•<br />

}'apere about tho UM,..<br />

exped1 tion<br />

at FRANZ DANIKL }'AB'l'ORlOUS.<br />

Thie was the tirat a.bohse expedl Uon to the UtU ted statea and<br />

wae oalled PASTORIOU8 atter • German ~loneor WhQ founded tho<br />

Mennonite .eot ln Amerl0.. All aubaequent expedlt~ona were tG<br />

have tho ooYer name PAB'l'ORIOUS Wl\loh al.o .e"8d ... oode<br />

ward between memben ot the expod~t~riil membera ot aubeequent<br />

expedi tlona, and thll German ."sent K Who w .. "lrol.l17 in<br />

the USA. , ,p, .... ~l .<br />

" ,<br />

Eaoh member at thl. expod1tion oould be reterred<br />

to by ona at threo nameeJ '<br />

•<br />

Hia true M me , whloh was euppoaed never ,to be<br />

uaed 1n orticlel reoords and to be known onl7<br />

. ~ the Personnel ReSietrer.<br />

~ ,H1ft Abwab" Qavep-name, Whlch was w.\U'l:l~<br />

~~ . elther on the true name, i.e.<br />

t"4c\t:\ or on hi_ occupation, 1.e.<br />

"P"UlO becauee he w ••• boxer;, or ;:;!",;1_:~:<br />

..Q"D\Q t ~ cauae he had been a cook. : ~;;n,,;;;t;lo,;<br />

the oover name had no apparent ·,<br />

with<br />

the real name. l"or~ exomple, HAUP'r. 1f ... oalled<br />

~INW. The AbWolir oover namepr"i'laced by I·V" ('tot'<br />

er rauenemann) no ueod in all ottiohL".reoordA.<br />

When aign1ng tor tileo or money, DASCH eigned himaeil'<br />

"'!,: JI;~ICH.·~.<br />

, '<br />

Eaoh asont aloo had a tallo name that he .. e instructed<br />

to uae in the UBA. In moat oaaea thi_<br />

bosan with the tirst lotter or hi_ real name. It<br />

i8 not oertain tran thia caae whether this 10 a<br />

usuai practice in the Abwehr or whether DA8CH<br />

suggested it hlmlell'. J:lI.fflcmR h&J1 neIther Abwehr<br />

,<br />

nor tslee name, and thou~thst hi . peroonal<br />

papers had been tiled under hia r eal n.me BURGER.<br />

L<br />

Abwehr As ent a in Europe. DASCH exami ned fi le o<br />

about AmY. II "edt 1n 5~ le iul1 , Hn11 6nd , De lTll8rk , polnnd, Norway<br />

L<br />


- 67 -<br />

•<br />

,<br />

,<br />

end yugo8laYl~, presumablY at tho time of lnvaaian of thoso<br />

countries . DA9CH mentlone4 one exaople ot the combined<br />

uctlon ot the Qerman military forces and agenta Which he 8.14<br />

conctrnod the capture at a tort 1n Belgium. He •• 14 ~~~t thi.<br />

tort tell to parachute troops bacause all reat.tanee had been<br />

broken by agente operating tram inSide. The tort was probabl,.<br />

!BAN-UllELbue tho aotual tacta are not. qui to a. DASCH<br />

apllcers to have aeen them 1n Abw. II tl~ eo It 1a bel1end<br />

I that thi. fort wae tak~n through tho troops 1ns140 boios<br />

"l!IIDoked" out, owing to tho ventilator .. heytns been 4eetr01od<br />

L~.. or bloo)ted up b7 tho paracbuta .nd Slider troops tho Oarmane<br />

used in taking it. It 1e believed that the ventilation 87atem<br />

l~, ~ ot thU tort .&8 In.ahU.d 1n peace time by • German oontrolled<br />

tlrm, and through 1 t, the Gannan HiSh Ccmund were. able to<br />

'). I obtain exaot ieometrical detatl. ot the ventilator outleta and<br />

. (.. inleta and theretore to prOTide the attacking troope witb<br />

/ 1' .• t l /) grena4ee whioh coul.4 tit into theae • . Apart trom thil one<br />

•<br />

I ,- inetanQe ot the fort in Belgium, DASCH waa unable to siva any<br />

detaile of theu n.lea' contents. He aaid he waa onl3' intereated<br />

in thoee.pepere dealina with the United Statea.<br />

KO~~tG told the aaboteura While they were .t the Quant,<br />

School that the invaeion of Belgium and Holland bad been<br />

tacilitated by tho .abota,e aotivitoa or .gent• . pooina ••<br />

civilians ..<br />

I Abw. II otf1ci.l who took the<br />

oaurao .t<br />

aame time .a the U8 I.boteur.<br />

odd the t<br />

I member of • aabota,. sroup in<br />

O.eohollov.kia bafore the German oocupation. He .aid ho wa'<br />

in that. oOJntry tosathor Wi th man¥ other German a,ontl, to<br />

aabota,e C.echoalovakian induatrie. it the O.eoh. had r.lt.ted<br />

in aeptember, 1938.<br />

•<br />

L<br />

~b".hr .,enta in V.X, .OIRqijill ~~.n .<br />

Abw. II ottiota a£tena ng £he cour ••- at uent ~1t'hO 1.<br />

probably identioal with Xap1~an lur-See Hormann ~_ told<br />

one of the "boleW'a that ha ... 1n oliar,1 ot aabata,1 lotil'iU.,<br />

1n lfOl"WQ", and. that he bad reaular linel of ooaaunioaUon bet.een<br />

Norway and Ingland, it being a .limpl. matter to ,.,<br />

•<br />

agenta to Inallo4 freD No",a,. Ha only allowed bia alonte to<br />

romain in hiland for a tow ... 0 atter whioh h. wou14 recan'<br />

tbem and .. 114 now onel. Ha laid that .nerd •• ekl betor.<br />

gOing to the Quenta Sohool in April 1942, .cae ot hi. ·alent.. ,1n<br />

England had burnt down a .arehoule tull of auppl1ea. Thil,<br />

Jl" oblblz refer. to the aabotese COIIIIU tted b:r two German .-putt<br />

from Horny Wb{'ob ••• un.luoocasru.ll¥ iMeatigated bT chid<br />

Inspector Greeno ot Bootland Yard.. ~tc.. ~.<br />

. ..<br />

• • •<br />

anll: Abw. II oftioid w .... id 0 run<br />

an or,snUat<br />

Br1t1eh.p/Wa of Irish deaoent r,\lIJ<br />

,/.. 'tor &abotase and :MOOR ~<br />

~<br />

I<br />

~ ., r. ovorhear4 VOGKL the role ... ot ". \..v<br />

a number ot p/Ws .nd personal ,.,.~,,-<br />

Uvz>f'"-' R.n .. , • •. ."<br />

L<br />

L<br />


,.<br />

'"<br />

"<br />

I-<br />

'"<br />

..<br />

..,<br />

~<br />

'.<br />

..<br />

-'<br />

!I<br />

"<br />

\<br />

- 6e -<br />

19h2, and on the .. me da)' lunched with b1Jn.. RIT'l'J::R add tlw, to<br />

he had returned tram Spain on the prevloue dky knd claimed<br />

the t he was one of the lead1 nS men in the German eabd: age<br />

orgenia.tt in Spain. Alae that hie prInoipal work was to<br />

aabo .hipping in Mediterranean porta, thla beln&<br />

done Zolrne bomb. to the e14ce at the veuel. wi th<br />

0814 hi. headquarter •• 8~. at v~lencla or<br />

t he had men working at ),Ialaaa and Viae.<br />

.brut the Inab1l1 t)' ot the German Gcwerment<br />

obljgoUona with Spatn and remarked that the<br />

the OYer because they able to<br />

ot to the Spaniarde the<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

.ao aOma<br />

RISCH that<br />

..ce4 tooo.-operate.<br />

the Moroooan. .a. 11"011. up,<br />

oaalp ".. tor YUloala.,. plr- and JlJROIR 1I'U atatlone4 thaN<br />

for a ahort per10d ... auard.. ' HI .. 14 that the Moequa •••<br />

nothing but • ahell and " •• built purelJ to take photoll"ipba<br />

whioh could be exhibited in 1101"0000 and !forth Atrloa tor<br />

propngande purpoaee •. _ .<br />

r:<br />

M"ehr Agents 1n ,ear leet One ot thl A'tnr. II<br />

officlalB etten nl thl cour.. • uInta lake 0814 ~ha' •<br />

number of .aboteura were beln, lent to BUPt, lnolu41na:. Oal!'O •<br />

and Buez, and Turkey. Ha aleo •• 1d that a lIr,a number •• re<br />

already operating ln 8)"rla and In all. parte ot the lfau saat.<br />

In the reading roca..at the Quenta 8cbool,Jthlre<br />

were Arabic mag.'inea nod ne.'papara whicb IUllelte tbat<br />

LPrOViOUI o18 .. ee had bien hald. tor Arab~.<br />

Ab .... II oUioial Who took tb •<br />

COurl. at the , to14 tbe .abotaura, aa an<br />

illustration ex;ped1 tiOD8 mint be k.ept, th. ItOrJ'<br />

ot 8 .8botage group beias aef\t tram Athana to tha Bi7PUan<br />

coast b)" aubmarlne. RQSZINBJa aaid t1'a t beter. their deputur.,<br />

tho crew ot the eubmarlne bad been toM. about tha trip to land<br />

theee aaboteura, and dlaouaaed 1t in varioue place a 1n Atb~,<br />

wi th the reaul. t that J,ngl1ah allanh .... 1'. b.l1 eYed to lw.vI<br />

obtalned knowledge ot the plan. 'I'be reault ..... that tbl<br />

saboteure .era captured on. landing. It ia eat18t80to17' tbat.<br />

Ab". II ahould think. tbla, baoauee in reI1U,., the mecabere<br />

of the elq)edi tion to "hich R08ZIllSXY r.terr.d "er. causht b7<br />

occident, and although prior intormation wae available tram<br />

Most Secret eourees, it "a. not .ln a form which enablad ue to<br />

understand It. slgnificance.<br />

BURO~R, who ••• at the z.b.V. Boo reSiDent oamp<br />

tit lIooerltz ln the Spr1ng of 19112, 8a14 th.nt fermer membtsra of<br />

the Gernan Dlplomatlc Corpe 1n Iron were receiving .abotage<br />

tra1n1nc at thJ.a Car.lp, preaul:'Iably wl th a ... lew to returnlng to<br />

Irun.<br />

.<br />

L<br />

L<br />


•<br />

e·<br />

- 69 -<br />

S.l<br />

Abwehr Agents in India. During their<br />

a8sooia Uon with Abw. II, Lfie asbotoure obtained information<br />

. Ion the WlO ot Indian Nationals by the Abwohr. A party or ~<br />

.j Indian students had lett tho QuantE Bohool just bera" e the '\ ".- arr1'1al 'ot tho American expedition at t'he bog1nn1na ot April

- 70 -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

),lost seoret 8ouroea,·. elther. io_ be a German Ag ent, or at leaat<br />

to have been in cloae touch with

- 11 -<br />

~~ ~crlblng cae.a at eabot&io In theae coun~rleB. There waD ,<br />

hCM'ever, no Indlcat:1 on that theaa acta of 'abotoge were<br />

Ga rmon inspired.<br />

. (r 1 '-1\<br />

l<br />

occaaion when<br />

Tlrpltzu.t'er,<br />

omlnlng a map<br />

presumed that sabet<br />

The o ther Gorman<br />

about 25.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

radl0 announoement. ana~ree. outtlnaa rererrins to aot. ot<br />

•<br />

•<br />

l<br />

the Abw. II<br />

they received tera from German aabot.url working in<br />

toreign countrle •• aking tor additional equipment. Thla<br />

probably retere to Abw. II asente "'orldns in eucb neutral oountries<br />

88 Spain, and it 18 known that numerou. requa.ta at thi, tTPe<br />

are 1n tact made •<br />

~l. BURGER w.a at the<br />

z.b.V. 800<br />

tz, ha ••• the personal<br />

cllrd of n<br />

on whioh .aa w1"1 tton<br />

"Undertaking<br />

aara. way that "t1ndartult\S<br />

PABTORIOU8" .e. written on BUROERle oard. Nothing further<br />

1tI kncmn about thi II Undertaklna.<br />

Bacterial Wartare. BUP.GKR .a. 4atlnltelT<br />

told that no plana hid bean made tor thl uae at bactaria or<br />

poiaon 1n the USA and that the, .ere not to try and buy 1111-<br />

thing ot this kind 1n the USA, •• It •• 1 belleYed that the<br />

USA would retrsin tram ensla1na In thi. type ot wartare.<br />

Abwehr Pll... ,Uea oontdn1nj oopl01 ot<br />

aabotage, tires, and explcelone It ~6otorle. in allied<br />

oountrioO, oro hold at Abw. II headquarterl. Thoeo .ra<br />

ma rked "tor the attontion ot Abw. II" and are uauall;y .ent<br />

with a noto trQ:!. the oUloer or the :Department trom Which the<br />

cutting or radio announcement Orip1'Lllted. DA80H examlned<br />

a t ile of thh t)'pe retorrina to the U8.A, and tcund that it<br />

contained nothing oxcept thoao otticl11 reporta tl10d in date<br />

ardor , thoro bolng no io41011:l. on that tho .. Icta had beon<br />

conm1 tted '01 OOnDAD labotoura.<br />

Abw. II aloo koep recorda ot all acto ot<br />

sabotage conrnittod by Oerman and alien workera 1n Oerman and<br />

Oerman occupiod territory. DASCH ea .. two ot thoae tile_, the<br />

first r:l: which covered the ~ riOd Oct~ er-tJorezabor 19J~1, and<br />

tho second, January, February and part ~ ),larch 19J12. Thl<br />

acto of sabotago we r e tiled on a geograJ;lhioal blaia and .aoh<br />

ephode "8a carefully oxamined acoording to the me thod used,<br />

the target attacked, and the arrest or dilJ;loeal ot tho<br />

saboteur. Among tho caao. In those :tile., there were a lars.<br />

nutnber In France, Holland and Poland in whiob aand and emery<br />

J;lcwder had been p laced In locomotives' 011 boxes. Jo.l)EtlIG told<br />

the membera of the expodi tiOD that the OJ:eoha had GUoceI.tull,.<br />

nabotagcd.locomotivea by pled. nit balla made of oa'Ior1 dUlt mixed<br />

with wa). 1n bearings. Aa eoon as the bearings became hot, the<br />

wax melted and allow.,d the enary dua"t to cauo. c1snese •.<br />

1u\A1, .......<br />

DASCH alao exa.m1ned a tile dealing wi th MmOOLD.<br />

t:aeh report in thi s file \'la s I1\arked IIGeholll1" In red, and as tar a.<br />

DASCH could recollect, originatod tran Gonnan agente in the USA.<br />

I ~<br />


•<br />

Q\l ea....J..-I ••• ,.1"<br />

~.,o~<br />

, for all .<br />

and' 1.<br />

report.,<br />

8tatlona<br />

- 72 -<br />

Forden<br />

the OKW,<br />

to<br />

their<br />

18 reported<br />

to value<br />

8tat10n Tery<br />

highly, among other re880na<br />

reaotion. to<br />

rumours Circulated bJ tho German Intoll1sence SeltVioo are<br />

obtained through it. An example or tbe "'&7 th" German<br />

Intelligence BerTiee: ottecta tho olroula tieD ot rumourl h<br />

ll8 rollew.: It Switzerland wore to-be 1nvaded, Radio Vl'oh7<br />

would r8JIo1!.t tha ma •• lna: ot troops on tho Bd .. bordar. '<br />

Rad10 Sag10n ~ou1d eohO tbe report, 'oClmllent1ng on it. Holland<br />

- would aleo repeat tho .10°17. Attn thi8, Amerlcan, Br1t1eh<br />

.. j "t and SWi.a r88.ot10118 0,,8l" the all' would be eagerl:y a.aited in<br />

Berlin, and the •• ree.otione wrul4 have an innuenoo on tbe<br />

question 8. to whether an berland 11''' to be lnvaded cr Dot.<br />

• •• 1 .<br />

The 8onderalenii: e'.belia .'-.me to hu, .been<br />

used by KAPpZ ••• place Where hi, prospecti". 8sonta o~<br />

be f'!IDPlo18d until be n_ded tbem tor an ."lgnment. · Thla<br />

arrang8msnt<br />

an4 Abw. II,<br />

01.1»17<br />

•• tho .torme»<br />

ben'tltted<br />

obtalne4·<br />

both tho 80nderdie:na~t!8~'~'~baUO<br />

Wi ttl<br />

qualit1oatiOtlf, Whilo tho latter ba4<br />

in a plao. whera he coulA ke.p in~~ji~~~~:4i<br />

wbiob ho ft. golna: to return.<br />

wero emp10)"a4 hera botore their<br />

•<br />

I<br />

."<br />

•• •<br />

""<br />

" ".<br />

••<br />

, ..<br />

, -<br />

, f •<br />

. '"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•• · t ~<br />

".<br />


;iF . d ' ' "5<br />

- 73 •<br />

APPENDU ~.vt _ 11 A .. S J: I N D S X<br />

. ,<br />

._ otlri~.'<br />

believed by<br />

8uperior to<br />

Department<br />

interested<br />

,in<br />

•<br />

•<br />

DASCH nil<br />

•<br />

the,. would meet<br />

BACl-OtANK'. ~ob<br />

the PAS'l'ORIOUB<br />

....<br />

he had taken<br />

trayel on. an<br />

.rami.lrJ 19/,2,<br />

who atated tha\<br />

aDd that it n •<br />

at the ,roup' or<br />

told DABOB tha~<br />

.0 that h. oou1d<br />

to the'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

•<br />

in a ,<br />

enSl n... BARTH<br />

was in on and leoturll4 the<br />

.sente on the USA In4uet17. He a1.0<br />

lectured OD r.11ft7 aDd acoaapanJ.e4<br />

the eaboteur. on the Se 48IDOnttl"ate4,<br />

method. ot aabotaging aaema po .. lble /<br />

that by the sprlng at asaoolatlon with<br />

Abw. II and 'It'U an ottloer The .aboteur.<br />

de&or1bed htll\ 11. KAPPI'. man, a •• latant and bOOk-k.eper.<br />

He ..,.& pre.ent at 6 R.nk •• tr •••• when tome ot the asent. went<br />

there on Aprll 8th, betaro.traToll1ns to the sabotaso 8cbool at<br />

. '<br />

QUBNTZ Lake. N.T.<br />

ot the pup1l.<br />

)1e41tlon to<br />

he .hould.<br />

. who went t o<br />

;.'i.~~~the eight saboteur.<br />

"1;1 tor 11re. N.T •

of<br />

thIrty<br />

Believed to<br />

been in an ::::~.~!:~:;f<br />

the 8sbotagCl<br />

return to the<br />

QUKNTZ corpa in Apr1<br />

Prcmt to<br />

Abw.ll.<br />

have<br />

He attended<br />

expeoted to<br />

Bohoola there. N.T.<br />

ot the dgM<br />

•<br />

-) of ROBHU. 1n<br />

the B.A. under<br />

request to the pol1t<br />

'11'88 aS8igned to the<br />

sanda tor internal<br />

journalism and<br />

was HAUSfI)FER<br />

with<br />

tho<br />

~~1!~1:i the aS88881nat!on<br />

I<br />

:1 1 ee exper1enoed by<br />

transferred at hie own<br />

RBICHSLKlTUNG. HerG ha<br />

literature prop .....<br />

lecture •<br />

or<br />

•<br />

L<br />

giTon<br />

ii:~~:!oreporta<br />

o ,OenDana -:,u.im .. j;;:<br />

i<br />

~~:~~;~:HEi'BIJ throug;ll 11<br />

1939, BURGER undertook mauls r work on behalt ot the<br />

Division,ot the RlIOUSLEI'l'UNO.11\ poland, IOnding one<br />

cop)" ot hie roports. to tha Department, and another to .Protes.or<br />

.HAUBHOB'ERt Who In turn. 8ubrn1 tted thsm to HlB8. , ..<br />

.<br />

BURGBR nld that sem_time atter HITIBll oame to •<br />

lIClVor, he aPPointed Oeneral Albreoht HAUSHOP'BR sa head ot tho<br />

VERBUND DEU'l'80HER Dl AUSLAlfD. BUROBll .. llaW' )lUBBIRT, the Dutoh<br />

Qu1alina, Rex DBORKLLXS, the Belgian QU1l1l1ng, Q,UIBLIlfO trcm<br />

Norway and Sir 011 .. 14 lIOBLXY', When they attended meetinge ot<br />

tho Aualanda orgamaation in Proteaeor Albreoht HAU8HOJ'D.'e<br />

house in Berlin. ~ 1<br />

:b~e~tw!i!e~e~n~!~;j11!i!!i!!i1::::f!!ji!i:!!;Ii~1!!!<br />

who in<br />

1n<br />

in Berlin<br />

aa an &utborit7 on<br />

Hoohacbulo t'tlr Pol1 t1k.<br />

]tarl HAUStt:)FER who wa.<br />

•• of the , tb1e being confirmed b7 inon<br />

fran 8.I.S. 1n February 1939, .who had rece1ved a<br />

report that Major General (retired) HAUBlIFl=."R had been appointed<br />

leader of the VOLKBBUND FOR DAS DEUTOOHTUll IU AUBLAlfD. preaurmbly<br />

the QU1el1ng laadere were aeen .t the house ot Albreoht<br />

LMAUBOOFKR, a8 he lived in Berlin, cnd.not in that ot Xarl<br />

HAUBHC>lo'ER, who in Uunl c h. NT-<br />

OnG or the e1<br />

8i to in Room 1025<br />


6 --" ~ • .<br />

... 75 ...<br />

1<br />

neo..r ~.. In D9Cember 191~1 or January 19112, J.aeCli .a"<br />

him eXamin1ng a map.ot t.ho Panama Oanel with a " Qung Ilel"lllan<br />

nnd prolume4 that he ••• r"pon81ble tor Ikbotase in thi.<br />

art"l. N.T. , ~I<br />

••<br />

• •<br />

'" • to<br />

headqu,.rhr. ,<br />

eubordl ta h '0<br />

loUYlt1e1<br />

.~o<br />

•<br />

•<br />

L<br />

the Hanntl R.'hurant,<br />

month aDd XAPPI pr,a1d •••<br />

Germany and ite meatinae<br />

used. hi_ oonoootion tr1 th<br />

people tor tho PA8TORIOUB<br />

being found through hi. vilit to the<br />

the 8001ety.. . ,', Nf-". ,'<br />

. . ~n 91.2, ltAPP wit<br />

Stuttgart. Ur .. KA t nee Hilda<br />

Chicago and un a laase<br />

..mo &till livea thore. . ...,(.<br />

tv-r .. · .<br />

or<br />

nd ohi14ren UTed in<br />

tormerl¥ l1'nd in<br />

er brpther, 11.3. JtAUJ'KAlOf, .'I1f"__<br />

Identioal with KAPP8 known to KlER1l and RISCH<br />

88 working In. GlUIPPE II naT un4er I:J:)TZ:IL. Tooll: put in thl<br />

Frenoh c8lD];Ialgn alii In In.tantr7 ottieer. September 01' Ootober<br />

191.1, came to, the Abwohr under ZSCHmDR. H" the golden Party<br />

badSI, waa 81waYI in tinancial difticult1es, WQS too stout tor<br />

hie ase and dr.~ top muo~. _ 8.1~ t~ _be . n.lther knowledgeable<br />

active. ,'.<br />

the eight

•<br />

- 76 -<br />

Soient iflo Depar tment unde r MARGUERRK. I n .'dltlon to lectur1ng<br />

at the Babc:t age School a t QUENTZ Lake , he work. 1n .. laborMtor y<br />

In BerlIn , exper1menting and designing new aabotage equi pment.<br />

KOENIG 18 • t &na tical Nui and 18 loya l t o the -r ogi me . He<br />

hates t he Gestapo because he 18 amb1t1ou8 and r eara t heir<br />

cOIRlloti tion.<br />

•<br />

..• ~·~'~:~~i1d~ .• ~'n~;t~'10al with Dr. KOEUIG at Abw. II,<br />

..mo vlSi ted. in NGF sbu 1 91~ 1 ..<br />

8eon on11 on<br />

~8aboteur., When p;~l':~IO:;~~'~.~<br />

Who epoke to him. on _ tht.<br />

oonvern.tion wh10h abowd tbd he<br />

BUd to 1.1"8. at 24<br />

la14 that ihis addr •••<br />

BUdape.~.tr ••• en 1n Berlin.<br />

Ulaa LBOmtARDT · a. an at1'lcer<br />

N.T.<br />

II. W ••<br />

to the<br />

1lI.BCH •<br />

by hlO •<br />

upert.<br />

Known l'rc::m other 8ouroe8 to be head at Abw.<br />

de80dbed by KIEYBR an4 RISCH" • Viennese. A keen and<br />

08r1oul worker. ..<br />

. . ...<br />

11 and<br />

I<br />

I<br />

•<br />

L<br />

. ,<br />

ottl0.r tboua:ht brrJll9O!<br />

be 1n II';:!:i:~~~~'~~j~~~~;""i~'~1o~~r~i;:.~n;'i"~,t~lon .ent<br />

Wi th a letter He :tou.nd to la,. •<br />

. lett Abw. II POlelbl7 DAIJ'B<br />

identical Wi th<br />

who lett<br />

Abw. II ear17 in<br />

technb .1<br />

apecial18t<br />

ot Abw. II. Ie<br />

supervisee the<br />

, and aleo the<br />

lborato17 in which thU 1e deTeloped end which SCHUI4'Z and<br />

KOSNIG work. BURGER _ae inteM'ifl1fe4 b7 WARGUKRRB in Jul.7 191,1,<br />

and _ae paned on b7 him to }IJ'tZIL When be learned ot BURGU'.<br />

USA backgrounc1.<br />

Known to be in charae or Abw. II Technical section,<br />

and to have ,.lUted Spain in Apr1l 191,2 1n ccnneotion with<br />

sabot age e qUipment U~d by ORUPPB II MADRID.<br />

~RT~I . Ka"Dl~An ' r4bW. II. Bellov l'd to be thU<br />

offi ce r 'a corre4Ullh , an • 0 tho .aboteurs ea. a li!I tter<br />

trom U.Ul::LL"ER to hU Wire in Hamburg. Hia chri s tian name 1e<br />

I ,. ,.J'<br />

1 ,<br />


- 76 -<br />

SCientifl0 Department under MARGUBRRK. In a'dltlon to leo turing<br />

at the Babctag8 School a t QU8N'!'Z Lake, he works 1n a laboratory<br />

1n Berlin, experimenting and deaigning new aabotage equipment.<br />

KOEHIG 18 a tarw. tical Nad and 1e loyal to the · regime. He<br />

hatoa the Qcetapo bee.ues ha 18 ambitioua and fear. their<br />

c o~etl tlon. '. ..._.<br />


•<br />

e ·<br />

I betwoen<br />

aeveral<br />

bad burned<br />

. that it ...<br />

and that. he<br />

- 77 -<br />

to be Hane. .WELLB.R W88 born In Augaburg and beter e<br />

I " •• 0, att,r 1IhJich<br />

At the completl on o~<br />

capta1n ot an 011 tanker in the Germon Merchant<br />

aaid to haYe had .. aon in tho German Nav)", who<br />

Aotion at tho end ot March 19.2. Durlne Apr!l<br />

Tiaited Hamburi tor lovoral day_ to oelebrat.<br />

~orw.., .more he .wou14 Ii"" a<br />

tor Bnsland. ~<br />

zur-See<br />

Janua1'7<br />

ann1To:uarr. VUEIOLXR 01&1. to ba in oharse<br />

ooaat Wi tb to ortana! Ta •• bota,e<br />

... in 1011\1 to the<br />

Lak. He dId. not<br />

loc.tad.<br />

ot on<br />

r<br />

saboteur.<br />

8llain.<br />

on<br />

•<br />

iij~~;T "II • . Attended tho<br />

Sabotage ~::~:~~~~~:.~::~ 19.2. Bel •• 04 to ba<br />

• Viennese an attic.1'" in the lit<br />

Engineering He U aald to hold ..<br />

doctO'l"'a degrea in englneer1na and to • taotl'll!r member ot an<br />

englneerlns corpa 1n tho Qerman ar=r. ROZIH6XY koaw about the<br />

BabO tage axpo41tlon t() Egnlt, whicb le it A thana In 1(0' ember 191+1.<br />

J. t the end ot the oou..ree ba ... to return to A thene to liTe 1natructlon<br />

In a eabohSe aohool there. ROZINSKY apeeke • little<br />

EnglUh 'I1i th e decIded Oorman aooent end lb' ad In Oh1cIl£O tor<br />

a ahort time.·<br />

L<br />

who returned.<br />

(Jun. 19/,1).<br />

one or tho<br />

A 0 e l"'IDan<br />

liexioo<br />

•<br />

L<br />


- 78 -<br />

member of tho Expedition aent to the USA , but Jua t l,etore departure<br />

trom Lorlcnt he olai med to hKve contracted .yphilis and<br />

to be unkblo to travel. Canad!un Trac •••<br />

~Iod"".u. (Q ... Jp - ~,. .;<br />

BO~!lDT! Oberst. · l)eb-crlbed us' an officer ot<br />

the Abwohr at Bel' 1n heodquuftora. N.T.<br />

ot KOEI:{IG,<br />

ot Abw. II<br />

ths'QUEllTZ Lako Sohool.<br />

z.b.V. BoO Regiment, and<br />

ond of tho piatol B.A., praotioe. hal boon Ho in i.~~~~.~~~~~~!;:~~:~!~~<br />

ptleeent regime, and 18 onl7 w<br />

oan take port. He 18 a&14 to<br />

e~ert through tho Gootape.<br />

h.<br />

011<br />

•<br />

poeelb~ idontioal with Dr. SCHUmZ ot Abw. II<br />

who Ie Shortly gOing to Sllain, toawONrll¥ to .replaco Paco •<br />

zno.o:."IUI.ANN "ho".. rocont17 k111ed. proaumably idontioal with<br />

Dr. SCHULTZ I m 0 vi.i ted Ifonte. in October 1911 2 to toat ZIGZAG t.<br />

proficiency 1n a.botaao •<br />

.<br />

a.".,. hem tho QUKNTZ Lake<br />

-. .•• ilnr~.~ qt. ihe oaur.e aa be1na ant1re17<br />

s.M\;.. !f 1ttao ~ • . II. R .. ponal~l. tor<br />

Central A!J1~r1oa. ':'If ttPtna: XN. II brtloer that DA80H me.<br />

at T1rpitaurer in June 19h.2. Atter q.ueaUoning him 011 "'1'10&.<br />

he introduced him to ]maL. ,ro'ba'b17 1dent.1cal wi th the &PIS81<br />

known to KIBPBR and RISCH. whO Wi" f'o~ - .. tima in AU.· ~aela an4<br />

olIO 1n Brett. Later b80 ... BUro-ottla1er (Hauptmann). o~<br />

plo.1ned. trequentl¥ or h&v1nc all kinde ot th1t188 hn4e4 on h1a.<br />

8ald to MYe come trOll a HambUrg-Bremen III tD101aD twlJ and to<br />

be an.U-uas1. ~ t1rl~ DJaI. tlDD,lI ... plq.r. . .<br />

t:<br />

co<br />

•<br />

1<br />

"""<br />

'"<br />

~<br />

"<br />

F-<br />

saboteurs Who !I.T.<br />

English W1 th an !EUh .'~~~.",!!<br />

thla t he spoke' wi<br />

One or the e18ht •<br />

eome time ln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~;fij~~;j~1:i~:::~<br />

a deoided. trace<br />

atitt leg lind.<br />

l n France • • _-C-. :<br />

eornmun1cat<br />

p/We ot Ir~:~.~;~"~.;~:l:;~<br />

the U.K.<br />

who viai Xl roe .<br />

Lore. Known Binee e.r17 19 /~ 1 to ha-.e<br />

Ui<br />

recrui tment ot Irlsh J?/Wa tor work. _saine<br />

aeen by WJ..TCUDOO at Berlin he,.dquartera in ~d';';i1c.i ;;i';i,or~" ••<br />

a apecialist ln Iaiah mattera, 1a probab17 1<br />

HOIEl:l . The deecrlptipna ot JUpP JI) Lt. VOGEL IpP17<br />

o the eaUIC individ.ual. A jlhotogrlph 0 pp ill being<br />

shown to DASCH and BUROlm ~or ident~c ... ti • I i(Ul, Uil~ BIH.<br />

H /'

•<br />

•<br />

couree.<br />

•<br />

" 79 -<br />

ot'tlc:lal wh oso n at DASCH via1 ted on Decer.tber 31'4 or I~th 1 91~ l f<br />

otter an introduoti on from a woman worklnB i n the O~H . DASCH 's<br />

plan to r-'turn to t he USA was diacuased. The ad.troea or tho<br />

f l a t 1 B not mentioned but 1 t 10 descrIbed IUS t ollon. A<br />

baoholor flat on t he 2nd or 3r4 1'1001'. Tho flra t room (po8.1b1f<br />

tho hall) whioh DASCH entered, was fUll at palntlns_ and art.<br />

colleotiona. On December 9th or 10th 19h1, DASCH rece1ved •<br />

letter from lfEBBSEL w'hloh r.&c!: "I have reoeived ;your' letter<br />

ond two manorandli. Altbouab tho dovelopnenh 01' the last few<br />

day. have givon our pro.pocta 8 difteront phaso, I doelro to<br />

keep in touch with you aUl1 by having .nather oonterence in<br />

tho near :ruture. At the proaent I am going on a tr1p and 70U<br />

ahall hear tran mo .tter mT return. 81nooroly yours, Hoil<br />

H1 tIer l l • N. T.<br />

Z~' · 'fMt. Ona at tho l1U111le at tho QUlN'l'Z<br />

He hideenranaferrod tran the Run1an trOTti to<br />

Abw. II Via the z. bR). lk>O 'Rog1ment. On oompletion ot the<br />

c ourse, ne int'orme(l KAPPB that be dld not wiah to go on the<br />

Expedition, an.1it ia thought that he was unt baCk to tho<br />

Rueaian tront. N.T.<br />

Abw. 10. A ");)rotelaor vhUed tbe QUEHTZ Lake<br />

Sabotage Sohool In Al1rll 19112, to glve the aabotaura 1natruotion<br />

1n the -uae ot aeoret inkei h. pv. 1"I1rther 1natruotioD. to DA80H<br />

and BURGER in MA¥ 19JJ2 at T1rpi tlUter.<br />

Alnf'. iG. "oman .. e1stant to the abovl l1rotOlIOl".<br />

Hell1cd him w1 tb £henetruo tion ot DASOH and. BURGER at<br />

1'1rl1i tzu:ter.<br />

Abw. nt Asent, Yet by BOlQIII7l' 1n Toqo in<br />

1 9 1~1 Ilnd believed to hiVI been enpged in Naval 08l1iona.e<br />

Bhansha1.<br />

•<br />

Aw, lY Agent. lfavAl Oonmandero. Tha ~:~1;::~;;;<br />

were aooompanied, elther:rrom Beriin or parIa, b7 • ~<br />

RaTal Intelligenoe with the rank ot _aval Oommander,<br />

illllWtdiatel1' on arrival at Lcr1ent, TillUed the doolt.<br />

to enquire about the aubmarine. Whioh .er. to take the<br />

8aboteurll to the USA •<br />

Y~'~:l~<br />

•<br />

I<br />

L<br />

~" ". ':~:1;::~~~in Paria, the<br />

;1" Thi. man<br />

offioial<br />

the<br />

Neither t hle man'. name nor<br />

who i t i & believed met the<br />

them.<br />

Oaptain from H ~~. In December 191~ ,<br />

DASCH mat.<br />

8 captain fran Hamburg at AbW. II fieadquartera. At that tlme,<br />

L<br />


I<br />

- Be -<br />

thi. man had • lohema to '.nd a perty c:£ asenta to the USA<br />

in a 8ailing boat manne4 by Oeman BeMl08 llar.llormel. He<br />

~oke nuant Bn&l~'h with an Irieh or Sootch acoent.<br />

,<br />

i<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

. , .<br />

• r<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

J<br />

.J<br />

L<br />

•<br />


r<br />

- 81 -<br />

APPENDIX vn - DESORI PTIon s<br />

t9S;e:plI<br />

BCIIltI%<br />

•<br />

" Ago<br />

He1ght<br />

W.'ght<br />

Build<br />

HUl'<br />

EY08<br />

Foaturea<br />

Complexion<br />

Teeth<br />

Beard<br />

8peeoh<br />

(e•• photograph on p,83) .<br />

••<br />

33-31.<br />

6' 1-2"<br />

200 lb.,<br />

We4.1_<br />

D.rk~lon4. - 8traiiht,<br />

parted on lort alde<br />

Dlua I; .<br />

Broad r80041n8 rorehead: normal eyobrows:<br />

long narrow slightly h1.llDped noee; thin lips;<br />

thin :tim ohin<br />

Ruddy<br />

Tobaooo stained<br />

L1aht, emootb ahaven<br />

8p •• nEnlI1'ali with hiah pitohed Yoloe and<br />

Swedish aooent; taoe tluah •• when ha laugh_;<br />

trequently intel"ru,Pta hi. CanTonationa with<br />

llanda<br />

a peouliar lAUgh-- .. '. _ "<br />

Bta atrona han4a ooorere4 With trookl... Baa<br />

been ltnowJi to 12) -frlob ot bOnd1nr matal wi tb<br />

Oooupation<br />

hia MQ4a ;l .<br />

Farmer, hunter and trapper. Porm.r17 1" •• 1404<br />

· in proYlnoa ot Alberti, Oana4a ) oJ!<br />

Olothes rurn18hed Gra;, Stet,on hat, btl al .., w14, br.1m; dark<br />

to WOar on<br />

arrival 1n USA<br />

taded blue double br ••• tad aUltJ blue atriped<br />

81lk tie held to tho ahirt bf • ohain aI_lIP;<br />

extremelT ;yallow ohooa, larao alaI<br />

•<br />

Ag.<br />

Height<br />

Wdght<br />

Build<br />

Hair<br />

Eyes<br />

Features<br />

C OII'IllloXi on<br />

Teeth<br />

Speeoh<br />

Peouliar! tics<br />

Occupa t 1on<br />

Drooe<br />

,<br />

f<br />

J<br />

4S<br />

,. 2-3 1 '<br />

125 lb ••<br />

81endeI'<br />

Rod41ah brown, thin, 8tr&1Sht, parted on<br />

lett 81de and oombed Mah 1n 1'ront<br />

blulah erey -. -. • _. -~.<br />

Vary emall turned up noao; heaV)' re4d1ah<br />

eyebrow_; taoe heavily I1ned; p01ntod Jaw;<br />

large ~ar.i_tr.Okl ••; smooth .h~ven<br />

pale, t'reox.te8 ',)<br />

Tobaco 0 etu ned<br />

_<br />

Speaks .E1l81hh w!.th deoided German aooent<br />

Hands are .treokled and covered With re4dlah<br />

hair; t1~8r8 8re cla':f-l1ka<br />

6alosman<br />

Shabby 4ruear<br />

L<br />


- ~2 _<br />

I<br />

,<br />

AS'<br />

Height<br />

'f(Oight<br />

Build<br />

(8ee<br />

Hair<br />

OompleXion<br />

Teeth<br />

Speeoh<br />

photosraph on p.84)<br />

About 45-<br />

51 8-911<br />

165 l~ ••<br />

Well built, broad ahouldered, hUlky and<br />

muloular<br />

Brown<br />

Me41um Wi th Ik1n lanewhat wrinkled<br />

Some top teet.h mtae1ngj a S014 or gold orownod<br />

lower tooth, notioeable When ta1kini<br />

,<br />

Speak" very iOOd El'\ilhh, probably with<br />

Amer10an aooent<br />

ERNST<br />

Zu"l"<br />

•<br />

l<br />

•<br />

\~<br />

Desor1ption by !!URGB'!:<br />

,I 8"<br />

160-170 " lb ••<br />

lIedJ.ua<br />

Blaok, parted on lett 1141,<br />

Dark brown<br />

Round taoel h.18h tOl'ebea4;<br />

.quare ~"WI thin 11pII thin<br />

oompleXion to h"d! lIDooth ~ .hl'f'en<br />

nee.T11T tanne4 exoept t'or uppertoreh.ed<br />

Where Armr OIP titted<br />

're"h<br />

~.lr oon41 tIon, white<br />

SJl .. oh<br />

epealt, in &low h<br />

IfAnU<br />

Peoul1al'i tho<br />

Oooupation<br />

AS·<br />

Height<br />

Weight<br />

H'ail'<br />

Speeoh<br />

Oooupation<br />

Dnoript10n by H!l1!CX:<br />

_ hoa"1 b:~~;~;;;;·'~.~<br />

.. l tant 'O~::l~~~~j:~~<br />

l%pr ... 'b1."lt olearly, e<br />

de014e4 QOnllan looent<br />

BODT, ooYlro4 with blaak hail'<br />

Avoida paloa • t ,Ponon to whan he 1,<br />

ap.akin&<br />

Oook and 10l41ar 1n Oamen Al"I1l1'<br />

36-38<br />

5' 5" '<br />

135-1110 lb ••<br />

blond<br />

Does not eay muoh<br />

Private, a .. igne4 to the<br />

In the Oel'mln A'f'!117<br />

•<br />

"<br />

toOd. d18peneary<br />

L<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

'<br />

l<br />

• ~------------------~<br />

1>APP~<br />

I<br />

•<br />

l<br />

-<br />

BOHllIDT<br />

. - .. ~<br />


- 81~ -<br />

•<br />

•<br />

-<br />

•<br />

•<br />

ART H<br />

..<br />

•<br />

"r"<br />

--· -" "··<br />

BR;'UBJ.lo:llDER<br />

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•<br />


•<br />

•<br />

~PErrDIX VI U<br />

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" 85 _<br />

( 'PT '" Sr44·'_('~1 t.- ..... I..A.4i..<br />


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R. ,. ...... I"P.O.ntIOOIlt,' ••<br />

1:.1.- tor PIle If .. "fJl .. w..71 i.)l.<br />

\<br />

EXTRACT.<br />

•<br />

0,,,,,"-.1 1l'0I'II ..:a..,A.. D.B... .........................._._.... t''''':~ '''''' ':'C''~~<br />

.. Report: en<br />

EI.tr.cwdOllI,j,~§~.~l~'~'~"~.:"::~;.~"~.~.:m;!:~'~"~';';':";':":'~J'l!2~~";'~~'~";!!;.~.:<br />

• • •• • .. App.ncHz.-<br />

.. ~ ........<br />

~:: .. ~DI.~l!~'~'~E~;<br />

9. !,bw 11 . .conte to U~,<br />

•<br />

f ... r tus.b~nco In )by - JW\ in 1+2, err~.nch\Q I 11 r"co1vvd tl" •.tU..,...,.tt.u",u rcqu.. .. to , tree.:.IN tho US, ..b\~~~::~ffi~~<br />

bJ<br />

o!i.ht traJ.1Wd aAbot..:un.j in othelr ro'lJOot:, tho .ntor}lt'1,.<br />

l,y thu re.pt~1billt;y or •.bv •.bt n . Pri.or.:r tarwc.r404<br />

to Ola.! 2 ~ •.:t. ruu Op o.nd (;~"'.tn.4 oVf4"O\'CU., ho wt ~<br />

.:.bot",ul'll (W.D..'" ho rcor.llo ~.ro : ;":":'fL1NG, JOMnn<br />

r.nd ~~JIL:11') 1n :'..U3 utA tc.. k thull b)' tr~.1n<br />

\.crl) cLlbt.l'lr.o, .11' \\10 U-bo. tu, f

About BACM Research – <strong>Paperless</strong><strong>Archives</strong>.com<br />

BACM Research/<strong>Paperless</strong><strong>Archives</strong>.com publishes documentary historical research collections.<br />

Materials cover Presidencies, Historical Figures, Historical Events, Celebrities, Organized Crime, Politics,<br />

Military Operations, Famous Crimes, Intelligence Gathering, Espionage, Civil Rights, World War I, World<br />

War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and more.<br />

Source material from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National<br />

Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Secret Service, National Security Council,<br />

Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Justice, National Archive Records and<br />

Administration, and Presidential Libraries.<br />


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